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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > System Safety > Aviation Safety Publications & Videos > Final Report - Sub-Committee on Runway Incursions (TP 13795)

TAMB 5151-P562(TA)

Boundary Bay Airport Corporation
R.R. #1
Delta, B.C.
V4K 3N2

Attention:  Ran Vered, Airport Manager

Dear Sir:

RE: Simultaneous Intersecting Runway Operations (SIRO)

The following is the decision record of our meeting held October 12th, 1999 at Boundary Bay Control Tower.

The purpose of the meeting was to;

  • review the recurring incidences of aircraft operators disregarding Air Traffic Control instructions to hold short during SIRO,
  • review the existing procedures and infrastructure pertain to SIRO, and
  • present solutions to improve SIRO at Boundary Bay Airport.


  • Rob Ogden; Aerodrome Safety, Transport Canada Chair:
  • Linda Todd; Acting Tower Manager, Boundary Bay Tower; NAV CANADA.
  • Lana Graham; Regional Safety Manager, NAV CANADA.
  • Ran Vered; Airport Manager, Boundary Bay Airport.
  • Damien Lawson; Transportation Safety Board.Toke Adams; Aerodrome Safety, Transport Canada.

Decisions and actions discussed and agreed to for implementation were:

PRIORITY: relocate the existing Mandatory Instruction signs to nine meters from runway edge. Action by: Airport Manager

  1. Outline the hold lines in black to increase their conspicuity. Action by: Airport Manager
  2. Change the Mandatory Instruction signs to read “07 - 25” not just “07” Action by: Airport Manager
  3. Relocate the existing information sign “A” so it is not collocated with Mandatory Instruction sign. Action by: Airport Manager
  4. Repaint the borders of all Mandatory Instruction Signs in black rather than white. Action by: Airport Manager
  5. A meeting is to be arranged with the Flight Schools and other tenants to advise them of the occurrences during SIRO and ensure that instructors and students understand SIRO procedures. Action by: Airport Manager & NAV CANADA.
  6. The next edition of the Boundary Bay Airport Newsletter will be published reasonably soon and will have a feature on SIRO. Action by: Airport Manager and NAV CANADA.
  7. An advisory pamphlet/poster on SIRO will be produced and displayed in all flight planning rooms and other visible public locations for review by local and itinerant pilots. Action by: Airport Manager
  8. Amend ATC Phraseology; change “Hold short runway 25 to “Hold short runway 07-25 and when aircraft are cleared beyond their landing hold short point add “hold short canceled, continue across 07-25 to taxiway A”. Action by: NAV CANADA
  9. Request for Transport Canada, Enforcement to follow up on incursion incidences. Action by: Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety
  10. Request for Transport Canada, Flight Training Standards to ensure flight training schools are including familiarization and instructions on SIRO for students and renters.  Action by: Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety
  11. Request for Transport Canada, System Safety to include SIRO familiarization at next scheduled Pilot Decision Making Program conducted at the Boundary Bay Airport. Action by: Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety.
  12. Request for Transport Canada, System Safety to assist the APM in the production of a safety pamphlet/poster on SIRO and/or make this a subject for a “take five” notice. Action by: Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety.
  13. A night evaluation of SIRO once signage has been relocated. Action by: Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety
  14. A review to be coordinated for May 2000 to ensure all changes initiated have been successful. Action by: Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me, at (604) 666-3527.

Yours truly,

Toke Adams

Civil Aviation Safety Inspector
Aerodrome Safety

cc. Linda Todd, NAV CANADA
Lana Graham, NAV CANADA
Damien Lawson, TSB
Rob Ogden, Transport Canada; TAMB

April 14, 2000

To: All Tenants and Users of Boundary Bay Airport

RE: Runway incursions

As a result of frequent runway incursions at Boundary Bay Airport, Transport Canada Aerodrome Safety (TC) has suggested a few ideas in order to eliminate the problem. One of the suggestions was to put highly visible markers adjacent to every hold short line. In the near future Boundary Bay Airport Corporation (BBAC) will install highly visible, retro-reflective, one foot tall pylons. You will notice three pylons extending from each side of the hold short lines.

The existing hold short lines retain their status as the designated holding positions of the pylons. These pylons are unique to Boundary Bay Airport, so do not expect to see them at other Canadian airports.

Other measures to deal with the above-mentioned problem are to be undertaken in the future. We encourage all the tenants and users to give us feedback on our improvements.

We request that all users be aware of the runway incursion problem at Boundary Bay Aiport and take every measure to avoid further incidents.

Thank you.

Ran Vered
Boundary Bay Airport Manager

Last updated: 2003-12-29 Top of Page Important Notices