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Self Study Course for VFR Rotorcraft Competency Program

Name:  ____________________________________
Title:  ____________________________________
Air operator:  ____________________________________
Date Corrected to 100%:  ____________________________________
Corrected by:  ____________________________________
Title:  ____________________________________
Reviewed by 
Transport Canada Inspector: 

Date:   ____________________________________


This course is intended for compliance with the conditions of the exemption from CAR 703.88(1)(c)(ii) by CAR 703 VFR Helicopters air operators.

To be completed by: the Chief Pilot and designates that conduct Pilot Competency Checks, initially and every 5 years thereafter. The course must be corrected to 100% to be considered completed.

This self study course is divided into four (4) Parts and is based on Documents and Publications that are accessible on the Transport Canada Website at addresses shown in the guide:

Part 1           TP 14277 "Pilot Examiner Training Manual";
Part 2           Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part VII -
                    Commercial Air Services Standard 723 - Air Taxi –
                    Helicopters, Standard 723 SCHEDULE - Pilot Proficiency
                    Check – Helicopter
Part 3           TP 3077 – "Flight Test Guide - Private and Commercial Pilot
                    License – Helicopter
"; and
Part 4           TP 6533 – "Approved Check Pilot Manual"


Additional recommended reading:

TP 4818 "The Flight Instructor Guide"; and
TP 12865 "Human Factors for Aviation Instructor Guide – Helicopters".



TP 14277 "Pilot Examiner Training Manual"

Principals of Evaluation

Evaluation Process

  1. Evaluation is the process of observing, measuring and recording a

    candidate’s performance in order to__________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________



Evaluation Errors

  1. In order to test effectively, errors in evaluation fall into several categories that include:











Oral Questions

  1. Tricky or irrelevant questions should be____________________.
  2. Questions should be challenging for the candidate but______________


    to come to the answer must be provided.


General Principals of Flight Testing

  1. If examiners remain calm and neutral__________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________________.

Conducting the Flight Test
  1. Briefing the Candidate

Examiners are required to brief candidates on the following details:



(c) _________________________________________________ 

(d) _________________________________________________ 

(e) _________________________________________________ 

(f) _________________________________________________ 

(g) _________________________________________________ 

Private and Commercial – Helicopter

Ex. 2 - Preparation for Flight

  1. The candidate should also be asked to__________________________

    _____________________________________________and questioned

    to determine understanding of ________________________________

    and the resulting effect on helicopter handling/performance

  2. The candidate is expected to_________________________________

    _______________________________at this time. Should the

    candidate omit the briefing,__________________________________


  3. Check to see if the candidate uses___________________________

    ____________________________________________________. If the

    examiner does not agree with_________________________________

    _________________, the candidate should not be penalized.

Ex. 14 - Emergencies

  1. The examiner must be careful when simulating an emergency or

    abnormal flight situation______________________________________

    _____________________________________, if required, to carry out a


  2. A landing following a simulated in-flight emergency will only be

    carried out on_______________________________________________


Ex. 18 - Autorotations

  1. The engine failure will be simulated in accordance with the

    manufacturer's flight manual,__________________________________


  2. The types of autorotation tested are at the discretion of the examiner,

    usually one _________________________________ and one with a

    _______________________________________, and will be initiated

    from cruise at a safe height but in no instance__________________


Ex. 25 - Confined Areas

  1. When selecting a confined area, examiners must choose a site that

    demands careful appraisal from the candidate and _______________


    The objective is to determine the candidate’s ability to carry out


    it is not to assess __________________________________________.

  2. The type of departure should be________________________________

    ______________ . The candidate must carry out a________________

    _______________________________as part of the hover check.

Ex. 31 - Radio Communications

  1. Assessment of correct radio procedure should be made



Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)Part VII - Commercial Air ServicesStandard 723 - Air Taxi - Helicopters

Standard 723 SCHEDULE - Pilot Proficiency Check - Helicopter

  1. Standard 723 SCHEDULE - Pilot Proficiency Check – Helicopter

    content was last revised in______________________________


  2. The two paragraphs of subsection "(1) Pre-flight Phase" of the Schedule are:
  3. (a)____________________________________________


  4. Subsection "(2) Flight Phase paragraph", "(a) Taxiing and Hovering

    Manoeuvres" subparagraph (iv) states:______________________

    hover turns, __________________________________________and


    manoeuvres and, when practical,__________________________

    ____________ hovering…

  5. Subsection "(2) Flight Phase", paragraph "(d) Normal and Abnormal

    Procedures" states in part: "The pilot shall demonstrate use of as

    many of the normal and abnormal procedures for installed systems,

    devices and aids_________________________________________


    to determine that the pilot has the knowledge and ability to properly use installed equipment.

  6. Subsection "(2) Flight Phase", paragraph "(e) Emergency Procedures,

    Malfunctions and Flight Characteristics", subparagraph "(i) Emergency

    and Malfunctions" states in part: The pilot shall demonstrate or, where

    demonstration is impractical,__________________________________



    __________ listed below…


TP 3077 – "Flight Test Guide - Private and Commercial Pilot License – Helicopter"


Flight Management (Page 5)

  1. A below standard performance of a manoeuvre or task can often be explained by weaknesses in flight management competencies. List the four principal flight Management competencies.

a) ___________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________

d) ___________________________________________________

Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 2 - Preparation for Flight

B.  Helicopter Performance (Page 9)

  1. The candidate will be required to explain and state approved operating


    and _______________________________________

    for the helicopter to be used on the flight test. Certain essential

    performance speeds will be quoted from___________________. Other

    helicopter performance data may be determined from the _________


C.  Weight and Balance, Loading (Page 10)

  1. Knowledge of weight and balance_____________________________

    and ________________________, and the effect of various

    centre of gravity locations on the helicopter flight characteristics will be

    demonstrated. Practical knowledge of how to correct a situation in

    which the ________________________________________________

    or in which the ____________________________


E.  Engine Starting and Run-up, Use of Checklists (Page 11)

  1. The candidate will use the _____________________ provided by the

    aircraft manufacturer, or owner/operator, and use_______________

    for engine

    starting, warm-up, run-up and checking helicopter systems and

    equipment, to determine that the helicopter is _______________and


Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 11 - Engine Failure at the Hover or Hover-taxi (Page 13)

  1. The Aim: To determine the candidate’s ability to _______________

    _________________________________ following an engine failure at

    the _____________________ or_____________________________.

Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 14 - Emergency Procedures (Page 14)

  1. It is the responsibility of the candidate to use ____________________

    while carrying out simulated emergencies and to

    apply good _____________________________ to ensure the

    ____________________________. A landing following a simulated

    in-flight emergency will only be carried out on____________________


Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 18 – Autorotations (Page 16)

  1. The Aim: To determine that, in the event of an engine failure,

    the candidate has the ability to make a ________________

    autorotational ________________and _________________

    to a _____________________________________________.

  1. Landing or Power Recovery to the Hover/Hover-taxi
  1. The autorotations will terminate, at the discretion of the examiner,

    in either a ______________________, or a __________________

    to the hover/hover-taxi.

Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 23 - Sloping Ground Operations (Page 20)

  1. The candidate will be expected to ______________________,

    _________________________________, and ______________

    ______________ from a suitable area of sloping ground.

Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 25 - Confined Areas (Page 21)

  1. The candidate will demonstrate a ________________________

    , an ______________________________________

    within a confined area, ________________________________,

    , _______________________________,

    _______________________, and a ______________________

    . The rejected departure may be demonstrated


    at the examiner's discretion, depending on conditions.

Flight Test Exercises - Ex. 31 - Radio Communication (Page 23)

  1. The examiner will also assess the candidate's ability to obtain

    information about _____________, ______________________


    . Where it

    is not possible to establish radio communication with an ATC

    unit, the examiner may _________________________________

    to meet the aim of this item.


TP 6533 – "Approved Check Pilot Manual"

PART 1 "General Administration"
Chapter 9 - Conduct of Flight Checks

9.2 Flight Check Philosophy

  1. Today’s flight check evaluators must _______________________


    _____________________ or commission of errors, and then determine

    the effectiveness of crew actions in managing the situation _________



10.29 Technical Knowledge

  1. The pilot must show a practical knowledge of ____________________,

    _________________________________, and ____________________

    to show that they are aware of the causes, prevention and appropriate

    recovery procedures.

10.30 Flight Planning (FLP)

  1. The pilot or crew must demonstrate adequate knowledge of the

    company’s__________, ___________, and __________, including

    helicopter performance charts, __________________, applicable

    AFM __________________, and weight and balance procedures.

10.39 Landing (LND)

  1. Landings and approaches to landings must be conducted according

    to the __________and _____________________________________.

10.44 Abnormal/Emergency

  1. _____________________, ___________________________________

    that have a cumulative effect on the operation of the aircraft must not

    be planned as part of the ride scenario.

10.45 Engine Failure in the Cruise for a Single Engine Helicopter

  1. The assessment should focus on the ability of the pilot to rapidly

    ________________________________________________, select

    the _________________________________________landing area,

    and ___________________________________________________.

10.48  Anti-torque Failure or Control Malfunctions

  1. There is often more than one way of coping with a particular yaw

    control problem… When using a technique involving the closing of the

    throttle in the final stages, the ACP should discuss _______________

    whether this will be to the ground or a ________________


10.49 Hydraulic Failures and Malfunctions

  1. The consequences of failing to follow AFM procedures and limits in the

    event of a hydraulic failure can be _____________________________.

    The ACP should pay particular attention to these ________________

    and _____________________________ as appropriate for the

    helicopter type, as well as the aircraft handling.

10.53 Automation and Technology

  1. Crews must satisfactorily demonstrate an understanding of the means

    to transition from or between various levels of _____________________

    to ___________________________ and back to

    ____________________________. They must also demonstrate a

    clear understanding of the conditions or situations in which it is

    appropriate to do so.



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