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Next Week on The Hour
If you loved Requiem for a Dream you'll love Jared Leto. Also Kardinal Offishall and David Suzuki. That's all next week.  

Get Tickets! They're going fast.

The Whole Show
The Hour's hour stream of last night's show.

runs 60:00

Geldof on Africa
Canada should live up to its commitments, Bob Geldof says.

runs 9:54

Ricky Williams
If football is religion in America, then he is a God.

runs 8:26

GOP Attack Ad
It slams Canada, plays the race card, and has the blogs abuzz.

runs 0:30

  What's Out There

Please note: all links in this section open in a new window.

Face from Space

Hour viewer Mike Pegg tips us off to a Google Map satellite image of Alberta that reveals a huge face in the mountains.

Mike Pegg - Posted 11:50 AM ET, 2006/10/26
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Just Say No to Guyliner!

Is Jared Leto transforming himself into a raccoon for his next part?

Stereogum.com - Posted 12:44 PM ET, 2006/10/25
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Hello Viewer! This is the Story That George was Referring to in Today's Mile a Minute

Slobodan Milošević is long gone, but somehow still received a voting card. George draws parallels.

Cbc.ca - Posted 11:41 AM ET, 2006/10/24
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The T-shirt and the Song on The Hour

If you're wondering where you can get your own I Love Tehran t-shirt, you can actually buy it online at I Love Tehran.

hoder.com - Posted 10:38 AM ET, 2006/10/23
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How Teens Have Hijacked the Internet

A prof says the Internet is led by teenage tastes.

globalpolitician.com - Posted 10:38 AM ET, 2006/10/23
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You Light Up My Hair

Self-illuminating hair gel? What will they think of next?

HouseofRave.com - Posted 11:37 AM ET, 2006/10/19
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Don't Sit on David Byrne's Art

David Byrne has an exhibit of chairs on in New York City. It's called 'Furnishing the Self - Upholstering the Soul.' We knew the guy had a deep-seated interest in art.

davidbyrne.com - Posted 11:04 AM ET, 2006/10/18
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Can You Tell a Sunni From a Shiite?

Better yet, can the people working in Iraq tell the difference?

NYTimes- Posted 10:14 AM ET, 2006/10/17
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Hemingway Was An Ad Man?

Hemingway appeared in all sorts of ads during his life. He used a Parker, 'The World's Most Wanted Pen,' and drank Ballantine ale, "while sitting in a deck chair with a book open."

Slate- Posted 9:54 AM ET, 2006/10/16
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Rona the Rogue?

The Sun says Environment Minister's statements are inaccurate.

Toronto Sun- Posted 9:15 AM ET, 2006/10/12
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Word Tetris!

Tired of solitaire? Play word tetris!

Digg- Posted 9:34 AM ET, 2006/10/11
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North Korea Also Has a Black Website

George checks out North Korea's website, sends you know who an email.

Hour Producer Paul McGrath- Posted 4:59 PM ET, 2006/10/10
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50 Sites, 50 Days

Two men attempt a whirlwind hitchhike across the U.S. of A.

Metafilter- Posted 9:30 AM ET, 2006/10/10
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A Picture Tells A Thousand Faces

A Sydney billboard blends 1400 faces into two.

Sydney Morning Herald- Posted 10:01 AM ET, 2006/10/09
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Why Woody Doesn't Need Advil

Woodpeckers hit their head 12,000 times a day, but don't get headaches. Pourquoi?

The Independent - Posted 11:10 AM ET, 2006/10/06
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In Praise of Manual Labour

Don't be a cubicle dweller. Work with your hands!

The New Atlantis - Posted 11:05 AM ET, 2006/10/05
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Drought by 2100

Extremely dire global warming study suggests one third of the world will be desert by 2100.

The Independent - Posted 10:33 AM ET, 2006/10/04
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That Dress is Hot

Solar-powered dress heats up design world.

We Make Money Not Art - Posted 11:21 AM ET, 2006/10/03
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Cocaine, The Energy Drink

Naturally, some vendors are refusing to sell a new energy drink being rolled out across the U.S.

Chicago Sun Times - Posted 11:30 AM ET, 2006/10/02
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How To Pin a Tail on a Dolphin

An intriguing tale of rubber tails.

Slate - Posted 11:33 AM ET, 2006/09/29
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Automated Tithing Machine

A Georgia church lets you tithe at their ATM. They also have a house band that regularly covers Aerosmith.

Los Angeles Times - Posted 11:02 AM ET, 2006/09/28
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Hairy Baby

Is your baby experiencing thinning hair? Help is here.

boingboing - Posted 11:45 AM ET, 2006/09/27
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Eye Chalk it up to Skill

Julian Beever creates optical illusions out of chalk and pavement.

Emailed - Posted 10:00 AM ET, 2006/09/20
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Raging Granny

No words necessary.

Google Video - Posted 11:05 AM ET, 2006/09/19
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Permanent Ink Prez

George W. Bush likes to give away personalized sharpies. Insert 'These colours don't run' joke here.

US News - Posted 10:47 AM ET, 2006/09/18
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Reverse Graffiti

A graffiti artist makes 'clean' graffiti. Authorities not sure whether to be impressed or annoyed. Cool photo gallery of his works.

NPR - Posted 10:45 AM ET, 2006/09/14
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Starbuck Naked Coffee Cups Get Principle Foaming

A Seattle principal told his teachers to cover up their Starbucks coffee cups with sleeves. The offending image - Starbucks' original bare-breasted mermaid logo.

Starbucks Gossip - Posted 10:04 AM ET, 2006/09/13
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Reclusive TO Artist Never Existed, But His House Does

Artist Iris Haussler created an intricate history of a reclusive Toronto artist and offered voyeuristic tours of his home.

National Post - Posted 11:02 AM ET, 2006/09/12
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Frank Negotiations

Paul Frank no longer owns Paul Frank. A sad tale of Paul Frank and friends.

Vanity Fair - Posted 4:48 PM ET, 2006/09/11
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Radio Slack

Radio Shack fires 400 employees via email.

Seattle Times - Posted 11:18 AM ET, 2006/09/11
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Craigslist Replaces the Back Pages of Alt Weeklies

A handful of prostitutes were arrested for soliciting on Craigslist. Not the dodgiest thing we've ever come across on Craigslist, but does it signal the end of a very lucrative revenue stream for alt weeklies across Canada?

Chicago Tribune - Posted 10:27 AM ET, 2006/09/11
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The Origins of SARS

SARS got its start in the back of a restaurant in Shenzen, where "Wild Flavour" is culled.

New Statesman - Posted 12:02 PM ET, 2006/09/08
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Inside San Pedro

A BBC photo essay takes you inside one of Bolivia's biggest prison. If you go, opt for the deluxe cell.

BBC - Posted 9:59 PM ET, 2006/09/07
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Dolphins are Smart. Duh.

"Not only do dolphins recognise their mirror images, but they can also watch TV." And they really like The Hour.

The Guardian - Posted 1:42 PM ET, 2006/09/07
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There are Worse Things for Teens to do in Their Spare Time

Teens in Brattleboro, VT are streaking for the heck of it, and liberal Vermonters aren't sure how they feel about it.

AP - Posted 9:59 AM ET, 2006/09/06
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Sophisticated Shoplifting Security

Professional shoplifters are driving up losses, so antitheft devices are getting sophisticated.

BusinessWeek - Posted 11:10 AM ET, 2006/09/05
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No Babies for Biggies?

The British Fertility Society has recommended that obese women not be allowed access to fertility treatment.

BBC - Posted 11:59 AM ET, 2006/09/01
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Hacking the Highway

One guy gets his political views out there on the cheap.

Googlevideo - Posted 11:57 AM ET, 2006/08/29
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It Was Almost Her 117th Birthday

The world's oldest woman dies in Quito, Ecuador. She was 116, but didn't look a day over 112.

Yahoo - Posted 10:31 AM ET, 2006/08/28
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Home Depot Hijinx!

Improv Everywhere gets 225 people to descend on a NYC Home Depot and proceed to shop in slow motion for five minutes. Awesome pics and video too!

Improv Everywhere - Posted 3:11 PM ET, 2006/08/23
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Will Google's Free WiFi Spur Revolution?

Will Google's decision to give free WiFi to all of Mountain View, California, inspire widespread free WiFi?

+Full story

Grilled Cat

An Indianapolis dentist decided to rectify his cat's severe underbite with some gold grills.

Boingboing - Posted 11:41 AM ET, 2006/08/21
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This Advice Doesn't Fly

Bankrupt Northwest Airlines distributes a book of money saving tips to its employees. It recommends dumpster diving and taking dates on walks in the woods.

Reuters - Posted 10:55 AM ET, 2006/08/17
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Simulated Slovenia

Slovenia wants you to visit. So much so that they've designed a video game to introduce their country to you. Bizarro, but it does make us wanna pick up and go to Ljubljana.

Metafilter - Posted 11:47 AM ET, 2006/08/16
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No Generic Blog Template for Ahmadinejad!

Not entirely sure if Iranian President Ahmadinejad's blog is for real, but here it is. PM Harper, where's yours?

Everywhere - Posted 4:07 PM ET, 2006/08/15
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George's Motorcycle Diaries

George is spending his vacation biking across the southern U.S., and aims to get to Graceland for the anniversary of Elvis' death.

The Star - Posted 10:25 AM ET, 2006/08/13
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Searching for Enlightenment

AOL reveals the search queries of anonymous people, and (shocker!) they immediately become unanonymous. Thelma Arnold searches for the answer to her dog's incontinence problem.

NYTimes - Posted 10:35 AM ET, 2006/08/09
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Two Blogs a Second?

According to Technorati, there's a new blog created every half second, 175,000 new blogs per day. That's a whole lot of cat pictures.

CNet - Posted 10:57 AM ET, 2006/08/08
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Save Harry

Authors Stephen King and John Irving have made a plea to J.K. Rowling - Don't kill Harry Potter. The three authors were reading together in New York City.

Reuters - Posted 11:23 AM ET, 2006/08/03
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Ring Remix!

The CBC is sponsoring a remix contest that invites any and all to remix Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. Think you have what it takes? Enter by September 5th.

CBC.ca - Posted 11:12 AM ET, 2006/08/02
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Stephen Colbert Not Wanted on Wiki

Yesterday, Stephen Colbert incited people to misuse Wikipedia. So the internet encyclopedia banned Mr. Colbert. A Vancouver system operator for Wikipedia, however, would still like to be on the Colbert Report.

Tawker Blog - Posted 11:16 AM ET, 2006/08/01
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The Paper-Clip Trade

Kyle is still going strong! It's been a while since we caught up with him, and Kyle's now got a book, a movie and speaking engagements all over the place!

Edmonton Journal - Posted 11:05 AM ET, 2006/07/31
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Soya Think It's Good For You?

An extensive study investigates the effects of soya, which is now in approximately 60% of processed food. The results are startling.

The Guardian - Posted 11:02 AM ET, 2006/07/26
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Insatiable Appetite Sated

A man in India had the all-you-can-eat restaurants in his town on alert. One visit from him, and a whole day's supply of food could be gobbled up in a sitting.

Hindustan Times - Posted 10:55 AM ET, 2006/07/25
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Moscow's Midnight Moves

A reporter discovers the wildest clubs in the world. And they're all in Moscow.

Vanity Fair - Posted 1:23 PM ET, 2006/07/24
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The Caffeine Corner

How much caffeine is actually in a latte? This chart gives a rough idea of how much of the jolty stuff is in the food and drinks we consume. Randomly selected intriguing fact: smokers remove caffeine from their blood twice as fast as nonsmokers.

boingboing - Posted 1:15 PM ET, 2006/07/20
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Walmart's Sanitized 'Hub'

Walmart is trying to woo teens away from MySpace with The Hub, its pg version of a social networking site. Pretty embarrassing thus far.

AdAge - Posted 12:32 PM ET, 2006/07/19
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Bush's Mic Debacle

George Bush didn't realize a microphone was recording his private conversation with PM Tony Blair. Language, Mr President!

Reuters - Posted 12:19 PM ET, 2006/07/17
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A Very Phat Blog

Yale University's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity has started an obesity blog. All sorts of food news you can use.

Rudd Sound Bites - Posted 2:43 PM ET, 2006/07/13
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A Youtube Eulogy?

The Mercury News says Youtube is over. Why? It's an age-old story of growing up, and being discovered by politicians.

Mercury News - Posted 1:40 AM ET, 2006/07/12
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Following up on an Hour piece about the uncertain providence of falling ice chunks, Treehugger reports that global warming is creating chunks of 'huge mutant hail' that fall from the sky in 30 pound installments.

Treehugger.com - Posted 2:04 PM ET, 2006/07/11
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One Red Paper Clip = One House

A while back The Hour met a man on a mission to trade his way from one red paper clip to a house. Well, the town of Kipling, Saskatchewan has helped him realize that dream.

OneRedPaperclip - Posted 11:33 AM ET, 2006/07/10
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Penny Lane to Remain the Same

Liverpool officials were intent on renaming streets linked to the slave trade. Then they realized a street made famous in a Beatles song was one of them.

Yahoo- Posted11:25 AM ET, 2006/07/10
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Pranksters Everywhere!

A bored Dutch design student thought it would be funny to set up a fake ad agency offering advertisement space on prostitutes' cleavage and thighs. Meanwhile, police in Berlin arrested two men who may be responsible for placing cement-filled soccer balls around the city.

Reuters - Posted 2:29 PM ET, 2006/07/05
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India's Optimism

India's midle class is greater than the entire population of the United States. That's a lot of discretionary income to fuel purchases of new technology, real estate and Jimmy Choos. It's a dramatic change for a country that used to save all its rupees, and Indians are extremely bullish about their country's economic future.

TCS Daily - Posted 12:40 PM ET, 2006/07/04
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Build your own (personal) radio station

Vibe Streamer is a free MP3 streaming server that allows you to connect and stream your music using only a standard web browser.... Play your music anywhere!

(Vibe Streamer - Posted 4:27 PM ET, 2006/06/29)
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More stuff we wish we'd thought of....

"The Cool Hunter" website features advertising campaigns from around the world, as well as sneak peaks at 'the next' in just about everything.

(Cool Hunter - Posted 1:24 PM ET, 2006/06/29)
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