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Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures  
Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures  

The Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) aims to simplify and harmonise regional customs procedures to ensure that goods and services move more efficiently, effectively and safely through the region. The work of the SCCP supports APEC's Trade and Investment Liberalisation and Facilitation (TILF) agenda.

The business community directly benefits from the work of the SCCP. Business confidence has increased and transaction costs have been reduced as a result of the SCCP's work to increase consistency, transparency and simplification of customs procedures.

Latest Developments
Communication and cooperation between customs and the business community sector have been promoted through the APEC Customs Business Dialogue, a yearly event that will take place in Gyeongju, Korea on September 5, 2005. Previous dialogues were successfully held in Thailand (2003) and Chile (2004). Business associations, importers and exporters, forwarding agents, customs brokers, national chambers of commerce, APEC Member Economies' Customs Administrations heads, as well as representatives from the World Customs Organization (WCO) have attended these meetings.

2005 Blueprint on Custom Procedures was published and disseminated. The Blueprint, a yearly publication, promotes transparency and informs the private sector about SCCP and how it can benefit from these activities. Since its first publication in 1997, APEC's SCCP Blueprint has been an important document which is updated annually by the SCCP Chair.


Key Outcomes

  • APEC Transparency Standards: The SCCP agreed on the implementation of the APEC Transparency Standards on Custom Procedures, through the following principles-
  1. Customs Integrity: This program aims to raise levels of integrity among APEC Customs Administrations, which is fundamental to good governance and provides a sound platform for Customs reform and modernisation.
  2. Adoption of Transparency Standards: This program includes i) prompt publication and readily and on-line availability of Customs information and opportunity for public comment under the form of Accessible Customs information, ii) publication of regulations governing Advanced Customs Procedures, iii) implementation of Advanced Rulings on tariff clasification, iv) Custom valuation, duty drawback, country or origin marking, rules or origin, etc, v) maintaining procedural transparency and fairness in Customs procedures and vi) establishing contact points to address matters of concern.
  3. Peer Review: This process is voluntary and provides opportunities to all APEC Member Economies to identify "Best Practices" for the implementation of CAP items.
  • Trade Facilitation: Since 1994 the SCCP has been at the forefront of Trade Facilitation and has worked towards achieving the harmonisation and simplification of Customs procedures in the APEC region, with the clear objective of a five percent reduction in transaction costs through the following Collective Action Plans (CAPs).
  1. Harmonization of Tariff Structure with HS Convention: This initiative aims to facilitate the accurate, consistent and uniform application of the HS Convention by all APEC Member Economies. This project is being delivered on a step by step basis and covers a wide range of issues and activities including workshops, advisory missions/expert visits and technical advice to Customs central laboratories. Japan is the coordinator of this CAP and, in cooperation with other interested donor Economies, is providing technical assistance to recipient APEC Member Economies. This CAP has been completed by all Member Economies.
  2. Advanced Classification Ruling System: The key objective of this CAP item is to establish simplified procedures for classification of information prior to importation, thus adding certainty and predictability to international trade and helping traders make sound business decisions based on legally binding advice. 16 APEC Member Economies have completed this CAP.
  3. Adoption of UN/EDIFACT-Paperless Trading: The aim of this CAP item is to encourage the adoption of appropriate electronic technologies and procedures in order to reduce the requirement for paper documentation in Customs Administrations and the implementation by Member Administration of UN/EDIFACT international electronic messaging standards as the basis for their computer programs.
  4. Customs-Business Partnership: This CAP initiative aims to enhance cooperation and communication between Customs and the business sector. A compendium of Best Practices on Customs Business Partnership is posted on the APEC and SCCP web sites. The compendium will be next updated in August 2004.
  5. Express Consignment Clearance: The goal of this CAP item is to implement the principles of World Customs Organization (WCO) Guidelines on Express Consignment and International Standards of Customs Clearance of Express Goods. This CAP item facilitates time-sensitive importation and the use of Customs procedures designed to allow fast and reliable delivery services. 18 Economies have implemented this CAP.
  6. Risk Management Techniques: The objective of this CAP is to support the implementation of risk management practices in order to facilitate legitimate trade and travel, while maintaining effective Customs control. 18 APEC Member Economies have completed this CAP.


Brief History

The Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures was established in 1994 and reports directly to the Committee on Trade and Investment.


Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) - Key Contacts

Dr Vu Ngoc Anh
Deputy Director General
General Department of Viet Nam Customs
162 Nguyen Van Cu
Long Bien
Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Tel: (84 4) 872 5953
Fax: (84 4) 873 1503

APEC Secretariat
Mr Pham Ngoc Huu
Director (Program)


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Latest Developments
Key Outcomes
Brief History
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SCCP Events
SCCP Documents and Reports
Customs-Business Partnership Program (Revised in September 2006)
(PDF,695 Kb)
Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Strategies, September 2006
(PDF,245 Kb)
Trade Facilitation (Shanghai Accord) Report, September 2006
(PDF,424 Kb)
2005 SCCP Blueprint - Towards One Community: Meet the Challenge, Make the Change
(PDF,4679 Kb)
APEC Customs 'Best Practices' Handbook
(PDF,223 Kb)
The Revised Kyoto Convention: A Pathway to Accession and Implementation
(PDF,789 Kb)
External Related Links
APEC Tariff Database
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