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Table of Contents
Definitions and Acronyms
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7

TP 743
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Transport Canada > Marine Safety Home Page > Transport Publications | Marine Safety > TERMPOL Review Process 2001 | TP 743 | Marine Safety







3.1.1 In order to develop optimally safe vessel operational criteria and a pollution prevention program, the planning of a new or modified marine terminal, or establishment of a transshipment site, to serve oil tankers, liquefied gas, or chemical carriers requires the compilation and analysis of diverse data sets. The presentation of the material should be in a form that can be readily used by the TRC.

3.1.2 The selection of appropriate risk assessment models is dependent on the nature of the project and the characteristics of the marine terminal location or transshipment site and, since the TRC normally accepts the data produced and the conclusions drawn from the studies developed, the proponent is encouraged to discuss the selection of models with the TRC. In some circumstances it may be necessary for a proponent to compile primary data, rather than relying on existing information, on a specific topic in relation to the site identified.

The statistical and other data sets necessary for the studies and surveys identified in this Part may be obtained by the proponent from a number of sources, some of which are identified in the respective sections. Proponents are requested to use their own judgment in selecting sources of required data and the best application of that data while keeping in mind that the TRC may request additional information on any topic.

3.1.3 The proponent is encouraged to establish early informal contact with the TCMS and relevant federal departments or agencies in order to gain access to pertinent environmental data and advice. The applicable surveys, studies and technical data, which are amplified in the sections that follow include:
  • Origin, Destination and Marine Traffic Volume Survey;
  • Fishing Vessel Operations Survey;
  • Offshore Exercise and Offshore Exploration and Exploitation Activities Survey;
  • Route Analysis, Approach Characteristics and Navigability Survey;
  • Special Underkeel Clearance Survey;
  • Transit Time and Delay Survey;
  • Casualty Data Survey;
  • Ship Specifications;
  • Site Plans and Technical Data;
  • Cargo Transfer and Transshipment Systems;
  • Channel, Manoeuvring and Anchorage Elements;
  • Berth Procedures and Provisions;
  • Single Point Mooring Provisions and Procedures;
  • General Risk Analysis and Intended Methods of Reducing Risks;
  • Port Information Book;
  • Terminal Operations Manual;
  • Contingency Planning; and
  • Oil Handling Facilities Requirements.



3.2.1 The objectives of this survey are to quantify and describe all recreational, commercial and any other traffic movement that collectively form the regional marine traffic network. For this survey the proponent is to identify:
  • particulars of the types and sizes of ships operating in the region, particularly those likely to be encountered by the design ship en route to and from the proposed terminal or transshipment site;
  • variations in traffic density statistics including those projected as a result of the proponent’s vessels;
  • special operational area (naval and airborne exercise areas, offshore exploration and exploitation activities and seaplane activities);
  • network focal point, or nodes, which indicate the geographical locations where close-quarter situations are likely to occur and, particularly, where there is crossing traffic;
  • major fishing grounds and the periods they are used by fishermen, pertinent data concerning species including spawning times and locations;
  • major traffic routes including seasonal variations attributable to climatic influences or other causes;
  • sensitive biological and human environments along or adjacent to the proposed routes, identifying sensitive species habitats, ecosystems, or other human or biotic environments that may be particularly vulnerable to contamination; and
  • possible alternative routes for the design ship in light of the above information and assessment of the experience of similar ships travelling in the same or similar areas.
3.2.2 Possible sources of statistical data include the Coast Guard’s Marine Communications and Traffic Services records, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Canada Ports Corporation, Harbour and Ports Directorates, Statistics Canada, ferry schedules, and consultants reports. Sources of data pertinent to the marine, terrestrial and human environments may include the federal, provincial and municipal departments and agencies with environmental and land-use mandates.

3.2.3 From this Survey the proponent may determine which of the possible shipping routes offers the optimum navigational and operational safety and poses the least threat to the human and biotic environment in relation to any potential pollution incident.

3.2.4 A marine traffic network consists of one or more finite capacity waterways leading to various marine terminals located in coastal zones or inland waters. The flow of traffic within the network may be classified as:

  • predictable flows comprising regular or predictable ship transits; and
  • unpredictable flows comprising unscheduled or random ship transits.

Statistical counts of regional traffic for a particular coastal region’s marine network over specified periods may be available from CCG sources, or from marine consultants. Other marine activities often superimposed on the regional traffic patterns could include:

  • seasonal and year-round fishing activities;
  • military exercises;
  • recreational boating and sailing activities;
  • offshore exploration and exploitation activities;
  • ferry routes and schedules and
  • seaplane activities.

Counts and supplementary data in respect to the above are available from a variety of sources including several federal departments.

3.2.5 The shipping component of the proponent’s proposal will add to the observed or estimated ship counts in some of the ship channels and coastal routes within the existing regional network. The additions can be estimated by considering both the proposed annual loading or receiving throughput for the proposed marine terminal, and the mix of design ships in terms of the minimum number of voyages per year required to meet the proposed annual throughput volume. As the proposed marine terminal may either be an importing or an exporting terminal, then the estimated additional ship counts (voyages) should include an estimation of the incremental numbers required to transship cargo to and from the terminal.

3.2.6 All of the considerations noted will apply to any proposed transshipment site with the additional fact that any such designated site may limit the capacity of the waterway to handle traffic flow by reserving a portion of the area for the site.

3.2.7 A local marine traffic survey focuses on the immediate geographical area of the proposed marine terminal. The objectives are to identify:

  • particulars of the types and sizes of ships in the area of the terminal;
  • particulars of local fishing operations;
  • particulars of local recreational and other marine activities; and
  • routing traffic support services in the terminal area and approaches.

Possible sources of statistical data include the Coast Guard’s Marine Communications and Traffic Services records, port and Harbour Master’s records, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, local marine recreational interests, and consultants reports.



3.3.1 The objectives of this survey are to identify:
  • fish and fish habitat including any sensitive marine areas which maybe affected by the project;
  • the geographical locations of regional fishing operations;
  • the seasonal variations of fishing activities; and
  • the customary routes to major fishing grounds from ports used by fishing vessels.
3.3.2 Possible sources of statistical data are Fisheries and Oceans, provincial departments of fisheries, and consultants reports.

3.3.3 Data collected for this survey may be used in conjunction with the Origin, Destination and Marine Traffic Volume Survey.



3.4.1 The objectives of this survey are to identify:

  • the geographical locations and frequency of use of military exercise areas involving ships and aircrafts; and
  • the geographical locations and frequency of offshore exploration and exploitation and the routes used by offshore supply, seismic and survey vessels.
3.4.2 Data concerning offshore exploration and exploitation activities can be obtained from the companies concerned and Natural Resources Canada.

3.4.3 Data concerning military exercise areas can be obtained from the following sources:

  • depictions of exercise areas on nautical charts published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada;
  • Notice to Mariners No. 2, "Firing Practice and Exercise Areas", in the annual edition of the Canadian Notices to Mariners, published by the CCG; and
  • the Director of Maritime Operations and Plans, National Defense Headquarters in Ottawa.
3.4.4 Data collected for this survey may be used in conjunction with the Origin, Destination and Marine Traffic Volume Survey.



3.5.1 In accordance with the stated intent of the TRP, the objectives of this survey are to assess ship and route safety, the adverse effects of ship accidents and, when applicable, public safety matters associated with the transportation of bulk oil, liquefied gas, chemicals or other identified cargoes in ships that serve the marine terminal system or transshipment site. The Route Analysis, Approach Characteristics and Navigability Survey is therefore a major component of the review. The survey should be considered in terms of the design ship’s applicable characteristics, the physical characteristics of the approach route to the terminal or transshipment site and prevailing atmospheric factors. The components of the survey are:
  • to confirm that the loaded design ship can safely navigate the channel, or channels, between the proposed marine terminal or transshipment site and its coastal approaches, or vice versa. (As a rule of thumb the survey should commence at the termination of the ship’s ocean passage, at the first landfall, or seabuoy {inbound} and terminate at the commencement of the ship’s ocean passage {outbound}.)
  • to identify hydrographic factors which could adversely affect the safety of the design ship (e.g., tides);
  • to identify the suitability, if any, of alternative routes to the proposed marine terminal or transshipment site;
  • to identify any climatic or oceanographic factors which adversely affect navigational safety;
  • to identify any navigational hazards or ship manoeuvring problems along the route;
  • to identify any physical limitations along the route (e.g. bridges, power transmission lines, narrows, bars etc.);
  • to identify the need, if any, for proposed improvements to existing aids to navigation or vessel traffic services;
  • to identify the need, if any, for escort / assist tugs;
  • to identify the coastal communities located close to the intended route;
  • to identify the geographical locations of suitable emergency and holding anchorages for the design ship;
  • to provide a depicted base of collations with data acquired for the Origin, Destination and Marine Traffic Volume Survey, the Offshore Exercise and Offshore Exploration and Exploitation Activities Survey and the Fishing Vessel Operations Survey; and
  • to identify supplemental, but significant, matters such as the geographical location of the pilot station, the regional radiocommunications infrastructure, and any other relevant matters of interest to the proponent or the TRC.
3.5.2 The design ship is required to carry the appropriate charts and nautical publications in accordance with the Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations, when navigating in waters under Canadian jurisdiction. A list of the required charts and publications and acceptable equivalents is contained in the annual edition of the Canadian Notices to Mariners, published by the CCG. This document is also required to be carried on all vessels entering waters under Canadian jurisdiction.

3.5.3 The design vessel is required to comply with the Navigating Appliances and Equipment Regulations when in waters under Canadian jurisdiction. These regulations require vessels to be fitted with specific navigational equipment appropriate to the area in which the vessel is navigating. The proper use of such equipment, as addressed in the Canadian Watchkeeping Standards, provides guidelines for the mariner to navigate effectively and safely in all weather conditions, in darkness, and during the oceanic, coastal, and pilotage phases of the voyage thereby ensuring both vessel safety and pollution prevention. This Code or its equivalent is also required to be carried on all vessels entering waters under Canadian jurisdiction.

3.5.4 Data Sources for the Route Analysis, Approach Characteristics and Navigability Survey include:

  • applicable nautical charts, published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as listed in the annual edition of the Canadian Notices to Mariners (see section 3.5.2, above), and other required nautical publications also cited therein, including:
    • radio aids to marine navigation,
    • sailing directions,
    • list of lights, buoys and fog signals, and
    • tide and current tables;
  • Ocean Sciences and Surveys, Fisheries and Oceans Canada for oceanographic and iceberg data;
  • The Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada for climatic data and for data on ice covered waters; and
  • Consultants’ reports.
3.5.5 The annual edition of the Canadian Notices to Mariners provides additional information on various other regulatory initiatives that may affect the safety of the ship.



3.6.1 The objective of this survey is to consider all relevant factors which may affect underkeel clearance and to ensure that the design ship has an adequate underkeel clearance at all times as outlined in section 3.6.2

3.6.2 Nominally, the design ship’s minimum underkeel clearance should be fifteen percent of its maximum permissible draught or meet the requirements established and published by the appropriate government authority for a specific waterway. A proposal for a minimum underkeel clearance in the approach of less than fifteen percent of the design ship’s deepest draught will be considered, but the proposal should be supported by explicit operational details and calculations associated with each of the following factors:

  • minimum chart datum measurements supplemented with tidal heights over a specified time base;
  • the accuracy of predicted tidal heights and the predicted times of high water and low water;
  • details of any tidal surges and wind set-up;
  • the allowances made for the degree of accuracy in the hydrographic survey (chart datum) and for dredging tolerances;
  • the incidence and degree of channel silting between maintenance dredgings and the identification of all critical depth areas;
  • the increase in effective draught due to the rolling, pitching, and heaving of the ship under wave action within the ship channel and at the terminal or transshipment site;
  • the estimated squat for the design ship calculated for each critical depth area based on the maximum permissible operating ship speed in the area and the most constricted channel section within the critical depth area;
  • the effects of sagging or hogging;
  • the nominal trim and changes of trim experienced by the design ship;
  • draught and trim changes attributed to any changes in water density;
  • any climatical and related depth anomalies;
  • nature of the bottom;
  • allowance for maneuverability in shallow water; and
  • an operational plan to ensure safe transit.



3.7.1 The objective of the "transit time" component of this survey is to determine the safest coastal zone and/or inland waterway speed profile for ships proceeding to and from the proposed marine terminal or transshipment site. The objective of the "delay" component of this survey is to determine the probable causes, locations, durations and the frequencies of delays in the movements of marine traffic through a ship channel or ship channels connecting the coastal approaches and the proposed marine terminal or transshipment site. The methods of ascertaining this information may include:
  • conclusions drawn from the Route Analysis, Approach Characteristics and Navigability Survey;
  • completing a simulated or actual test run, or runs, using a ship similar to the design ship;
  • the use of questionnaires distributed to selected ship masters;
  • advice from the applicable Pilotage Authority; and
  • data maintained by CCG Marine Communications and Traffic Services.



3.8.1 As the breaching of a ship’s cargo containment system, or hull, is usually attributable to a grounding or a collision, the object of this survey is to develop a means of calculating the likelihood or probability of such an occurrence through the analysis of statistical casualty data within terms of:
  • the mathematical probability of casualties in the future taking into account the additional traffic within the regional zone of the proposed marine terminal or transshipment site;
  • the inferred vulnerability of the design ship over a specified period of time; and
  • the inferred vulnerability of the marine environment or of communities located close to the intended ship route.
3.8.2 Casualty data surveys involving releases of cargo in bulk should not be confined to those attributable to collisions and grounding but should include a listing of small scale incidents and the effects of these releases.

3.8.3 The application of the inferential statistical methodologies is a recommended approach to this survey. Sources of casualty data applicable to this survey include:

  • Classification Societies;
  • P&I Clubs and underwriters;
  • Transportation Safety Board casualty records or summaries;
  • U.S. Coast Guard casualty records or summaries;
  • I.M.O. summaries;
  • CCG Marine Communications and Traffic Services records; and
  • consultants reports.



3.9.1 The objective of this survey is to determine the suitability of the design ship, or when applicable, design ships, selected by the proponent. Plans or technical documents of the design ship(s) should be provided as the TRC is interested in the following particulars and characteristics of the design ship, including but not limited to:
  • the L.O.A., L.B.P., breadth, beam and depth;
  • the light draughts and air draughts;
  • the summer and winter draughts and corresponding deadweight and displacement;
  • tonnages - gross and net;
  • ship classification and identification of the Classification Society;
  • ice class, where applicable, as designated by the responsible Classification Society;
  • cargo capacity;
  • cargo containment and cargo transfer systems;
  • main propulsion system (summary description);
  • steering gear arrangements;
  • main and auxiliary engine cooling systems;
  • de-icing or re-circulation systems;
  • ship stability data, both intact and damaged;
  • manoeuvring data and information in accordance with IMO standards;
  • intended shipboard navigational equipment;
  • intended radio and internal communications equipment to be installed; and
  • intended crewing and certification standards.
3.9.2 The vessel should comply with all applicable IMO conventions and initiatives, directed at marine safety, marine pollution prevention and atmospheric protection. In addition the vessel is to be certificated to comply with the Canada Shipping Act and other relevant Canadian statutes and all applicable marine and regulatory requirements.



3.10.1 The objective of this survey is to provide the proponent with guidelines in respect to the level of detail which should be addressed by site plans and associated development studies.

3.10.2 The following plans, environmental and site studies should be provided by the proponent as part of the TERMPOL submissions:

  • overall site plan showing the location of the proposed structures in relation to existing structures and coastal features in the area;
  • general arrangement plan with bottom contours of not less than 3 m (10 ft.) showing the proposed location and size of:
    • all structures, floating and fixed;
    • turning basins and other manoeuvring areas;
    • separation between adjacent berths; between vessels and structures and between berths and navigational channels;
    • proposed anchorage areas;
    • existing and proposed submarine pipelines, cable and other underwater installations;
    • description and simulation of the proposed vessel manoeuvring procedures for docking and undocking under normal and maximum operating parameters; and
    • areas to be dredged or filled, volumes involved and type of equipment to be used, type and source of fill, analysis and proposed disposal of dredged spoil;
    • provincial environmental standards may also apply
  • plans showing all structural arrangements including dimensions, the proposed type of construction and methods of installation;
  • geotechnical data relating to foundation design with a plan showing the location of drill holes and logs;
  • wind data based on actual wind speeds recorded in the vicinity of the site, and available in statistical form from Environment Canada’s Atmospheric Environment Service;
  • wave data based on the actual wave climate recorded at the site or estimated from the recorded wind data, and available in statistical form from Environment Canada’s Atmospheric Environment Service. The data may be presented in the form of wave energy spectra or wave height period parameters and direction at the locations of the berths and proposed structures. Where site specific information is unavailable, regional averages may be sufficient to estimate likely wind and wave patterns. For example, this information may be available in the Wind and Wave Climate Atlases for the East Coast of Canada, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes, commissioned by the Transportation Development Centre (Transport Canada);
  • hydrologic survey and simulation showing, among other things, the tide and current data, taking into account variations with depths and direction , to be provided at each berth and its adjacent manoeuvring area, and to include predicted changes in tidal depths and current directions and velocities attributable to the construction of the proposed marine terminal or dredging in the terminal area;
  • ice data including:
    • nature, types, coverage and movement of ice;
    • mechanical properties of the ice;
    • predicted ice formation, season and duration at the terminal;
    • average ice thickness; and
    • simulation showing its effect on the terminal structures; and
  • water temperatures, including both annual and historical variances.


3.10.3 The proponent should also provide the basic terminal design, operating and safety parameters, including, but not limited to, the following:
  • the principal dimensions of the largest and smallest ship to be accommodated at each terminal;
  • an analysis and justification of the underkeel clearance and other clearances specified in this TRP, if different from the recommended nominal value;
  • design environmental loads, function loads and load combinations for each type of structure and methods of derivation;
  • maximum operating parameters assumed in the design, in terms of wind, wave, current and ice conditions beyond which:
    • docking / undocking would not be attempted;
    • cargo transfer operations would cease; and
    • the vessel would vacate the berth;
  • all engineering standards, codes and recommended practices, horizontal and vertical datum used in developing the proposal pursuant to this TRP, including the methods of analysis used to process the environmental data and load criteria;
  • description of any model testing, field testing or observations carried out to verify the methods or assumptions used in the design;
  • interpretation of geotechnical data and allowable foundations loads used;
  • design flow rates, pressures, temperatures, and liquid characteristics in different cargo transfer lines and hoses;
  • description of the fire protection system;
  • description of the electrical power requirements, illumination and location of the power distribution system;
  • description of the terminal identification / obstruction lighting;
  • description of any docking monitoring system;
  • description of any mooring load monitoring system;
  • description of the control and instrumentation system, the leak detection alarm system and the emergency shut-down equipment;
  • description of instrumentation for monitoring the wind, wave and current conditions;
  • description of waste management plan;
  • description of the pollution prevention equipment / programs and contingency plans (see page 33) at the terminal or transshipment site;
  • description of the operational safety procedures and facilities at the terminal or transshipment site; and
  • description of the intended berthing strategy.
3.10.4 The TRC can supply further direction on the matters listed in the above paragraphs concerning the environment and site data studies and plans, to the proponent upon request.



3.11.1 The objective of this survey is to assess the suitability of the arrangements for transferring the cargo from ship to shore (or vice versa) or from ship to ship. To this end, the proponent is expected to provide the TRC with plans and descriptions of the design ship’s cargo containment and transfer systems including, for purposes of continuity, the important shore components.

3.11.2 The following nominal listing of preferred data is provided for general guidance. The proponent should, however, be guided by applicability and continuity of descriptions:

  • general details of cargo pipelines and hoses connecting the ship to the marine terminal;
  • intended rating of cargo transfer pumps;
  • general details of cargo manifold and loading arm connections;
  • number and size of cargo transfer arms, their height above an identified datum, and their operational envelope;
  • proposed visual and audible alarms for loading arms when reaching their limiting angle within their operating envelope including:
    • the point at which the cargo transfer will be automatically stopped; and
    • the extreme limit of loading arm envelope when flange coupler between ship’s manifold and loading arm will be released automatically or by means of manual controls;
  • general details of electrical discontinuity arrangements between the ship and the terminal;
  • loading arm and shore manifold warming-up / cooling down procedures;
  • general details of purging, venting and inerting of cargo lines;
  • temperature sensors in the berth area, their location and alarm systems;
  • gas alarms, their number, sensitivity, and the details of continuous and/or intermittent sampling within the berth area;
  • visual and audible warning systems at the berth and main control rooms;
  • fire detection and protection including main and auxiliary fire pumps coverage for berth and ship;
  • monitoring systems from control room ashore for:
    • loading arm(s), gas sensors and fire detection;
    • primary, secondary and emergency communication systems;
    • automatic and manual shut-down methods following a valve power failure in hydraulic, pneumatic or electric systems;
    • cargo pressures, temperatures and transfer rates;
    • activating a fixed fire protection device;
    • safety equipment storage;
  • source of emergency power supply;
  • procedures governing access to ship during transfer operations;
  • pre-cargo transfer circulation test;
  • outline of proposed bunkering, ship repair and provisioning schedules in relation to cargo transfer operations;
  • general details concerning reception facilities for ballast and/or for contaminated ballast from oil tankers;
  • general details showing the arrangements to receive tank washings from chemical carriers; and
  • special arrangements required by the nature of a particular substance being handled / transferred.
3.11.3 If it is the proponent’s intention to install an automated stability calculation and cargo transfer control system in the design ship, then an abstract of the system’s capability and limitations should be included in the proponent’s submission including the relevant details of the design ship’s stability characteristics and the approval Authority.

3.11.4 The proponent should adhere to the procedures provided in the latest version of the Cargo Transfer Safety Checklist System for Tankships as contained in Appendix 1. Alternative procedures may be considered through consultation with the TRC concerning cargoes not covered by this checklist system, however, the general principles and objectives of the checklist system should apply.



3.12.1 The objectives of this study are to determine the suitability of existing channels for the design ship(s) and to identify those areas of concern where navigation requires particular attention.

3.12.2 The guidelines provided in Appendix 2 are based on optimum operational conditions, and an accurate system of marine aids to navigation being in place. Proposed ship channels, anchorages and emergency containment areas should be depicted on large scale nautical charts or engineering plans.



3.13.1 The objective of this study is to determine whether the berthing provisions are adequate for the design ship(s). Berths and moorings should be capable of handling the full range of ships the terminal is intended to accommodate under normal operating conditions. The proponent is responsible for demonstrating, through simulation or other means, the suitability of berths and moorings to safely accommodate the design ships which will use them. Suggested criteria and guidelines for these facilities are included in Appendix 3.

3.13.2 Calculations of the loads imposed on the various components and structural elements of the terminal berths should include, but not be limited to, the following forces and appropriate combinations thereof applicable to each structural element:

  • dead loads of all piping, mechanical equipment, their liquid contents, superstructures and supporting structures;
  • berthing forces arising from normal fender thrusts and horizontal and vertical frictional shear forces;
  • mooring forces arising from wind, current, ice and wave pressures on largest ships in ballast and full displacement conditions at the extreme operating conditions;
  • seismic forces from any horizontal direction computed for the dead loads and superimposed static loads, as well as seismic loads transmitted through pipeline anchors. Seismic forces should be computed in accordance with the methods specified in the National Building Code and for piled structures, seismic forces should be assumed to be concentrated at the deck elevation;
  • temperature loads due to thermal expansion and contraction of the structures including those transmitted through pipeline anchors;
  • wind load on the structures, superstructures and equipment;
  • wind, wave and ice pressures on components of structure. Wind and wave forces should be based on a storm loading having average expected recurrence interval of 50 years;
  • live loads of moving vehicles and cranes and,
  • earth fill and hydrostatic pressures

Each structural component should be proportioned to resist bending and shear in two directions, torsion and axial forces.

3.13.3 Each structure should be analyzed for combination of permanent loads and transient peak loads. In general, allowable stresses and design procedures should conform to the National Building Code requirements. Increased allowable stresses may be considered depending on the probable recurrence of the loading, the load duration and the corresponding risk factors.

3.13.4 Detailed consideration of intended berthing strategy should be an integral part of the Route Analysis, Approach Characteristics and Navigability Survey. The following guidelines are provided for the proponent’s consideration:

  • determine the upper limits of wind velocity for design ship berthing operations - arrivals and departures;
  • determine the wind velocity which would require the design ship to vacate the berth;
  • determine any other limiting environmental / operational criteria;
  • provision of speed of approach measurement devices and a means of communicating this information to the berthing vessel;
  • ascertain maximum current measurements in the vicinity of the berth and its effect on berthing operations;
  • ascertain tidal range, velocities and directions and the maximum recorded spring tide measurements;
  • ascertain prevailing wind statistics in relation to the directional lie of the berth;
  • consider the effects, if any, of bathymetry in the vicinity of the berth and its approaches, on berthing strategy;
  • consider berth loading and dolphin fendering aspects;
  • consider the use of mooring points, mooring techniques, quick release hooks, and mooring line monitoring systems; and
  • determine the method of docking and undocking the design ship and the number of tugs, if required.
3.13.5 When berthing ships of 65,000 deadweight tonnes or over, it is recommended that the proponent give favourable consideration to the use of:
  • two mooring launches;
  • sufficient linesmen forming fore and aft mooring gangs; and
  • intrinsically safe UHF and VHF radio transceivers for two way communications between the ship’s bridge and mooring personnel.
3.13.6 It is incumbent upon the terminal operator to provide adequate reception facilities.

3.13.7 The safety of the ship and the terminal berth may be threatened by the simultaneous transfer of some bulk cargoes and ship’s stores. The proponent’s intentions in this regard are of particular interest to the TRC. Accordingly, the proponent is required to submit plans in relation to the safety and security of the ship and its personnel while alongside the berth.



3.14.1 The objective of this study is to determine the suitability of any proposed single point mooring (SPM) for the design ships intending to use it.

3.14.2 A TRP submission which proposes the use of a SPM, whether a buoy or a tower, should include:

  • the geographical coordinates of the intended location;
  • the rationale for the site selected;
  • the relevant design details and the standards employed in the design;
  • the integral piping; and
  • the ship securing components.
3.14.3 The proponent should outline the operational guidelines relevant to the SPM design specifications. A proposal to position a SPM in ice-covered waters would require special consideration by both the proponent and the TRC.

3.14.4 A single point mooring system should not be sited close to shipping routes or anchorage areas.

3.14.5 Design loads, based on an average expected recurrence interval of 50 years should be calculated for the various components of the SPM (buoy or tower) using the most adverse combinations of forces generated by wind, wave, current, ice accretion, dead loads, surge, drag, collision, and wave wash that are within the operating criteria. Mooring forces should be derived with the aid of model tests and/or computer analysis. Model tests may also be required to evaluate the overall stability, dynamic behaviour and interaction of the system components under all design loading conditions.

3.14.6 The proponent must outline connect and disconnect procedures taking into account environmental and operational criteria.

3.14.7 Special consideration should be given in the design of component connections, moving parts and fittings to fatigue, wear, freeze-up and binding. All components should be designed so that they are readily accessible for inspection and maintenance. Specific details concerning a SPM are given in Appendix 4.



3.15.1 The objective of this study is to review the proponent’s analysis of any risk or risks relating to uncontrolled releases of pollutant cargoes (oils and chemicals) and hazardous cargoes (liquefied gases and some chemicals) either en route or at a terminal or transshipment site. These usually stem from a scenario involving;
  • a two ship collision;
  • a ship grounding;
  • a ship striking a fixed object;
  • an improper cargo transfer incident, or
  • a fire or explosion.

Predictions should be based on a "worst case", but credible accident scenario in the terminal area and at selected positions along the coastal route.

3.15.2 The proponent’s risk assessment should include:
  • the probabilities of credible incidents which result in the breaching of the ships cargo containment system;
  • the risks associated with navigational and operational procedures;
  • the probabilities of a major cargo transfer incident at the terminal dock;
  • the geographical boundaries and the resulting consequences of an uncontrolled release of cargo on the marine environment and, when applicable, in the close vicinity of adjacent coastal communities; and
  • the risk of an incident becoming "uncontrollable".
3.15.3 Threats to the marine environment and, in some instances, to public safety, following the uncontrolled release of bulk cargo into the sea from a ship are based on:
  • downwind and crosswind dispersions of flammable gases or, in some instances, the downwind dispersion of toxic gas plumes; or
  • the trajectory of oil spills reacting to wind and current actions; or
  • the mixing of chemicals with water including applicable chemical reactions, and the resulting dispersions of chemicals in the water columns.
3.15.4 Analysis should not be limited to a mathematical index (probability of an incident) but should also include perceived risks to:
  • populations within coastal zones along the intended route;
  • the terminal berth and surrounding area; and
  • the marine environment, fish and wildlife habitat.
3.15.5 Appendix 5 provides representative tables of contents for risk analysis of oil, chemical and liquefied gas cargoes and other related information for the proponent’s consideration.

3.15.6 When the watertight integrity of an oil tanker’s hull is breached, the cargo may be released. In the case of "double hulled" tankers the incidence of released oil from the cargo containment system may be less likely following a grounding and some collisions. The proponent’s risk assessment and oil spill contingency plan should include details of intentions concerning:

  • predictions of nominal oil spill trajectories and oil weathering for a specified worst-case credible incident at the terminal berth, at a transshipment site, and at appropriate coastal locations along the navigational route, taking into account the particular circumstances of the proposed site including, but not limited to:
    • environments of particular ecological sensitivity;
    • human habitation;
    • recreational activities;
    • local or regional economic considerations; and
    • aspects of social or cultural significance;
  • in developing predictions of nominal oil spill trajectories, reference should be made to studies of prior incidents involving identical or chemically similar petroleum products;
  • any predictions should reference any laboratory research conducted on the behaviour of the petroleum product in simulated environmental conditions;
  • planned counter-measures for an oil spill containment, clean-up, restoration and public safety at the locations identified above, including:
    • on-shore and on-ship resources, such as equipment and clean-up vessels, neutralizing / dispersant materials and human resources, which the ship’s crew can access; and
    • response organizations and their response capabilities; and
    • the Declaration as required by the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations;
  • logistical considerations applicable to situations suggested above.
3.15.7 The Canada Shipping Act requires all oil spills originating from ships to be reported immediately to a Pollution Prevention Officer. The polluter has statutory obligations to repair, remedy, minimize or prevent pollution damage and for costs incurred to prevent actual or anticipated pollution damages resulting from a spill. The CCG will monitor the conduct of countermeasures and assume command and control if, in view of the Canadian Coast Guard, the polluter is unable to protect the public interest.

3.15.8 When the watertight integrity of a chemical and other noxious substances carrier’s hull is breached, the cargo contained may be released. The proponent’s spill risk analysis and prevention/contingency plan should include the following:

  • predicted reactions following the mixing of released cargo(es) with water, with other cargo chemical(s), or with substances required for normal vessel operations;
  • predicted chemical, biotic or metabolic, and photo-chemical transformations once the released cargo(es) enters the environment;
  • toxicity of individual cargo chemicals and potential products formed by the combination of these chemicals with themselves or water to marine mammals, other marine life, and human life;
  • chemical incompatibility of cargo(es) and the measures that will be taken to reduce the risk of potentially dangerous combination products developing upon release;
  • the proponent’s countermeasures for containment, clean-up, restoration and, where applicable, public safety alongside the berth, at the transshipment site, and at appropriate locations along the intended route.
3.15.9 There is a need to model gas plumes in certain circumstances. The technological basis for modelling large liquefied gas vapour clouds is constantly evolving. The selection of a particular gas cloud model should be made in consultation with the TRC. Any risk or dispersion model should include an analysis of the sensitivity of varying the assumptions or values input into the model. Appendix 6, "Representative Gas Cloud Models", lists a number of models currently used in predicting exercises. Predictions of specified gas cloud dimensions must be based on defined, worst-case, credible incidents involving the "instantaneous" release of one cargo tank at selected locations along the route and at the terminal or transshipment site.

3.15.10 The determination of the risk to public safety within a port that has been selected as the site of a liquefied gas marine terminal or surrounding a transshipment site normally requires the determination of four parameters:

  • the vulnerability of the liquefied gas carrier’s cargo containment system following a collision or grounding within the specified marine area;
  • the probability of a liquefied gas release within a specified marine area;
  • the "nominal" quantity, rate and duration of released liquefied gas bulk cargo and the dimensions of the resulting vapour cloud; and
  • the proximity of populations to vapour cloud boundaries and the distribution of possible ignition sources.
3.15.11 A deflagrating vapour cloud could be the cause of fatalities and of property damage within its boundaries. In addition, the threat of radiation burns exists in the peripheral area of an ignited vapour cloud. Detonations with lethal overpressures are possible if vapour collects in confined spaces before ignition. The quantification and evaluation of these risks is a complex process and there does not appear to be any one measure that is uniformly accepted. An acceptable approach would be to calculate the risk of fatalities in terms of exposed persons per unit of time.

3.15.12 Amelioration or mitigation of perceived risks is an essential consideration in any TERMPOL submission. The particulars will vary depending on the proposal, however, it is possible to list a number of examples:

  • implementation of safe navigational / operational systems and development of a pro-active pollution prevention program;
  • locating the terminal in a remote location or one which is well separated from urban or suburban communities;
  • designing and constructing or chartering ships with the safest possible cargo containment and cargo transfer systems;
  • the application of recognized and effective maritime mobile radio procedures which enhance safety in international, coastal, and inland waters;
  • routing ships with hazardous cargoes clear of primary shipping lanes and major shipping focal points when possible to reduce the incidence of close-quarter situations;
  • recommending additional aids to navigation which individually or collectively improve navigational safety along the intended route;
  • schedule liquefied gas or chemical carrier movements through congested coastal waters to coincide with periods when traffic is normally at a minimum, if this is possible;
  • implementing recognized and effective vessel traffic services which enhance ship safety in coastal regions. These include the monitoring of traffic movements, regulated speed profiles, warning broadcasts, and the regulation of ship movements in critical portions of the route to provide a clear channel for the design ship;
  • imposing limiting environmental or climatic requirements for ships loaded with pollutant or hazardous cargoes when navigational safety within the terminal zone is an issue;
  • tug escort;
  • implementing prudent berthing procedures and optimal tug assistance;
  • employing an energy absorbing protective barrier when alongside the terminal;
  • manning ships with fully competent crews adequately trained for the particular cargo(es) they handle and the design ship they operate;
  • keeping sufficient crew onboard at all times while a ship is transferring hazardous cargoes so that the ship is capable of getting underway at short notice;
  • mooring a ship transferring hazardous cargoes bow seaward when the terminal berth is located in a narrow arm of water so that in an emergency, the ship can proceed seaward without delay and without the aid of tugs;
  • the implementation of standardized cargo transfer system inspections and safety-oriented cargo transfer operations;
  • the promulgation of standardized safety and cargo transfer procedures by means of port information publications designed to inform crews of ships serving the proposed marine terminal. The procedures should include specified upper climatic limits for berthing operations, for stopping cargo transfer operations, and for vacating the berth;
  • prohibiting the venting of significant quantities of flammable or poisonous gases to the atmosphere in the vicinity of human habitations;
  • the provision of appropriate reception facilities at chemical and oil terminals;
  • scheduling the bunkering and provisioning of ships transferring hazardous cargoes to a time that does not conflict with the maintenance of ship and personnel safety during cargo transfer operations;
  • controlling the access of visitors while the ship is alongside the dock;
  • the development and promulgation of an effective contingency plan for the marine terminal system and the regular exercise of selected procedures described in the plan;
  • having procedures in place which conform to internationally accepted safe management practices as implemented through IMO resolutions, ISM and/or ISO standards; and
  • a ship when chartered by the proponent is required to comply with appropriate chartering standards, be of the same standard and meet the same requirements of the design ship as described here in.



3.16.1 The purpose of the Port Information Book is to provide ship’s personnel and other interested parties with all the relevant details pertaining to the specific route to, and about, the marine terminal system or transshipment site. Much of this information can be derived from the surveys required for the TRP. Items to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • berthing strategy in terms of the design ship’s approach and departure from the terminal berth; tug assistance requirements; mooring assistance requirements; the upper limit of lateral approach rate to the berth by the design ship and the means of measuring and indicating wind speed and the ship’s lateral approach rates;
  • upper limits of berthing operations in term of wind velocity, wave heights, tidal stream velocity, ice cover, visibility, and the means of measuring and indicating these factors;
  • the upper wind velocity limits which would necessitate the cessation of cargo transfer operations and cause the departure of the ship from the berth;
  • load measurements and limits for mooring lines and dockside bollards used by large ship/carriers;
  • pilots, tug assistance details, procedures for mooring boats, line handlers and the means of communications between ship / tugs / berthing superintendent and mooring boats;
  • ship machinery and equipment repairs facilities;
  • storing and bunkering facilities;
  • security and industrial safety matters;
  • vessel reporting procedures;
  • pilot boarding procedures;
  • ship / shore communications procedures;
  • designated anchorages; and
  • emergency measures.
3.16.2 Because ship personnel and the terminal’s cargo transfer staff are separated during much of the preparatory phase of a scheduled cargo transfer operation, the Port Information Book should include an explicit schedule of required communications to be initiated by the master of the ship. The text of the transmission should enable the marine terminal operator, the ship’s agent, the harbour master, the pilotage authority, the Coast Guard and Marine Safety to be informed, in a timely manner, with needed information. The timing of the scheduled messages should take into account the common administrative delays in message handling and message distribution in other than direct ship / terminal communications.



3.17.1 The purpose of the Terminal / Transshipment Site Operations Manual (TOM) is to inform and to guide the crews of ships calling at the proponent’s terminal or transshipment site of important subject matters which affect the safety of the ship, the terminal or transshipment site itself, and the efficiency of the ship’s cargo transfer operations. It should be noted that, while a ship may call at a particular terminal or transshipment site for many years, ship’s crews change frequently and it is the crew who play the primary role in ensuring ship safety during transfer procedures.

3.17.2 The TRC recognizes and appreciates the technical and economic reasons for not producing the complete text of a TOM before the terminal or transshipment site has received regulatory approvals and, in the case of a marine terminal system, before construction has commenced. Nevertheless the TRC is of the opinion that the importance of the substance of the information which comprises the TOM is such that it should receive early attention by the proponent’s planning staff. The list of subject matters which follow should be considered as a nominal listing:

  • inspections, testing and preventative maintenance of terminal berth equipment used by ships;
  • pre-arrival and departure operational tests and checks of ship’s machinery and equipment;
  • cargo pre-transfer inspections, checklists, and conferences;
  • ship-terminal hose-manifold connections; ship-terminal communications and chain of authority;
  • cargo handling procedures including emergency shut-down procedures;
  • safety precautions and ship oriented emergency procedures which would be included in the terminal’s contingency plans;
  • receiving facilities for ballast, dirty ballast, slops and garbage.



3.18.1 The primary purpose of contingency planning is to be prepared to respond to abnormal events when they occur. The effectiveness of any contingency plan also depends on the personnel regularly exercising their respective roles and responsibilities. The TRC expects the proponent to provide a preliminary outline for the intended contingency plan for review as it relates to a ship in transit and/or alongside the proposed marine terminal berth or transshipment site. The review of the contingency plan enables its collation with Coast Guard and Marine Safety Emergency Operations Procedures in order to ensure an integrated response, if and when required.

3.18.2 Topics to be included in a ship-oriented contingency plan while a vessel is en route to, from or at the terminal or transshipment site should deal with:

  • incidents involving the release of cargo(es)
  • fire and explosions;
  • operations monitoring systems;
  • terminal-ship communications;
  • inspection, testing, and preventative maintenance procedures;
  • cargo handling precautions applicable to the ship;
  • neutralizing electrical hazards;
  • detection and alarm systems at the ship’s berth;
  • emergency shut-down of cargo transfer operations;
  • emergency responses to incidents involving the uncontrolled release of cargo(es) at or near the ship’s berth or transshipment site during cargo transfer operations;
  • countermeasures which ameliorate, contain or neutralize the harmful effects of cargo released into the marine environment;
  • outline of personnel emergency equipment proposed for berth area and the evacuation procedure for personnel;
  • emergency procedures which would require the vacating of the terminal berth and the disposition of the vessel; and
  • security at the ship’s berth.
3.18.3 Those aspects of the terminal-oriented contingency plan of interest to the TRC focusing on the ship alongside could include the following situations:
  • fire in the engine room, compressor, deck stores or ship’s accommodation spaces;
  • releases resulting in structural damage and/or personnel injuries;
  • equipment malfunctions;
  • rapidly deteriorating weather conditions and possible evacuation of the berth;
  • grounding or collision at or near berth;
  • fires on dockside, pipelines in the immediate vicinity of the berth, and the tank farm; and
  • sabotage.
3.18.4 Procedures relating to incidents which require active responses from the ship’s personnel should be explicit, succinct, unequivocal, and communicated in the operational language(s) of the ship. The ship’s personnel should be aware of the terminal-ship chain of command and of emergency drill requirements and procedures and be able to communicate with the terminal’s personnel.

3.18.5 The proponent must prepare a study showing the extent to which an incident would likely have an adverse effect upon third party interests and how the proponent would address this through remediation and/or compensation.



3.19.1 Pursuant to chapter 36 Part XV of Canada Shipping Act, article (4), the operator or an oil handling facility that is designated pursuant to subsection (8) shall:
    1. Comply with regulations respecting the procedures, equipment and resources that an oil handling facility must have on site for use in respect of an oil pollution incident at the oil handling facility, where the incident arises or of the loading and unloading of oil to or from a ship at the oil handling facility;
    2. Have an arrangement with a response organization to which a certificate of designation has been issued pursuant to subsection 660.4(1) in respect of a specified quantity of oil that is at least equal to the total quantity of oil, as determined by regulation, that is, at any particular time, involved in the loading or unloading of oil to or from a ship at the oil handling facility, to a maximum of ten thousand tons, and in respect of the place where the oil handling facility is located;
    3. Have a site declaration, conforming to the regulations, that
    1. describes the manner in which the operator will comply with the regulations made under par. 657(1)(a),
    2. confirms that the arrangement referred to in par. (b) has been made, and
    3. identifies every person who is authorized, in accordance with the regulations, to implement the arrangement referred to in paragraph (b) and the oil pollution emergency plan referred to in par. (d); and
  1. Have on site an oil pollution emergency plan that conforms to the regulations and that lists the procedures, equipment and resources referred to in par. (a).



3.20.1 The proponent should follow the developments related to the HNS Convention and the implementation of national/regional Chemical Response Regimes if applicable.



Last updated: 2006 02 10 Top of Page Important Notices