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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > System Safety > System Safety - Aviation Safety Newsletters > Aviation Safety Letter > Aviation Safety Letter 3/2001

Think Again Before Attempting a Cloud-breaking Procedure

The aircraft struck trees and crashed on a wooded hillside approximately one mile west of the aerodrome at 1106On October 10, 1999, a Cessna 172M departed Bancroft, Ont., at 0915 on a local visual flight rules (VFR) sightseeing flight. Approximately 15 min after takeoff, the pilot encountered deteriorating weather and elected to return to Bancroft. The pilot, who had a valid instrument rating, climbed into cloud instead of attempting to maintain VFR in weather that he assessed to be unsuitable for continued VFR flight. With the aircraft automatic direction finder (ADF) tuned to the local broadcast radio station, the pilot flew in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) at 2600 ft ASL in the vicinity of the Bancroft aerodrome, waiting for the weather to improve. After approximately one hour in solid IMC, the pilot climbed to about 3000 to 4000 ft ASL and contacted Toronto Radio for the latest weather. His fuel supply was running low and, with no observable improvement in the weather, he decided to attempt a landing at Bancroft aerodrome.

The pilot descended to 300 to 400 ft AGL before regaining visual reference to the ground in an area where the visibility was one-quarter mile in fog. He then turned the aircraft to a southerly heading in an attempt to set up for a visual approach to Runway 12 at Bancroft. He turned to what he estimated to be the final approach course but encountered rising terrain. The aircraft struck trees and crashed on a wooded hillside approximately one mile west of the aerodrome at 1106. The pilot and two passengers evacuated the aircraft with minor injuries, and the aircraft was consumed by a post-crash fire. This synopsis is based on the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) Final Report A99O0242.

Prior to leaving home on the day of the occurrence, the pilot checked the weather on the Internet. He then observed the weather during his drive to the aerodrome and on arrival, he called the Kingston Flight Service Station (FSS) for the forecasts for Muskoka, 60 NM west, Peterborough, 55 NM south, and the surrounding areas. The only weather information available for the Bancroft aerodrome was the area forecast (FA) and the report from the automated weather observation system (AWOS). No terminal aerodrome forecast (TAF) or aviation routine weather report (METAR) was available for the Bancroft aerodrome. The forecasts for Muskoka and Peterborough called for low visibility in fog throughout most of the morning. The report from the AWOS at Bancroft aerodrome, which the pilot did not check, was showing light winds and 100% relative humidity throughout the morning.

Based on the weather that the pilot observed at the aerodrome and during the drive to work, he elected to conduct the first scheduled sightseeing flight. He took off at 0815 and flew an uneventful half-hour flight during which he observed the weather to be quite acceptable for VFR flight. He estimated the ceiling to be at 1500 ft AGL and well defined, with an in-flight visibility of eight to ten miles. After landing at approximately 0845, he telephoned the Kingston FSS to give a pilot report (PIREP) based on having observed weather that was significantly better than forecast.

The pilot did not add fuel before the next flight since he estimated the aircraft fuel to be 15 to 16 gal., or 1 hr. and 45 min of fuel on board, which would have been adequate for the scheduled one-hour flight. After filing a VFR flight plan and briefing his passengers, he departed at 0915. When he encountered deteriorating weather, he elected to climb into IMC during the return to Bancroft, although he did not carry instrument flight rules (IFR) publications. His only navigation aid was the ADF. The Bancroft aerodrome is not equipped with any instrument approach aid, so the pilot used the local broadcast radio station as a navigation aid and set up a holding pattern at 2600 ft ASL in the vicinity of the aerodrome.

After holding in solid IMC in controlled airspace for approximately one hour, the pilot climbed to between 3000 and 4000 ft ASL and was able to communicate with Toronto Radio. He was still in IMC and the quality of the radio reception was poor, but he was successful in determining the weather in Muskoka and in Peterborough.

With his fuel supply now running low, the pilot decided that he had no option but to try to land at Bancroft. He descended to 2600 ft ASL and, using the local broadcast radio station for navigation, fixed the aircraft position over the aerodrome and began a gradual descent to the north over known flat terrain. The pilot descended until he gained visual reference with the ground at 300 to 400 ft AGL. He estimated the visibility at this altitude to be one-quarter mile. He recognized the terrain and was relatively sure of his position, so he turned to the south and attempted to set up for a close-in left base for Runway 12. Using very limited visual cues and the ADF, the pilot turned for Runway 12 when he believed he was lined up with the runway, although he could not see the airfield. His position was actually further south and west of the airfield than he had expected. The aircraft struck trees and crashed on a hillside approximately one mile west of the aerodrome.

The pilot had 6.2 hr. of experience in actual IMC, 65 hr. of simulated IMC, and 24 hr. in simulators. The pilot had only filed an IFR flight plan on one occasion.

Analysis — Although the forecasts for Muskoka and Peterborough called for low visibility in fog, the pilot was influenced by the relatively good weather that he observed both at the airfield and during his drive to work. The decision to fly the occurrence flight was based on the weather he observed during the first flight. He did not use all of the weather information available to him since he did not check the AWOS readout. Fog could quickly form in the Bancroft area because of the light winds and 100% relative humidity.

When the pilot decided to climb, though this action would place him in solid IMC conditions, he expected to fly quickly through a very localized patch of weather and then regain visual meteorological conditions (VMC). At no time did the pilot attempt to change to an IFR flight plan. Based on available weather reports for the area and the clouds observed by the pilot while holding, VMC conditions were present at a higher altitude (6000 to 8000 ft ASL). The pilot never attempted to climb on top of the cloud layer to regain VMC. An early decision to climb to on-top conditions would likely have decreased the pilot's workload and simplified his decision making considerably. It would have also allowed for clearer, more expedient communications with Toronto Radio, which may have allowed the pilot to obtain detailed weather information regarding the fog and low ceilings throughout the entire area as well as the assistance required to obtain an IFR clearance.

By the time the pilot eventually climbed and contacted Toronto Radio, he was already becoming concerned about his fuel supply. When he realized that the weather in the surrounding area was poor, he decided that he had to make a landing attempt at Bancroft aerodrome by conducting an IMC cloud-breaking procedure. When he broke out of the clouds, the low ceiling and limited visibility prevented him from conducting a successful visual approach.

While the pilot held a valid instrument rating, he had very little experience in an IFR environment and was not prepared for in-flight weather conditions that would force him to fly in IMC and change from a VFR flight plan to an IFR flight plan. The pilot's lack of familiarity in an IFR environment, coupled with his expectation that the low cloud at Bancroft would dissipate as quickly as it had formed, heavily influenced his decision to hold in the vicinity of Bancroft.

The TSB determined that the pilot crashed as a result of his attempt to do a cloud-breaking procedure using a local broadcast radio station for navigation and to descend below safe altitude in IMC conditions to set up for a visual approach. Contributing to the occurrence were the fact that the pilot did not use all the available weather information, his lack of preparation for a rapidly deteriorating weather situation, and his inappropriate decision making.



Last updated: 2004-03-02 Top of Page Important Notices