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Detector Dog Service

Dogs have one of the most acute senses of smell of any creature in the animal world. This not only allows them to detect the presence of illegal substances, but more importantly, to pinpoint their locations.

The Detector Dog Service began in 1978 as a pilot project in Windsor, Ontario, with just three dogs. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) currently has 69 detector dog teams strategically located across Canada, serving both travellers and commercial operations. The CBSA has specialized detector dogs trained in the detection of narcotics firearms, currency, and agriculture products (plants, food and animals) that could contain harmful pests and diseases.

Concurrent with the implementation of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, the CBSA established the Currency Detector Dog Pilot Project.

Although other technical tools were researched, and some have been provided to officers to assist them in searching for smuggled currency, the detector dog is the only tool available that specifically detects currency.


The Detector Dog Service (DDS) plays an important role in the detection of restricted and prohibited goods entering the country and in assisting the CBSA to fulfil its border protection mandate by:

  • Significantly increasing opportunities to interdict narcotics, firearms, currency and plants, fruits, meat and animal smuggling;
  • Deterring smugglers while increasing public awareness of the CBSA's innovative enforcement approaches;
  • Assisting CBSA officers by conducting examinations and eliminating labour-intensive searches; and
  • Improving service to the travelling public by reducing the time needed to screen or examine passengers, luggage, and commercial shipments in the least intrusive manner.

In addition, detector dog teams can assist other law enforcement agencies in their execution of search warrants for drugs/ firearms and currency.

CBSA officers and their detector dogs help educate the public by conducting demonstrations at schools and for community service groups. During these demonstrations, the handlers provide general information on drug abuse, money laundering or agricultural resources depending on their dog's trained abilities. This service is aimed at educating young people and the general public while providing information about the CBSA's role as an enforcement agency.


Detector dog teams receive intensive training at the CBSA's Learning Centre in Rigaud, Quebec. At the Learning Centre, they are trained to recognize the specific scents they will be employed to detect, whether they be narcotics, firearms, or agriculture products. They also become familiar with the circumstances and situations under which they will work.

The CBSA has also provided training, in Canada and abroad, to other enforcement agencies such as police forces in Blainville, Châteauguay, Montréal, Toronto, federal and provincial correctional authorities, U.S. police forces in New York, Florida, and the Bermuda Customs Service.

Passive vs. Active

When the program initially started, all drug/firearm dogs were trained to indicate Actively by scratching, digging, biting, and barking at the source of the contraband odour. This was an effective way to detect and deter drug and firearms smuggling. Primarily, only passive dog training is now conducted.

In 1993, the Passive Detector Dog Service was introduced. Passive dogs are trained for all aspects of the customs working environment but are especially effective in inspecting travellers for body packs and hand-carried items that are used to smuggle contraband.

Passive dogs will sit beside the source of the trained odour. The docile and friendly nature of the dogs allows CBSA officers to peacefully circulate with them among arriving travellers. Passive detector dog teams are working in all regions throughout Canada including international airports in Halifax, Quebec City, Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Vancouver.

Course Content

During the 10-week basic training, the dog handlers learn how to care for, maintain and train their dogs. The dog handler is also trained in understanding the environment-particularly air currents, dangerous areas, and learns to understand the "cone of scent".

Odour particles always travel in the shape of a cone. A cone of scent is always concentrated and narrow at the source, and becomes wider and more diluted the further it travels.


The CBSA has very high standards for its dogs, and only 1 out of 10 submitted to the evaluation process is accepted to the program. After only a few exercises, it can usually be determined if the dog has the potential to meet our required expectations.

After the initial training course the dog handler must maintain a training schedule to keep the dog working at a peak efficiency level.

The National Coordinator and a detector dog training specialist will assess each detector dog team annually to ensure that they are working at an effective level.

About the Dogs

The CBSA uses several different breeds, but has primarily employed the Labrador Retriever for drug, firearm and currency detection and the Beagle for plant, food and animals. Dogs are matched with experienced CBSA officers to form detector dog teams.

The Life of a Detector Dog:

  • Dogs are usually 11 to 16 months when their training begins.
  • Dogs that are trained to detect agriculture products live in commercial kennels so that they are not continually around food smells from the handlers household kitchen; dogs that are trained to detect drugs and firearms live with their dog handlers.
  • Dogs are transported in air-conditioned vehicles that act as a mobile kennel when the dog is at work.
  • Dogs typically work for 8 to 10 years,
  • When the dogs retire, their handler gets the first option of taking them home to live with them or finding a suitable good home.

What the CBSA looks for in a potential detector dog:

  • Natural ability and desire to retrieve
  • Good physical condition
  • Size (20-40 kg)
  • Alertness
  • Field trial shock
  • Boldness; not being afraid of the varying situations and environments they will be working in
  • Temperament
  • Sociability

About the Dog Handlers

Dog handlers must be experienced customs inspectors and be dedicated to their job. They have to be willing to be on call 24 hours a day and be willing to travel to other locations on short notice. They must also be dedicated to their dog at all times, on and off duty.

Last updated: 2005-05-13 Top of page
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