Justice for Kimy: Say no to Impunity

Kathy Price - AI Canada

Peace, justice and reparation should begin with the truth about the disappearance of Kimy Pernia Domicó five years ago 

Kimy Pernia Domicó, the Emberá-Katío leader, was abducted on June 2, 2001, by heavily armed men on motorcycles from his village of Tierralta, Cordoba. Kimy was leading the Embera-Katio’s efforts to draw international attention to the effects of the Urra hydroelectric dam on their traditional lands and livelihoods. In Canada , Kimy remains highly respected for testifying to parliamentarians about the devastation caused by this dam which was supported by Export Development Canada.

Kimy’s forced disappearance met with widespread national and international concern. In Colombia , more than a thousand people mobilized to search for Kimy. In Canada, fifty-six members of Canada ’s Parliament signed a letter of concern which was sent to the President of Colombia, and vigils were held in Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. In 2003, Kimy received in absentia Canada ’s prestigious John Humphrey Freedom Award for his dedication to human rights.

Five years have passed since Kimy`s abduction. And yet, no serious investigation has been undertaken. This lack of justice is of great concern to the many Colombians and Canadians who this week commemorate the fifth anniversary of Kimy’s disappearance with great sadness. Those responsible for this crime must be brought to justice. We call on the Government of Colombia to fully commit itself to investigating the disappearance.

Victims of human rights abuses are entitled to truth, justice and reparation; we are concerned that these rights are being marginalized, especially in the current demobilization process of armed actors.

We urge the Government of Colombia to respect its constitutional and international obligations to defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples. It must implement an effective legal framework that will end impunity for targeted attacks, disappearances and assassinations.

Rights & Democracy and the undersigned are committed to securing justice for Kimy, and ending impunity in Colombia.

KAIROS - Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives; Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador; United Church of Canada; Lawyers without Borders Quebec; Amnesty International Canada; Co-Development Canada; Development and Peace (Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace); Colombia Action Solidarity Alliance (CASA); L´Entraide Missionaire; Inter Pares; Steelworkers Humanity Fund; Lawyers´ Rights Watch Canada; Christian Peacemaker Teams; Canadian Labour congreso (CLC); Canadian Auto Workers (CAW-Canada); Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC), York University

Rights & Democracy is a non-partisan, independent Canadian institution created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to promote, advocate and defend the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries.

For More Information

Please contact Steve Smith (ext 255) or Louis Moubarak (ext 261) at Rights & Democracy, 514-283-6073.