Haiti must protect Human Rights Defenders

The International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development has just launched an urgent appeal to Haiti's President, René Préval, to investigate the attacks against human rights defenders in his country.

Montreal, 11 March, 1999 The International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development has just launched an urgent appeal to Haiti's President, Ren? Pr?val, to investigate the attacks against human rights defenders in his country.

Earlier this week, one of the key partners of the International Centre, Pierre Esp?rance of the Plate-forme des organisations ha?tiennes des droits humains, became another attack victim when unknown assailants opened fire on his car. Mr. Esp?rance and other human rights groups have been receiving threats for several weeks. On March 1, 1999 Senator Jean-Yvon Toussaint was murdered by an armed commando in Port-au-Prince.

In a letter addressed yesterday to President Ren? Pr?val, the President of the International Centre, Warren Allmand, denounced these attacks and called for measures to be taken immediately to ensure the protection of all human rights workers in Haiti which would hopefully prevent other tragedies.

Mr. Esp?rance, who was hurt in the shoulder and knee during the attack, is the Treasurer of the Plate-forme des organisations ha?tiennes des droits humains, as well as Coordinator for the National Coalition of Haitian Refugees. Last fall the International Centre, in collaboration with other organizations, sponsored a conference on the role of civil society in the political life of Haiti.

In his letter, Mr. Allmand noted that he was deeply troubled that the attack against Mr. Esp?rance follows the assassination of Mr. Toussaint, a week earlier, as well as the messages received by the Plate-forme threatening them to remain quiet or else they would come to harm. Mr. Allmand also reminded President Pr?val that the day after the assassination of Father Jean-Pierre Louis in August 1998, the International Centre had urged him to take the necessary measures to protect the life of the men and women who work to defend human rights in Haiti.

The Plate-forme des organisations ha?tiennes des droits humains says that the current climate of impunity in Haiti is reminiscent of the worst moments in Haiti's history of dictatorships and the Plate-forme condemns the indifference of public authorities.

The Plate-forme is one of the most important human rights organizations in Haiti and it received in 1993 the annual human rights award presented by the International Centre.

Rights & Democracy is a non-partisan, independent Canadian institution created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to promote, advocate and defend the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries.

For More Information

Patricia Poirier, Director of communications, ICHRDD

Tel : (514) 283-6073

Fax: (514) 283-3792