December 2000

December 10, 2000
Canada Must Support Democracy Movement In Kenya

December 7, 2000
John Humphrey Freedom Award

December 7, 2000
Indigenous Peoples Have Right To Self-Determination

December 4, 2000
Tokyo Tribunal On Women's Sexual Enslavement


November 2000

November 23, 2000
Access to Land and Property Linked to Broader Women's Rights Concerns

November 14, 2000
Quebec Summit: Fundamental Freedoms Threatened

November 2, 2000
Summit of the Americas


October 2000

October 19, 2000
Respect for Human Rights Key to Middle-East Conflict

October 17, 2000
Message of Solidarity to the World March of Women

October 17, 2000
Tiomin Resources

October 14, 2000
Sir Ketumile Masire visits Canada

October 6, 2000
End of the Milosevic Regime:


September 2000

September 27, 2000
Free Trade In The Americas: End The Secrecy

September 13, 2000
Sudan's Treatment Of Women Questioned

September 1, 2000
Canada Should Hold Freeze On Vietnam Relations


August 2000

August 17, 2000
Message of Support to the Falun Gong Movement

August 4, 2000
Pinochet Case


July 2000

July 20, 2000
Chilean Torture Chamber not welcomed in Canada

July 14, 2000
Montreal's Shanghai Gardens Cover-up Labour Abuse


June 2000

June 16, 2000
Reverend Timothy Njoya Of Kenya Wins 2000 John Humphrey Freedom Award

June 14, 2000
Free Trade In The Americas Must Respect Human Rights Obligations

June 7, 2000
International Mediation Only Solution To Eritrean-Ethiopian Conflict

June 5, 2000
Peru Must Hold New Elections


May 2000

May 24, 2000
Strong Contingent of Peacekeepers needed in Congo-Kinshasa

May 3, 2000
Rights & Democracy Supports Shareholder Action on Talisman Energy


April 2000

April 20, 2000
New Study Challenges WTO to Protect Human Rights

April 20, 2000
Rights & Democracy Challenges WTO on Human Rights

April 19, 2000
Mounting Violence in Nigeria as Ken Saro-Wiwa Laid to Rest

April 18, 2000
Rights & Democracy condemns lack of censure against China


March 2000

March 29, 2000
Open Letter to Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

March 28, 2000
Canadian NGOs press Chrétien on China

March 26, 2000
Crucial elections in Haiti

March 22, 2000
China, Women's Rights and the WTO on the Geneva agenda

March 19, 2000
United Nations -- Commission on Human Rights, 56th Session

March 8, 2000
Rights & Democracy supports World March of Women 2000