Rights & Democracy Backs Quebec Summit Rights Monitoring Project

Rights & Democracy has announced its support for the Quebec Civil Liberties Union's (Ligue des droits et libertés) plan to field observers who will monitor respect for civil rights of citizens of the Americas at the Quebec Summit in April.

Montreal, February 13, 2001 - Rights & Democracy has announced its support for the Quebec Civil Liberties Union's (Ligue des droits et libert?s) plan to field observers who will monitor respect for civil rights of citizens of the Americas at the Quebec Summit in April.

"We are glad to support this crucial initiative to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of those participating in the People's Summit, and the events surrounding the Summit of Americas in Quebec, from April 16 onwards," Warren Allmand, President of Rights & Democracy, said today.

Rights & Democracy (the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development) has already relayed its concerns about the scale of security measures ? including a four kilometre security perimeter - planned around the Quebec Summit to the provincial Minister of Public Security, Serge M?nard, and to the minister responsible for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Solicitor General, Lawrence MacAulay.

"We would hope that all the meetings around the Summit take place without incidents and without heavy-handed tactics on the part of the police. Canada's reputation abroad is as much at stake as is citizens' security," Mr. Allmand said.

Rights & Democracy reiterated its call on Minister M?nard to publicly clarify his position on citizens' fundamental right to participate in demonstrations. On January 26, Mr. Allmand met Minister M?nard and conveyed his concerns regarding the scale of planned security measures. He encouraged the Minister to further elucidate his statement regarding plans to empty Orsainville Prison to accommodate demonstrators arrested around the Quebec Summit, a statement that some interpreted as his implicit linking of protests with violence.

Rights & Democracy is part of Common Frontiers, one of the coalitions organising the second People's Summit in Quebec, along with the R?seau qu?b?cois sur l'int?gration continentale and the Hemispheric Social Alliance. Rights & Democracy will also participate in the Human Rights Forum, one of the Summit fringe meetings.

Rights & Democracy is a non-partisan, independent Canadian institution created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to promote, advocate and defend the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries.

For More Information

Patricia Poirier, Director of Communications
Mary Durran, Communications Assistant

Tel: (514) 283-6073
Fax: (514) 283-3792