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Transport Canada > Marine Safety Home Page > Transport Publications | Marine Safety > Ships Electrical Standards (2002) | TP 127 | Marine Safety


12. Construction of Cables

12.1 Electrical cables and flexible cords for lighting, power, propulsion and communication circuits for marine installations shall be constructed and tested by a certifying authority to one of the most recent editions of the following standards:

IEEE Std 45-1998 Recommended Practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard
IEC 60092-3 Part 3 Cables (Construction and Testing and Installation)
IEC 60092-350 Low Voltage Shipboard Power Cables 0 to 0.6 kV
IEC 60092-351 Insulating Materials for Shipboard Power Cables
IEC 60092-353 Single and Multi Power Cables Extruded Solid Insulation 0.6, 1 kV
IEC 60092-354 Single and Three Conductor Power Cables Extruded Solid Insulation 0.6, 1 kV 6kV, 10kV & 15kV
IEC 60092-376 Multi Cores
UL 1309/CSA C22.2 No. 245 Marine Shipboard Cables
C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 (Flexible Cables and Cords)

12.2 Cables and flexible cords for lighting, power, propulsion and communication circuits in marine installations shall have stranded copper conductors and, where necessary for compatibility with the insulation shall be tinned or alloy-coated.

12.3 Marine cables shall be of the "flame-retardant" type, except for final circuits where installed in metallic conduit; the "flame-retardant" tests shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of :
  1. IEEE Standard 45 1998; and be in accordance with IEEE Std 1202-1991 or
  2. where cables have been constructed to an IEC Publication be in accordance with IEC Publication 332 Part 3 Category A/AF Flame Test; or
  3. Cables constructed to UL 1309/CSA 22.2 No. 245 CSA 22.2 No. 3 FT4
  4. specialised cable for communication, data and information transmission shall be in accordance with CSA Standard 22.2 No. 3 FT 4; or
    1. be installed in accordance with Section 13.44.
12.4 Where cables are required to be fire resistant, the tests shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of IEC Publication 60331.

12.5 All marine cables shall have a impervious non-metallic jacket, which shall be compatible with the insulation and; be in accordance with subsections 12.3 and 12.6; if an armour is provided it shall be a basket weave bronze braid type; other materials for the armour may be aluminum alloy, galvanized wire, or tinned coated copper..

12.6 The use of a protective covering of steel wire armour, steel tape armour, metal braid armour marine cables for use in circuits where the nominal voltage exceeds 1000 volts, shall be optional only where cable is not installed in hazardous locations.

12.7 In addition to subsection 12.1 marine cables for power, propulsion, lighting and control shall include a low temperature performance rating measured by impact at -35°C and bending tests at -40°C in accordance with the most recent C.S.A. Standard C22.2 number 0.3.

12.8 Marine cables shall be provided with a durable printing or embossing on the jacket or a marker under the cable jacket in accordance with IEEE Standard 45 1998 Clause 8.8, UL1309/CSA C22.2 No 245 Clause 5, or IEC 92-3.

12.9 The current carrying capacities of the various marine cable types shall be in accordance with the following:
  1. for cables constructed to IEEE Std-45 1998, current carrying capacity shall be in accordance with the Table IEEE Std 45 9-1; or
  2. for cables constructed to IEC Standard 350 series or IEC 60092-3, current carrying capacity shall be assigned in accordance with the table contained in the respective standard; or
  3. for cables constructed to UL 1309/CSA 22.2 No. 245, current carrying capacity shall be assigned in accordance with the table contained in Table 12.1; or
  4. for marine cable installations where the current carrying capacities of either (a) or (b) are not available the values assigned by Table 12-1 may be used.
12.10 Fiber Optic cables shall be constructed and tested in accordance with a recognised certifying authority.

12.11 Fiber Optic cables shall be flame retardant type with tests conducted in accordance with subsection (3), where this is not possible installation shall be in accordance with Section 13.44.

12.12 The construction of fiber optic cable which may pass through or enter a hazardous zone shall be such that escape of gases to a safe area is not possible through the cable.

12.13 Conductor colour coding shall be identified by either coloured conductor insulation, tapes or by printing the colour nomenclature on the insulation or covering; coloured conductors of distribution systems shall be identified by the following;

two conductors black, white or red
three conductors black, white or blue, red
four conductors black, white or blue, red, orange, or green *;

* If a conductor is being used as a grounding conductor(normally not a current carrying conductor) in a distribution system it must be coloured green.

12.13.1 The use of a numbering system printed on the insulation would be an acceptable alternative to colour coding provided the ground conductor is identified as above.

12.14 Portable cables employed on travelling cranes and similar installations shall be C.S.A. certified extra hard usage in accordance with Table 11 of CSA 22.2 Part 1.

12.15 Branch circuit feeders shall not have conductors less than AWG #14 (1.5 mm²) wire.

12.16 Where the allowable current carrying capacity of the conductor does not correspond with a standard rating or setting of fuses or circuit breakers the next higher rating or setting may be selected provided it does not exceed 150 % of the allowable current carrying capacity of the conductor and the ambient operating temperature differs from 45° C, Table 12-1 (5) shall be considered with the exception of section 10.3 steering gear circuits and branch circuits section 11.25.

12.17 The cross sectional area of conductors shall be not less than the following:
  1. 1.5mm² (14awg) for power, lighting and branch feeders;
  2. 1.0 mm² (18 awg) for control and, essential or emergency signalling or communication cables, except those cables assembled by the equipment manufacturer ; and
  3. those in accordance with Section 9.3.9.

TABLE 12-1
Maximum Current Carrying Capacity for Insulated
Copper Wires and Cables
(Single or Double Banked)

Values in amperes
45°C Ambient
750 Volts or Less (AC or DC)

Dimension du conductor Type 1/c Type 2/c type 3/c
mm² 10³ mils circ. awg T/T,N 75°C E,X 85°C S,M 95°C T/T,N 75°C E,X 85°C S,M 95°C T/T,N 75°C E,X 85°C S,M 95°C
625 - - 755 894 1006 642 760 855 529 626 704
600     736 872 981 626 741 834 515 610 687
  1,000 - 662 784 882 563 666 750 463 549 617
500   - 656 778 875 558 661 744 459 545 613
  950 - 641 760 854 545 646 726 449 532 598
  900 - 620 734 826 527 624 702 434 514 578
  850 - 598 709 797 508 603 677 419 496 558
  800 - 576 682 767 490 580 652 403 477 540
400   - 571 677 761 485 575 647 400 474 533
  750 - 533 655 737 470 557 626 387 459 516
  700 - 529 628 706 450 534 600 370 440 494
  650 - 506 599 674 430 509 573 354 419 472
  600 - 481 570 641 409 485 545 337 399 449
300 - - 477 565 636 405 480 541 334 396 445
  550 - 455 540 607 387 459 516 319 378 425
  500 - 429 509 572 365 433 486 300 356 400
240 - - 415 492 553 353 418 470 291 344 387
  450 - 402 476 536 342 405 456 281 333 375
  400 - 373 442 498 317 376 423 261 309 349
185   - 353 418 470 300 355 400 247 293 329
  350 - 343 407 458 292 346 389 240 285 321
  300 - 312 370 416 265 315 354 218 259 291
150 - - 309 367 412 263 312 350 216 257 288
  250 - 278 330 371 236 281 315 195 231 260
120 - - 269 319 359 229 271 305 188 223 251
  212 4/0 251 297 335 213 252 285 176 208 235
95 - - 232 276 310 197 235 264 162 193 217
  168 3/0 217 257 289 184 218 246 152 180 202
70 - - 192 228 256 163 194 218 134 160 179
  133 2/0 188 222 250 160 189 213 132 155 175
  106 1/0 163 193 217 139 164 184 114 135 152
50 - - 156 184 208 133 156 177 109 129 146
  83.7 1 140 166 187 119 141 159 98 116 131
35 - - 125 148 166 106 126 141 88 104 116
  66.4 2 121 144 162 103 122 138 85 101 113
  52.6 3 105 124 140 89 105 119 74 87 98
25 - - 101 120 135 86 102 105 71 84 95
  41.7 4 91 108 121 77 92 103 64 76 85
  33.1 5 79 93 105 67 79 89 55 65 74
16 - - 76 91 102 65 77 87 53 64 71
  26.3 6 68 81 91 58 69 77 48 57 64
  20.8 7 59 70 78 50 60 66 41 49 55
10 - - 57 67 76 48 57 65 40 47 53
  16.5 8 51 60 68 43 51 58 36 42 48
6   - 41 49 55 35 42 47 29 34 39
  10.4 10 38 45 51 32 38 43 27 32 36
4 - - 32 38 43 27 32 37 22 27 30
  6.53 12 28 34 38 24 29 32 20 24 27
2.5 - - 24 28 32 20 24 27 17 20 22
  4.11 14 21 25 32 18 21 27 15 18 22
1.5 - - 17 21 26 14 18 22 12 15 18
1.25 - - 15 18 23 13 15 20 11 13 16

  1. The values given above have been calculated for an ambient of 45° C and assume that a conductor temperature equal to the maximum rated temperature of the insulation is reached and maintained continuously in the case of a group of four cables bunched together and laid in free air.
  2. The current rating values given in Table 1 ( and those derived therefrom ) may be considered applicable, without correction factors for cables double banked on cable trays , in cable conduits or cable pipes, except as noted in NOTE 3.
  3. When more than six cables which may be expected to operate simultaneously at their full rated capacity are laid close together in a cable bunch in such a way that there is an absence of free air circulation around them, a correction factor of 0.85 is to be applied to the current ratings obtained from table 1.
  4. These current ratings are applicable for both armored and unarmored cables.
  5. If ambient temperature differs from 45° C, the values in Table 1 are to be multiplied by the following factors;
  6. Maximum conductor
    Ambient Correction Factor
    40° C 50° C 60° C 70° C
    75° C
    85° C
    95° C

  7. Where the numbers of conductors in a cable exceeds, as in control cables, the maximum current carrying capacity of each conductor is to be reduced as in the following table.
  8. No. of Conductors % of 3-4/C type Values in Table 1
    5 - 6
    7 - 24
    25 - 42
    43 and above

  9. When mineral cable is installed in such a location that its copper sheath is liable to be touched when in service, the current is to be multiplied by the correction factor 0.80 in order that sheath temperature does not exceed 70°C.
  10. Insulation Type Designation Maximum Conductor
    Temperature, °C
    T, T/N Polyvinyl Chloride and
    Moisture Resisting
    X Cross-Linked Polyethylene
    E Ethylene Propylene Rubber
    M Mineral (MI)
    S Silicone
    95 *

    A maximum conductor temperature of 250°C is permissible for special applications and standard end fittings may be used provided the temperature does not exceed 85° C at the end fittings, however, when the temperature at the end fitting is higher than 85° C special consideration will be given to an appropriate end fitting.


Last updated: 2006 02 10 Top of Page Important Notices