Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering at Memorial

Our program in ocean and naval architectural engineering includes two related but distinct areas. Naval architectural engineers conceive, design and construct ships, offshore structures and other floating equipment to serve the needs of the ocean-going community. A naval architect is an engineer with a working knowledge of several disciplines and expertise in one of the basic areas of structural, hydrodynamical or marine systems design. On the other hand, an ocean engineer develops and designs floating, underwater and bottom-sited systems, wave-measuring buoys, underwater vehicles, sonar and other acoustic systems, offshore platforms and shoreline facilities, such as harbours and artificial islands.

The design of large structures such as ships and drill rigs requires an understanding of the many facets of design: function, strength, appearance and, especially important at sea, safety. Although there are several engineering programs involved in the design and construction of ships and platforms, only naval architects and ocean engineers are trained to deal with them as entire marine-going systems.

Memorial's ocean and naval architectural engineering program is rated one of the top programs of its kind in North America and is the only cooperative program in ocean and naval architectural engineering in the world.

Career Opportunities

Graduates from our naval architectural engineering program work all over the world. Career opportunities include the following areas: research engineer; chief planning engineer; fisheries and oceans systems engineer; telecommunication and electronics; naval architectural engineer; director of fleet operations; coastal/oceans engineer; and marine engineer.