Welcome to the City of Vancouver
Joe Fortes

Telling the stories of our city

Black History Month

This month is Black History Month. It's an opportunity to share the history, contributions and culture of black Canadians. Here in Vancouver, we have a number of significant people and events to celebrate.

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City Hall

Advisory bodies volunteers needed

Volunteers are needed for the Vancouver Heritage Foundation Board and the Vancouver Economic Development Commission. Application deadline: Thursday, February 19 at 5 pm.  


One year to go

One year to go!

Join Canadians across the country as we celebrate the one-year countdown to the 2010 Winter Games. Mark your calendar with these free family events starting February 14.

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Have your say

Have your say

New postings added to "Have your say":

ARKS Neighbourhood Meeting
February 18

Open House: Odyssey Cabaret relocation
February 18

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Let's do this together

Have your say

Let's do this together

Have an opinion about how the City spends the revenues from taxes? Public consultation on the 2009 Operating Budget begins February 3, ending March 24.

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Burrard Bridge

Burrard Bridge lane

City staff are developing a plan to conduct a trial to reallocate traffic lanes on the Burrard Bridge to create bike lanes. Staff are expected to report to Council in March.

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Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Take a look at our residents, business and visitors pages. Laid out in a simple question and answer format and geared towards you, a resident, business or visitor.

Also check out our new services page with an A to Z listing of our City services and more.


Neighbourhood Matching Fund

The Arts and Culture office of the Vancouver Park Board is now accepting applications for the Neighbourhood Matching Fund. The Fund supports projects by neighbourhood-based groups, including community centre associations, who wish to make creative improvements to local public land. Deadline for applications: April 15.

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Olympic Village

Olympic Village Public Information Update

Mayor and Council held a Special Council Meeting on Monday, January 12 to present the Olympic Village Public Information Update.

arrow View meeting video, minutes and agenda

arrow Learn more about the update


City Calendar


List of city events and public meetings. View calendar »

Pay & Purchase online

Pay and Purchase Online

Videos about our city