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GAAC 2005-03



The Crediting of co-pilot flight time experience for the issuance of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)


The purpose of this General Aviation Advisory Circular is to provide guidance and ensure consistency in the application and crediting of co-pilot flight time experience for the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).


Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

  • CAR 401.10 & Standard 421.10
  • CAR Standard 421.34
  • CAR Standard 421.35
  • CAR 604.65
  • CAR 604.66 & Standard 624.66
  • CAR 703.88 and Standard 723.88
  • CAR 703.98(24) & NPA 2003-060 to CAR Standard 723.98 (24)
  • CAR 703.98(27)(a)(b) & Standard 723.98(27)(a)(b)


Before dispatching an aircraft with a co-pilot under Part VI or Part VII of the CARs the co-pilot, Private Operator and the Air Operator must meet specific regulatory requirements.

Traditionally, the crediting of co-pilot flight time experience has been limited to aircraft certified as requiring a minimum flight crew of two pilots. As operational requirements have changed, the need for the use of a co-pilot in aircraft certified as requiring a minimum flight crew of one pilot has increased.

A pilot may be credited with co-pilot flight experience towards the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) if the aircraft type being operated requires:

1.  a minimum flight crew of two pilots in accordance with the Type Certificate. (CAR Standard 421.40)


2.  a co-pilot in accordance with the training and operational requirements found in Part VI or Part VII of the CARs.


Effective immediately the following criteria should be used to determine which co-pilot flight time experience may be credited toward the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).

Aircraft certified for a minimum flight crew of one pilot:

Co-pilot flight time experience obtained on aircraft certified for one flight crew member will only be credited for the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL), provided the following conditions are met by the pilot, Private Operator and or the Air Operator.

Aircraft certified for a minimum flight crew of two pilots:

Co-pilot flight time experience obtained on aircraft certified for a minimum flight crew of two pilots will be credited towards the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) provided the co-pilot has obtained the two crew type rating in accordance with CAR Standard 421.40.

Commercial Air Operations (Part VII)/Private Operations (Part VI)

The Air Operator or the Private Operator must have an operational requirement for a co-pilot. The approval for this operational requirement will be found in the Company Operations or in the Private Operators Operations Manual.

The co-pilot must meet the training requirements in accordance with the Company Operations or Private Operators Operations Manual.

Co-pilot Training Requirements

The co-pilot must meet the training requirements of CAR Standard 723.98(27) (a) tables I & II.

Co-pilots flying single engine aeroplanes carrying passengers VFR at night or under IFR must meet the training requirements of Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2003-060 to CAR 723.98(24). The electronic link to NPA 2003-060 is:

Applicants Responsibility

It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide proof of having met the training requirements and that the company was authorized to dispatch the flight with a co-pilot.

The applicant should provide the following documents to Transport Canada when applying for an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).

  1. A personal log book.
  2. A Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC) card or copies of pilot training records for each aircraft where co-pilot flight time experience is being claimed.
  3. A letter from the Air Operator/Private Operator stating the applicant was properly trained to act as a co-pilot and that all the co-pilot flights were dispatched as multi crew in accordance with the Company Operations or Private Operators Operations Manual. This letter should be signed and dated by the Chief Pilot or the Operations Manager. An example of the suggested wording the certification letter should use is provided below.

Certification Letter from a Chief Pilot or Operations Manager.

Company Name/Private Operator Name

I certify that (Name of applicant and Licence Number) has acted as a co-pilot (from YY/MM/DD to YY/MM/DD) and that all flights being claimed for co-pilot flight time experience were dispatched as a multi-crew flight in accordance with our Company Operations/Private Operator Operations Manual.

The flights were conducted on the following aircraft: C-xxxx, C-yyyy, etc.

Signature: ________________

Print Name: _______________

Licence No ________

Title: _____ (Chief Pilot, Operations Manager) ___

Date: (YY/MM/DD)

Repositioning, Ferrying (Deadheading) of aircraft requiring only a single pilot

The ferrying of aircraft is considered a private flight. The regulations do not require a co-pilot and therefore co-pilot flight time experience acquired while deadheading will not be credited for the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).

Crediting of foreign co-pilot flight experience on aircraft requiring a minimum flight crew of one pilot.

Provided the applicant holds a Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence, the applicant is expected to provide the same documents to Transport Canada as listed under Applicants Responsibilties above. The applicant must meet the same co-pilot training requirement as listed by CAR Standard 723.98 or an equivalent co-pilot training requirement acceptable to the Minister when crediting foreign co-pilot flight time experience towards the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).

Effective Date

September 30, 2005

Expiry Date



Manzur Huq
General Aviation

General Aviation Advisory Circulars (GAAC) are intended to provide information and guidance regarding General Aviation matters. A GAAC may describe an acceptable, but not the only, means of demonstrating compliance with existing regulations. GAACs in and of themselves do not change, create any additional, authorize changes in, or permit deviations from regulatory requirements.

Last updated: 2005-11-22 Top of Page Important Notices