Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Assessment Criteria

All funding recipients are selected through a transparent review process. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) screens each application to ensure that it is complete and that the project is consistent with the objectives, funding priorities, and eligibility criteria of the Charities Partnership and Outreach Program. Please see the Funding Guide and Application for more information on funding eligibility. The CRA may also ask for more information to determine eligibility. Applications that meet the assessment criteria will be sent for consideration by the Application Review Committee. Funding is limited, and not all eligible projects will be funded.

The Application Review Committee will assess the following criteria:

Project fit with Program objectives and priorities

  • the extent to which the project directly supports and advances the objectives of the Charities Partnership and Outreach Program
  • the extent to which the project links to one of the funding priorities

Project design

  • scope, nature, and reach of the project[Footnote 1]
  • innovative nature of the project and its cost-effective aspects
  • clarity and viability of the objectives, activities, and planned results
  • comprehensibility of the project need
  • correlation between project activities and the project need
  • sustainability of the project in the post-federal funding period
  • responsiveness of the project to the requirements of the Official Languages Act
  • amount of funding requested relative to the amount of resources available from the CRA in any given year
  • where applicable, the level and degree of stakeholder support and involvement
  • overall manner in which the project will be developed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated, as well as its potential to be documented for knowledge development purposes
  • where applicable, type, extent, and distribution plans for products and services produced
  • potential transferability of the project and the experience it may provide to other projects

Project plan

  • reasonability of the project plan
  • capacity of the applicant to carry out the activities and meet the project objectives based on expertise, time frame, and budget
  • capacity of the applicant to meet the financial requirements
  • suitability of performance measurement approach
  • anticipated likelihood of achieving results
  • fit between project activities, objectives, and proposed budget

Projects that the Application Review Committee recommends will be sent to the CRA for approval. Applicants should not assume any commitment on the part of the CRA until funding has been approved. The CRA will notify the recipient in writing of the outcome of the review (approval or rejection).


[Footnote 1]
Priority may be given to projects that are national in scope.

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