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Table of contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Appendix A
Appendix B

TP 3177
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Transport Canada > Marine Safety Home Page > Transport Publications | Marine Safety > Standard for the Control of Gas Hazards in Vessels to be Repaired or Altered - March (1984) | TP 3177 | Marine Safety




Determination of Condition by Marine Chemist  ^

8. A marine chemist may issue a certificate stating that the prescribed work to a vessel can be undertaken with safety; the marine chemist shall physically inspect the conditions and carry out tests within each compartment or space, ensuring compliance with the minimum applicable requirements to his satisfaction before he issues a certificate specifying ² safe for workers² or ² safe for hot work² .

(1) The calibration of all instruments used by the marine chemist shall be checked before and after each day's use; a record shall be maintained on all calibration checks.

(2) The marine chemist's determination shall include a visual internal inspection and tests of the spaces to be certified and their adjacent spaces.

(3) The marine chemist's determination shall include tests appropriate to designations of section 7; the determination shall include:

  1. knowledge of the three previous cargoes carried;

  2. the nature and extent of the present work;

  3. starting time and duration of this work;

  4. tests of cargo and vent lines at manifolds and accessible openings;

  5. assurance that cargo valves in prescribed work areas are tagged and secured to avoid accidental opening or operation, and

  6. tests of cargo heating coils at the main deck level.

(4) Tanks that have carried combustible liquids with flash points 93 degrees Celsius or above may be partially cleaned for minor hot work; these spaces, and adjacent spaces directly affected, shall be cleaned back a sufficient distance from the work to meet the requirements of paragraph 7(3)(d); the rest the space and adjacent spaces shall meet the requirements of paragraphs 7(3)(a), (b) and (c). 

Preparation of Certficates ^

9. When the marine chemist is satisfied that the requirements of this standard and any other safety requirements related to the work have been met, he shall prepare a certificate in the form and manner prescribed by this standard.

  1. The certificate shall include the frequency and type of such additional tests, inspections, qualifications, and other instructions as the marine chemist specifies.

  2. The certificate shall state the conditions under which the marine chemist should be consulted or recalled.

  3. Such qualifications and requirements shall include precautions concerning protective equipment and devices necessary to eliminate or minimize hazards that may be present from protective coatings or residues from cargoes.

Issuance of Certificates ^

10. The marine chemist's certificate shall be completed and a signature for receipt of it shall be obtained, signifying an understanding of the conditions and limitations under which it is issued.

  1. If the certificate is issued in connection with commencement of repair work, it shall be delivered to, and signed by, the ship repairer or his authorized representative.

  2. If the certificate is issued for purposes other than the commencement of repair work, it shall be delivered to, and signed by, the person who authorized the inspection or his authorized representative.

  3. The person signing for receipt of the certificate shall securely post it in a conspicuous place aboard the vessel.

  4. All certificates shall be issued within 24 hours prior to the time the prescribed work is commenced, unless otherwise noted on the certificate.

Responsibility for Obtaining Certificate ^

11. (1) The vessel repairer shall retain the services of the marine chemist, secure copies of his certificate, and provide the master of the vessel and the representatives of the vessel owner with copies; receipt and understanding of the certificate shall be acknowledged by signature of the person or his representative requesting the service.

(2) Throughout the course of repairs or alterations, safe conditions shall be maintained on the vessel by full observance of all qualifications and requirements listed by the marine chemist.



Last updated: 2006 02 10 Top of Page Important Notices