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TP 14112 System Safety Summer Briefing Kit - Package or Kit

This six CD-ROM collection contains various promotional products produced by System Safety headquarters and regional offices. This package is primarily designed to provide the regional System Safety Specialists with a central bank of materials for the regional safety briefings. However, this collection could well serve industry in setting up their own safety briefings. The System Safety Summer Briefing Kit contains the following materials: 1. IPAT: Pilot's Guide to Airport Signs & Markings - TP 13867; Video "Danger on the Runway" - TP 13914; Runway Incursion Prevention Posters; Sub-Committee on Runway Incursions (SCRI) Final Report - TP 13795; PowerPoint Presentation; ASL Articles; Take Five: Runway Incursion - TP 2228-10; CBAAC - Circular No. 0205 on Runway Incursions (PDF); 2. Night VFR (NVFR): NVFR PowerPoint Presentation + Quiz (PDF); NVFR Poster - Cats Can See in The Dark - TP 13817 (PDF); NVFR Video - Black-holes and Little Grey Cells - TP 13838; Newsletters Articles; Take Five: 178 Seconds + PIREP; Commercial and Business Aviation Advisory Circular No. 0153, TSB Final Reports; 3. Airspace & GPS: Video "A Simple Mistake: At An Uncontrolled Aerodrome, You Are in Control" - TP 13623; Various Posters; ASL Articles; MF Procedures PowerPoint Presentation; Airspace Newsletter articles; 4. Various Topics: Family of Take Fives; Flying With Floats Pamphlet - TP 5584; Light Aircraft Operating Tips pamphlet - TP 4441; PowerPoint Presentation; Example of float plane accident; Aviation Investigation Report A01P0165; ASL articles; 5. Weather to Fly: Weather to Fly vignettes (Seasonal and General). Only available in Canada.

TP Number:  TP 14112
Publication Date:  2003-03-01
Duration / Pages:  N/A
Revision / Edition:  N/A
Distribution:  Canada
Language:  English
Current Format: Package

Other languages:   French  

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Price: $25.00   EACH
Quantity:   1

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