Rights & Democracy strongly condemns deadly attack on UN headquarters in Iraq

MONTREAL - Aug. 19, 2003 – Rights & Democracy is deeply shocked and outraged by the bombing of the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad. We are extremely saddened by the deaths and injuries of UN personnel, including its special envoy to Iraq and High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Our thoughts are foremost with the victims and their families.

"This was an inexcusable, unprovoked and murderous act," said Jean-Louis Roy, President of Rights & Democracy. "No political motive can ever justify this type of violence.

"It underscores the need to spur the establishment of peace and democracy in Iraq. Mr. Viera de Mello and his fellow UN workers were murdered helping the people of Iraq rebuild their lives and their country after three decades of war and repression."

Today's attack goes against every possible concept of human decency, values embodied by the UN and epitomized by the work of Mr. Vieira de Mello, who was named High Commissioner for Human Rights in September, 2002.

Rights & Democracy remembers Mr. Vieira De Mello as a tireless humanitarian who devoted his life - and has now given it - to defending human rights in conflict zones around the world.

"I had the privilege of meeting him on numerous occasions and he symbolized the importance of the UN's role in post-war reconstruction, whether in East Timor or Iraq," says Mr. Roy.

Rights & Democracy is a non-partisan, independent Canadian institution created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to promote, advocate and defend the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries.

For More Information

Please contact Steve Smith (ext 255) or Louis Moubarak (ext 261) at Rights & Democracy, 514-283-6073.