Media Coverage

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Aid Worker Talks Papuan Plight

Metro newspaper | November 28, 2005



Death threats cannot stop human-rights crusader

Globe and Mail | November 26, 2005

Click here for article (payment required)

Marie Léger speaks with Marie-France Bazzo on the show Indicatif-présent

Radio-Canada | August 29, 2005

Marie Léger, coordonnatrice, Droits des peuples autochtones parle à Marie-France Bazzo à l'émission Indicatif-présent sur Radio-Canada à propos de la réunion sur les femmes autochtones des Amériques en compagnie de Ellen Gabriel, présidente de Femmes autochtones du Québec.

Click here to listen. (in french)

Special Report on the International Meeting of Indigenous Peoples

August 17, 2005

Special Report on the International Meeting of Indigenous Peoples, which took place at the offices of Rights & Democracy, broadcast on Radio-Canada's show Sans Frontières.

Click here to listen. (in french)

Ariane Brunet discusses international opposition to sharia

April 4th, 2005

Ariane Brunet, coordinator, Women's Rights discusses international opposition to sharia on the show Désautels.

Click here to listen. (in french)

Interview with Jean-Louis Roy

October 11, 2004

Jean-Louis Roy, President, speaks with Joane Prince about Rights & Democracy on the show Indicatif-présent.

Click to listen. (in french)

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