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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > Civil Aviation Medicine > TP 13312 - Handbook for Civil Aviation Medical Examiners > TP 13312 - Handbook for Civil Aviation Medical Examiners

Dysbarisms and Altitude Sickness

We have already commented on the decrease in atmospheric pressure which occurs with altitude. Boyle’s Law states that, at constant temperature, the volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure. If the pressure of gas is halved, its volume is doubled. Application of this simple law to the closed body cavities quickly indicates where problems are likely to occur.



By far the most common problems are with the middle ear. It resembles a box, closed by a flexible diaphram at one end and drained by the Eustachian tube narrow tube at the other. The eustachian tube however is not rigid or symmetrical throughout its length and becomes slit-like at its outlet in the nasopharnyx. On ascent expanding trapped air usually escapes easily and the only thing noticed is a periodic “popping” due to movements of the drum as pressure equalizes. On descent however equalization of pressure through the slit-like outlet is much more difficult and a negative pressure can build up in the middle ear. This leads to a decrease in hearing and to pain. The ear can be cleared by opening and closing
the mouth, thus activating the tensor tympani muscle and dilating the tube, or by inflation by a Valsalva maneuver. In an U.R.I. or other pathology of the nasopharynx, congestion of the outlet makes clearing more difficult or even impossible. The pressure in the middle ear on descent may then become so low relative to the outside pressure that exudation and
hemorrhage may take place and ultimately the eardrum may burst. Excessive valsalva maneuvers however may force bacteria into the middle ear, leading to infection. 

When an ear blocks and cannot be cleared by the usual maneuvers, the best way to deal with the situation is to reascend and start a slower descent. This is not always possible. During World War II the pilots of vertical diving Stukas had constant ear problems and their flight surgeons solved these by periodically incising the drums! Nowadays this is not
recommended! A particular problem occurs when pilots flying at high altitude on oxygen retire to sleep soon after landing. The middle ear is full of soluble oxygen (rather than inert introgen) which is absorbed during sleep. On awakening they have earache due to the indrawn drums. This is called “oxygen ear”. 


Other Barotraumas

Other air spaces are equally affected. The nasal sinuses are a common source of pain as may be poorly filled teeth if the filling has not been carefully inserted and a gas space remains below it. These various symptoms are referred to as “barotraumas” and toothache of this type is known as “barodontalgia”. The best approach to these conditions is knowledge and prevention. Fortunately most professional pilots are well aware of the problems and avoid flying when they are congested. 


Intestinal Gas

A common irritating, embarrassing and potentially serious problem is gas in the bowel. This expands rapidly as might be expected and, if it cannot be passed, may lead to severe pain. Chewing gum, air swallowing, carbonated drinks and beer (in the passenger) all add to the gas, as do various gas producing foods. Passengers with ostomy bags or various types of bowel obstruction are particularly likely to have problems.


Inflatable Medical Aids

Boyle’s Law must be kept in mind if you are involved in the transport by air of patients requiring cuffed tubes of any type or if casts or pneumatic dressings are being used. Cuffs should be inflated with saline (or water) rather than air before the trip.

Last updated: 2004-11-26 Top of Page Important Notices