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Decision 65832    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Although not paid, banked sick leave credits were payable to claimant on demand if need be and must be allocated to the weeks in respect of which they were payable in accordance with Regulation 36(12).
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
interruption of earnings conditions required 7 days without earnings  

Decision 20198    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-1028.91
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
board of referees errors in law misinterpretation of provision  
earnings income paid or payable  
board of referees legislative authority contract and labour agreement  

Decision A-1028.91    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Sick leave days not used during the year were payable in the first week of January, according to the collective agreement. Monies allocated to that week pursuant to para. 58(18)(b). Upheld by the FC.
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
board of referees errors in law misinterpretation of provision  
earnings income paid or payable  
board of referees legislative authority contract and labour agreement  

Decision 18458    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0691.90
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings allocation without services  
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  
earnings allocation normal weekly earnings others

Decision A-0691.90    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Part-time teacher whose last day of work was Thursday 30-6-88. Since he received his usual salary for the last week of work, pay for accumulated sick leave was correctly allocated, as per his normal weekly earnings, commencing with the week immediately following his separation.
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings allocation without services  
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  
earnings allocation normal weekly earnings others

Decision 18538    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0749.90

Decision A-0749.90    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
This case is referred back to the Umpire for a new decision based on the premise that the sick leave credits are earnings.

Decision 18441    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0675.90
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision A-0675.90     
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Accumulated sick leave days allocated pursuant to ss. 58(10.1) as it read prior to 23-11-89. Monies to be allocated in accordance with ss. 58(10).
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision 18440    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0674.90
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision 18456    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0689.90
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision A-0689.90     
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Accumulated sick leave days allocated pursuant to ss. 58(10.1) as it read prior to 23-11-89. Monies properly allocated in accordance with ss. 58(9) and (10) which are not confined to monies paid upon separation from employment.
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision A-0674.90    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Quebec teacher whose accumulated sick leave credits were paid. These monies fall not under reg. 58(3) but 58(9.1). The applicable collective agreement provision is the same as that in CUB 16943; also similar to CUB 16767. Request for review dismissed by FC.
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision 18549    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Teachers who argued that days of sick leave which could be cashed at the end of the school year had not been "accumulated" pursuant to Reg. 58(9) and had not been paid because of the layoff. Distribution in accordance with Regs 58(9) and (10).
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
teaching earnings accumulated sick leave credits  

Decision 18069    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Claimant emphasizes the unfairness of the UI system whereby people who take their sick leave during employment are not penalized. Not for Board or Umpire to pass judgment on fairness or unfairness of legislation. The Act is quite clear that this is earnings.

Decision 18031    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Provincial government servant who was paid an attendance gratuity of $37,350 upon separation in 8-88. This was a payment made to individuals who had not used their allowable sick days. Therefore, it was a form of accumulated sick leave credit.

Decision 15838    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-1118.88
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
board of referees rules of construction each word counts  
earnings vacation pay as income  

Decision A-1118.88    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Holiday pay, bonus for seniority and sick leave paid upon separation from employment. The only question in dispute is whether those sums, which otherwise would be considered earnings, come within the purview of the exception in para. 57(3)(h).
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
board of referees rules of construction each word counts  
earnings vacation pay as income  

Decision 16339     
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
At the time her employment ended, the insured received the amount of $16819 as accumulated sick pay since 1957, vacation pay and severance pay. No interruption in earnings and therefore feels penalized for not having been ill.

Decision 13515    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0271.87
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings severance pay as income  
earnings vacation pay as income  

Decision A-0271.87    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
The matter will be returned to the Umpire to decide on the basis that the amounts received by claimant as severance pay, vacation pay and sick leave were earnings.
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings severance pay as income  
earnings vacation pay as income  

Decision 12727    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Refer to: A-0661.86
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings severance pay as income  
earnings vacation pay as income  

Decision A-0661.86    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
The sums received by the claimant in 2-86 as severance pay, vacation pay and sick leave are earnings to be allocated under ss. 58(10).
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings severance pay as income  
earnings vacation pay as income  

Decision 13071    Full Text
Issue:Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earningsaccumulated sick leave credits  
Sick leave credits accumulated under individual employment contract and not collective agreement are not a leave plan within meaning of Reg. 57(2)(c). [p. 5]
Other Issue(s):Sub-Issue 1:Sub-Issue 2:Sub-Issue 3:
earnings income paid or payable  

Last modified :  2005-11-24 top Important Notices