The President of Rights & Democracy on a Mission to the Ivory Coast.

MONTREAL -  April 23, 2003  -  Mr. Jean-Louis Roy, President of Rights & Democracy, is leaving today on a mission to the Ivory Coast in order to prepare an evaluation of the political developments in the country, specifically as regards democratic values and the full respect for human rights.

"We plan to make specific recommendations concerning a possible involvement by Rights & Democracy in the national reconciliation process, the development of democratic institutions and the full respect for human rights," said Mr. Roy.

He will be accompanied by Mr. Michel Pelletier, a Canadian specialist on cooperation with West Africa who has resided in the Ivory Coast for five years, as well as by Mr. Lamine Sall, a Senegalese writer and human rights advocate.

The mission participants will stay in the Ivory Coast for approximately ten days and will meet, among others, government representatives, such as the Honourable S?bastien Dj?dj? Danon, National Reconciliation Minister, as well as the Honourable Henriette Diabat? Dagri, Justice Minister. In addition, meetings are scheduled with civil society organizations, the Ivory Coast Human Rights Movement, the Ivory Coast League for Human Rights, traditional and religious leaders, as well as women's rights groups.

Context: Following the Marcoussis negotiations (22/01/03), an accord was agreed upon by all the heads of State of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union, the European Union and the United Nations Secretary General. A consensus was reached during the Kleber Summit (January 25 and 26) on the recognition of Laurent Gbagbo as President and on the composition of a transitory government of National Reconciliation. However, the implementation of this accord has proven very difficult and civilians continue to be victims of the continuing violence.

Rights & Democracy is a non-partisan, independent Canadian institution created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to promote, advocate and defend the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries.

For More Information

Please contact Steve Smith (ext 255) or Louis Moubarak (ext 261) at Rights & Democracy, 514-283-6073.