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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > System Safety > Aviation Safety Publications & Videos > Final Report - Sub-Committee on Runway Incursions (TP 13795)

The SCRI recommends that:

4.1  In consultation with NAV CANADA, Transport Canada formalize and promulgate the following runway incursion definition: “Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the unauthorized or unplanned presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for aircraft landings or departures.”

4.2  Transport Canada develop and administer a comprehensive and recurring runway incursion awareness program, possibly in collaboration with NAV CANADA, the Canadian Airports Council and other professional aviation organizations.

4.3  Transport Canada focus on developing preventive strategies for runway incursions that result from pilot deviations. Immediate action should be taken to disseminate, on a recurring basis, information to pilots about human performance vulnerability to error due to workload, and potential distractions associated with the performance of cockpit tasks.

4.4  Transport Canada training guidelines and audit processes be revised to place additional emphasis on radio-telephony procedures and ICAO standard phraseology, familiarity with SIRO operations, pre-planning and briefing of intended taxi routes prior to arrival and departure, and minimizing other cockpit tasks while taxiing. The Transport Canada Flight Instructor’s Guide should be amended to reflect these principles.

4.5  Transport Canada require that an explicit ATC clearance be given for an aircraft to cross any runway.

4.6  Transport Canada ensure that existing “line up and wait” procedures are revised to preclude aircraft from being positioned on an active runway if a take-off delay is anticipated.

4.7  Transport Canada work in collaboration with ATS service providers to develop a policy regarding runway intersection departures. The intent of this policy should be to minimize or, when practicable, eliminate the use of intersection departures.

4.8  Transport Canada establish guidelines for the promulgation of standard taxi routes and encourage the implementation of standard taxi routes, where practicable, at controlled airports.

4.9  Transport Canada develop and implement common standards and recommended practices (CAR 322) for all Canadian aerodromes.

4.10  Transport Canada place more emphasis, particularly during airport inspections, on ensuring that airport signs and markings are clearly visible to aircraft on the manoeuvring surface and are unambiguous.

4.11  In consultation with airport authorities, Transport Canada investigate the viability of an automated runway incursion warning system, using inductive loop or similar technology, that provides a direct warning of an approaching hold line to the pilot.

4.12  Transport Canada establish standards pertaining to the number of runways and/or taxiways that can intersect at approximately the same point and for the minimum angle of divergence of intersecting taxiways and runways.

4.13  Transport Canada promulgate ICAO standard naming conventions for taxiways and, if applicable, standard taxi routes.

4.14  Transport Canada investigate the feasibility of developing an objective methodology, and associated equipment, to determine when airport surface markings need repainting due to rubber obscuration, normal wear, fading, lack of contrast with the pavement, or other reasons.

4.15  Transport Canada investigate the feasibility of making aerodrome maps available to pilots at reduced cost, possibly by making them available on the INTERNET or by producing these maps in a format similar to terminal area charts.

4.16  Transport Canada extend the intent of CAR 705.07(2), Air Operator Flight Safety Program and CAR 573.09 (NPA 2000-031), Quality Assurance Program, to include certified airports, possibly by amending CAR 302.07.

4.17  Transport Canada initiate a program, possibly in cooperation with NAV CANADA, to better understand the human factors that are contributing to runway incursions and, in particular, to examine the influence of increasingly complex procedures and layouts on the performance of pilots and ATS personnel engaged in ground operations. The value of requesting a TSB Class 4 investigation, as a means of collecting detailed occurrence information, should be considered.

4.18  Transport Canada and NAV CANADA establish a shared database to record runway incursion occurrences, investigation, analysis and follow-up actions.

4.19  Transport Canada provide regular updates to airport authorities, commercial operators and other stakeholders on runway incursion statistics and ongoing preventive measures.

4.20  Transport Canada place increased emphasis on the investigation and enforcement of aircraft runway incursions and, in particular, on communicating enforcement decisions to the aviation community.

4.21  Transport Canada adopt a risk-based, data-driven approach to monitor runway incursion occurrences, on an ongoing basis, to measure the efficacy of newly implemented preventive strategies and to proactively target preventive actions at specific airports where the risk associated with runway incursions is particularly high.

4.22  Transport Canada, working in partnership with NAV CANADA, the airport authority and local stakeholders, conduct an in-depth study of the runway incursion risk at Calgary International Airport and assess the adequacy of existing and future preventive measures.

4.23  Transport Canada monitor and, if necessary, facilitate the development and implementation of runway incursion preventive measures at Edmonton City Centre Airport.

Last updated: 2003-12-29 Top of Page Important Notices