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National Literacy Secretarial - Project Funding 2002-2003(British Columbia)

(01.04/02 - 31.07/02)

Mrs. Moira McIlwain
Box 389
Tel. (250) 982-0013

Bella Coola Valley Literacy Development

Bella Coola Valley Learning Society, in partnership with the local library, Healthy Beginnings Program, Community Support Society, and Nuxalk College, will conduct a needs assessment study and develop a plan of action to deliver a comprehensive adult literacy and family literacy program model within the remote communities of Stuie, Firvale, Hagensborg, and Bella Coola. The under-served area has high levels of unemployment and low literacy skills. The community has had to address the need of parents of 80% of kindergarten children who do not seem to have the tools to prepare their children adequately for school entry. In its first year, the project will assess local needs and resources; prepare partnerships for community support; and design and develop the delivery of 3 literacy initiatives: 1) Partners in Reading Tutoring Program 2) literacy outreach broadcasts on local community radio station, and 3) the family-based community literacy program model. The project will seek to eliminate barriers to participation, and explore innovative strategies that are practical and relevant to daily activities and personal educational goals. The project will be evaluated through accurate accounts of participation levels, success stories, survey tools and report sheets.

Mr. James Cooke
2055 Purcell Way North
Tel. (604) 984-4975

Racing To Literacy

Capilano College, in partnership with the Pacific Racing Association, the Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association of BC, the Professional Employees International Union Local 378, the Vancouver Backstretch Society, and the Culinary Employees Union Local 40, will bring together key management stakeholders to design and pilot a learning centre for workers at the Hastings Park Racetrack in Vancouver. The project, based on findings from the very successful Racing to Education at Assiniboia Downs (READ) Literacy project, will offer peer- based, one-on-one assistance in literacy and functional skills relevant to 369 "front side" employees from the dining room, bars and betting booths, and 659 "backstretch" workers such as grooms, hot walkers, exercise riders, pony people and valets. Most of the current workforce at the Racetrack have minimum qualifications with very little formal education and low literacy skills. The learning centre will assist in promoting worker mobility and in increasing much-needed skills for potential job opportunities expected through upcoming retirement of current employees. The outcomes of the project will be evaluated on an ongoing basis through feedback provided to the Project Development Committee.

VISION: Seeing the Possibilities Beyond

Capilano College, in partnership with the Learning Disabilities Association of BC (Howe Sound Chapter) and the Community Futures Development Corporation of Howe Sound, will conduct action research to explore educational tools for adults with learning difficulties. The tools will include: 1) Structure of Intellect (SOI) - an assessment/training/remediation program that measures 26 cognitive abilities affecting learning-related memory comprehension and creativity; 2) Sensori-Motor Integration Exercises - physical activities designed to develop learning abilities by integrating the use of all senses; and 3) Fast Forward Reading - a program that combines both visual and auditory inputs to increase reading speed and comprehension. Approximately ten adults will participate in activities for four days per week at the Squamish campus of Capilano College. Participants will be actively involved in the research process, and will provide their data and feedback through journals, interviews and focus groups. A Research Facilitator will set up an Advisory Committee; conduct pre- assessments; collectively develop a process to document the research process; complete analysis of data; and write the Final Report. The project will be evaluated on an ongoing basis through the Advisory Committee and the process of refining and developing the information gathering and research process.

Ms. Debbie Demare
35 South Second Ave. Suite 305
Tel. (250) 392-8044

Community Literacy Audit

Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy, in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association, will use the Literacy Audit Kit developed by the Alberta Association for Adult Literacy to conduct a Literacy Audit in approximately 50 businesses and agencies in the 100 Mile House and Williams Lake areas. The goal of the Literacy Audit is to improve access to services for low literacy adults, and to increase awareness about literacy. A Literacy Audit Leader will compile a list of businesses and agencies, visit sites to explain the concept and process of the audit, prepare a media campaign to raise public awareness, conduct the Audit, tabulate results, and report back to participating sites. The project will be evaluated through monthly progress reports and statistical data from the Audit.

Mrs. Fay Asleson
5012-46th Street
Box 1420
Tel. (250) 788-2559

Home - School Bound Family Literacy Project

Chetwynd Public Library, in partnership with Chetwynd Laubach Literacy Council, will develop a family literacy project for approximately 30 at-risk families in the region of Chetwynd and surrounding areas. Parents will be offered one-on-one literacy tutoring and assistance in developing effective literacy and parenting skills, and will participate with their children through a weekly reading program at the library. A Literacy Coordinator will develop the program model; identify potential families; build linkages with community groups; recruit and train volunteers; match volunteers with families; develop Kids' Connection - a family reading program; pilot the program; and evaluate the success of the project by compiling and maintaining statistical records.

Ms. Leona Gadsby
1535-14th Street R.R. #4
Tel. (250) 342-3210

Education for Young Parents

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, in partnership with College of the Rockies and Cranbrook Boys' and Girls' Club, will develop and pilot a family literacy model for approximately 10 young families facing barriers to education such as transportation, poverty, addiction, low self-esteem, and learning disabilities. The program model, based on the Families in Motion model, will be held 3 mornings a week at the Boys' and Girls' Club where childcare will be provided. In addition, a computer lab will also be made available to participants through the Youth Employment Centre. A Coordinator will meet with potential parents; involve them in the development of the program; contact referral agencies; assess participants; prepare materials to deliver program; and conduct assessments to ensure that participant needs are being met. The project will be evaluated through feedback from coordinators, facilitators, Advisory Committee members, and community organizations. Interviews and questionnaires will be used to assess the impact of the project on participants.

Mrs. Jennifer Cliff-Marks
1535-14th Street R.R. #4
Tel. (250) 342-6546

Adult and Family Literacy Project, North Kootenay Lake Phase II

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, in partnership with North Kootenay Lake Community Services and Selkirk College, will complete the development and implementation of their very successful adult and family literacy development model within the small isolated communities of Kaslo, Argenta, Johnson's Landing, Meadow Creek, South Fork, Ainsworth and Lardeau. A Literacy Coordinator will establish an Advisory Committee made up of representatives from a broad base of community member organizations; work closely with the Committee to review a course of action for the year; coordinate outreach events; set up the delivery of adult and family literacy services in the communities; prepare and conduct ongoing evaluation; and update and renew resources. The project will be evaluated, like other such initiatives within the Community Basin Alliance for Literacy, through members of the Advisory Committee, volunteer tutors and learners, participating families and other stakeholders.

Mrs. Marnie Younger
2089 Teal Blvd P.O. Box 798
Tel. (250) 626-5455

Haida Gwaii Literacy Initiative Phase 2

Haida Gwaii Learning Circle Society, in partnership with the Northwest Community College, will develop and pilot three ten-session Literacy and Parenting Skills (LAPS) programs for approximately 48 participants in the two communities of Masset and Queen Charlotte City. A Coordinator will promote the initiative; increase public awareness through news articles by defining literacy and celebrating literacy events; network with community organizations; promote the availability of literacy services; and maintain a resource centre. The project will be evaluated through feedback from stakeholders and through the Adult Literacy Volunteer Program Evaluation Kit.

Ms. Katherine Anderson
3221-14th Street P.O. Box 1277
Tel. (250) 845-2727

Connections for Success: Your Child, the School and You

Houston Link to Learning, in partnership with Northwest Community College, will develop a family literacy program model based on individual learning plans, presentations, discussion groups and workshops on developing literacy and parenting skills. Each parent learning plan will correspond to that of a child, and address the needs of both. A Coordinator will develop a program plan; schedule meetings to present plans to parent support groups and Early Childhood Education programs; recruit initial participants; begin development of learning plans; organize joint parent-child activities; and conduct ongoing assessment of participant progress. Project effectiveness will be assessed through attendance statistics, participant and volunteer feedback, discussion groups and progress reports.

Accessing Community Services from the Learners' Perspective

Houston Link to Learning, in partnership with Northwest Community College, will work with literacy learners to conduct an action research project to map available services, and identify routes and requirements to access them. Results from the study will enable community literacy programs, libraries, school and college-based programs, First Nation organizations, and Friendship Centres to improve learner access to services. To facilitate this process, a formal community workshop will be held to show interconnections among organizations and groups. The project will explore questions related to areas for change in delivery of services, recruitment and retention in literacy programs, community linkages, and the impact of the action research process on participants. Mapping teams will collect data through journal entries and focus groups; organizations will be interviewed; and an accessible model developed to assist low level literacy learners to better understand the route to accessing services. Fifty copies of the research report will be published and distributed. Full text document will be posted on the Houston Link to Learning website.

Mr. Dave Jones
Box 359
Tel. (250) 842-5654

Upper Skeena Literacy Bus

Learners Opportunity Group Society (LOGS), an organization that provides literacy services to communities around Hazelton, B.C., will increase access to reading materials by providing mobile library/literacy services to the communities in the Upper Skeena including Gitanyow, Kitwanga, Gitwangak, Gitsegukla, South Hazelton, new Hazelton, Hagwilget, Two Mile, Hazelton, Gitanmaax, Glen Vowell, Kispiox and Kispiox Valley. The bus will make regular, scheduled visits to provide books, magazines, videos, tapes and a range of literacy resources to individuals, families and community groups. In addition, one person in each community will be identified to serve as a Community Liaison Contact. The staff on the bus will create an open, user-friendly atmosphere in which people feel free to ask questions and engage in conversation about books and life skills. A Coordinator will recruit volunteers and community literacy contacts, gather and organize material, confirm literacy bus schedules, train literacy volunteers, and coordinate the operation of the bus. The project will be evaluated through the level of interest generated within communities, user feedback, and anecdotal reports. A formative evaluation rolling up the data collected over the year will be conducted at the end of the project.

Ms. Linda Mitchell
510 West Hastings Street
Suite 601
Tel. (604) 684-0624

Provincial Family Literacy Development and Coordination

Based on strong community presence of family literacy in the province, Literacy BC, in partnership with the BC Council for Families and the BC Association of Family Resource Programs, will provide leadership, coordination and support to develop a strategic plan and vision for family literacy in the province. The project will raise awareness, build partnerships, and provide a forum for dialogue, network and training for practitioners. A Coordinator will establish a provincial family literacy Advisory Committee to guide the development of a long-term strategic plan and the delivery of Foundational Training in family literacy; organize public awareness events such as International Literacy Day, Starbucks "All Books for Kids" book drive, Word on the Street, Raise-a-Reader Day, and Knowledge Network's Family Day; plan and implement a Family Literacy Week Campaign; and develop a provincial media strategy;. The project will be evaluated through feedback from all stakeholders.

BC Literacy Electronic Network and Conferencing Service: The Hub

Literacy BC, the provincial literacy coalition, in partnership with Capilano College, will manage, coordinate, facilitate, and deliver the B.C. Literacy Electronic Network and Conferencing Service called the Hub. The project will develop technical skills and expertise of two key resource persons; design and plan workshop and presentation materials; provide training workshops and technical support; recruit new participants; and develop key initiatives to enhance the quality of the electronic service. A minimum of 150 participants will gain access to the service; at least 20 electronic conferences will be managed and moderated; and access to web-based interface and provincial literacy resource collection will be enhanced. In addition, a more developed domain site will be developed at www.literacy.bc.ca to increase technical capabilities. The project will be evaluated through participant feedback documented in reports submitted.

Mr. Jim Kassen
235 Front Street
Suite 206 P.O. Box 180
Tel. (250) 242-5591

Tumbler Ridge and CEP Mineworkers Adults Literacy Project-Phase 2

Northern Lights College, in partnership with the Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union #443 (CEP #443), will complete and consolidate the development of their program model to assist displaced workers in acquiring literacy skills necessary to achieve gainful employment. As the closing date for the Bullmoose Mine approaches in the current year, the project will expand to assist participants in literacy and employment skills. While focusing on employees at the Mine, it will also offer its services to the community through a Literacy Council supported by Laubach Literacy Canada. A Literacy Coordinator will meet with Union workers to plan activities for the year; recruit and train additional volunteers for the job search component; develop a training plan; match volunteers with learners; target local industries and businesses for support; provide avenues for learner feedback; review existing curriculum; and raise awareness within community organizations. Project effectiveness will be assessed through student journals, staff feedback and interviews.

Ms. Denine Marasco
5331 McConnell Ave Box 796
Tel. (250) 638-5411

Stewart Community Literacy: Toward the Future

Northwest Community College, in partnership with Stewart Public Library, will study small community-based programs to deliver training in literacy and basic computer skills within Stewart - an isolated community highly dependent on the Internet for a broad range of information and services. A Coordinator will explore small communities like Stewart to compare delivery of services; recruit and train volunteer tutors; support learner-tutor pairs; offer drop-in times for computer labs; conduct learner evaluations; and identify revisions to the program delivery model. Evaluation results obtained through feedback from learners and tutors will be compiled in a final report.

Stories behind the Photographs

Northwest Community College, in partnership with Haisla Education Society, will use archival photographs to research stories of the people behind those photographs, and create meaningful resource materials for learners at Kitimat Literacy Services. The project will involve Haisla learners in locating a sense of history and place about their cultural heritage and appreciation for the importance of documenting elders' stories and memories. A Project Coordinator will form a joint steering committee from the Haisla Education Society, the Kitamat Village Council and Northwest College; select photographs from Library Archives; invite literacy students to assist with the project; arrange for interviews with elders and family members; collect final drafts of stories; and arrange for publication. Published copies will be distributed to participants, Kitimat village families, libraries, and literacy groups. The project will be evaluated on an ongoing basis feedback from elders, story reviews, and the overall success of the publication.

Mr. Steve Koehle
1000 K.L.O Road
Tel. (250) 862-5488

Shuswap Literacy Needs Assessment - Phase 2

Based on findings from a Literacy Needs Assessment Study of the Shuswap area consisting of Malakwa, Sicamous, Grindrod, Enderby, Salmon Arm, Anglemont, Celista and Sorrento, Okanagan University College, in partnership with the Okanagan Regional Library and the Public Health Nursing Interior Health Authority, will begin to implement the coordination of literacy services through a concerted plan of action for the region. A Community Coordinator will pilot the implementation through a Community Learner Liaison position. In addition, a literacy diagnostic tool will be developed to assess literacy levels. The project will be evaluated through bi-monthly meetings of the Steering Committee and through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups.

Reading Connections Project

Based on the success of an earlier initiative and on the 2001 Community Adult Literacy Analysis (CALA) report, Okanagan University College, in partnership with the Family Resource Centre (Vernon), School District #22, and several other community partners, will support family literacy in the regions of Vernon, Armstrong, Enderby, Lumby and Cherryville. The project will provide facilitator training in family literacy models such as Literacy and Parenting Skills (LAPS), Mother Goose and Homespun to community services providers, First Nation Workers, Public Health Nurses, and family literacy programs. This will result in a core group of trained facilitators with the capacity to incorporate recognized family literacy models into their current programs. In addition, an extensive outreach effort will assist in informing communities about the benefits of family literacy through newspaper articles, media events, and activities around Family Literacy Day. The project will be evaluated through interviews, questionnaires, curriculum reviews and focus groups.

Mrs. Anne Collie
499 West Island Highnay
P.O.Box 27
Tel. (250) 248-4041

Words On Wheels, Phase 2

Project Literacy Parksville/Qualicum, in partnership with School District #69, Malaspina University College and several community groups, will further develop their mobile-bus outreach project by offering adult literacy and family literacy programs and resources to the communities of Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Nanoose Bay and the smaller outlying areas of Bowser, Errington, and French Creek. The goal of the project is to bring family and adult literacy services to areas that lack public transportation and access to programs. Words on Wheels, an entry point for individuals seeking support and information, will offer 4 mobile components: Knowledge in Motion - a computer-based initiative offered through trained volunteer tutors; Library on Wheels with opportunities for families to borrow books and participate in story hours; Information In Motion providing referrals to college-based tutoring programs; and Mother Goose and Friends - a program to empower parents as the first primary educators of their children. A comprehensive evaluation will be conducted through data obtained from client intake forms and questionnaires.

Mrs. Shirley Mueller
3815 B Railway Avenue
Box 3759
Tel. (250) 847-9515

Smithers Family Literacy Network

Smithers Community Services Association, in partnership with the Northwest Community College, the local school district and the Kyah Wiget Education Society, will develop a community family literacy program model for approximately 50 families. In addition, the project will support the compilation of a brochure listing family literacy supports; the delivery of five parent workshops; and the establishment of a peer support group. Approximately 15 service providers will receive training in family literacy programming. Project effectiveness and its impact on the lives of participants will be evaluated on an ongoing basis through oral feedback from workshops, statistical log sheets, and anecdotal comments.

Ms. Karen Evans
33844 King Road
Tel. (604) 504-7441

Fraser Valley Literacy Programs

University College of the Fraser Valley, in partnership with Chilliwack Community Services and John Maclure Community School, will consolidate work done last year to expand and sustain family literacy programs in the communities of Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Mission. The project will develop strategies to establish a permanent home for models such as Families in Motion at Chilliwack Community Services; develop an expansion plan to integrate family literacy into Family Resource Centres; facilitate stakeholder participation in the evaluation process; develop a presentation package for Reading Rascals family literacy model; and promote programs at events such as International Literacy Day and Family Literacy Day. The project will formally evaluate outcomes and long-term impact of programs in the communities. Full stakeholder participation will be ensured through questionnaires, anecdotal comments, focus groups and monthly reports.

M Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn

University College of the Fraser Valley, in partnership with Partners in Learning (PIL) and the Ferndale Correctional Institution (minimum-security), will develop and pilot a literacy tutor training initiative for offenders. PIL currently runs a very successful program that matches pre-release offenders with youth-at-risk from Abbotsford and Mission School Districts. Offenders will be encouraged to apply literacy-based skills while interacting with fellow inmates and within their personal and family lives. Teaching experience will equip offenders to support and understand their spouses and partners, and to become better aware of the social and educational realities of their children. The evaluation of the project will determine a future plan of action. The impact of the initiative on offenders will be documented. Full stakeholder participation will be ensured through questionnaires, anecdotal comments, focus groups and monthly reports.

Ms. Barbara Ash
1155 East Broadway Avenue
Tel. (604) 871-7008

Directory of Literacy Resources

In response to a need identified by the literacy community in the province, Vancouver Community College, in partnership with the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC), will identify training and professional development needs of literacy practitioners in B.C.; compile an inventory of recommended resource people available to deliver workshops; publish and distribute a resource directory; post it on the ABEABC Web Pages and the National Adult Literacy Database (NALD) website; and explore means of providing annual updates. A Project Worker will meet regularly with members of the Advisory Committee for ongoing evaluation.

It Takes A Village

Based on the launch of their very successful "Web of Life" book of learners' writings on the theme of gardens, and upon request from the Parent Advisory Committee, Vancouver Community College, in partnership with Grandview/?Uuqinak'uuh Elementary School, will produce a book of stories, poems, songs and illustration on the theme "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child". The project will involve parents of children who attend the Grandview/?Uuqinak'uuh Elementary School, adult learners from the Grandview/?Uuqinak'uuh Adult Learning Centre, and school Elders. The book will be distributed to families, school library and community organizations such as the Native Education Centre, First Nation's Bands and Native Friendship Centre. A Facilitator will meet with members of a Steering Committee to identify possible participants interested in working on the book; hold writing workshops; compile the book; and organize distribution. The project will be evaluated through written responses, participant journals and feedback from members of the Steering Committee.

Telling Their Stories

Based on findings from a Needs Assessment Study, Vancouver Community College, in partnership with First United Church Mission - located in Downtown Eastside Vancouver communities - will develop and implement a community-based, participant-centred story telling and writing program model to be piloted during the Mission's regular dinner sessions. The project will conclude with the production of a professional anthology of participant writings. A Facilitator will work with program participants to gather materials and supplies; facilitate discussions and recording of stories; plan and organize publication; and host a book launch. The goal of the project is to encourage homeless clients from the First United Church to participate in reading and writing activities. In addition, follow up sessions will be coordinated to develop a possible future plan of action. The project will be evaluated through data collection, verbal feedback, focus groups, interview, surveys and questionnaires.

Mr. David Stapley
237 3rd Street
Tel. (250) 338-9131

The Spoken Word Project

YOURS Comox Valley Youth Resource Society will assist out-of-school youth participants at the Youth Resource Centre's "Cafeteria" to improve their literacy skills through workshops, Spoken Word events and the publication of a "zine" - a collection of songs written for an open microphone performance. The Cafeteria, home to several successful peer-based cultural events, will help launch the production of original works by young writers and artists. The project will support monthly Spoken Word events and workshops delivered by young writers. In addition, the project will work with the Adult Learning Centre to establish a much-needed Youth Peer Tutoring Group. Tutors will also be involved as assistants at project workshops, and will be available at Spoken Word events. Attendance records and successful presentations will determine the success of the project. An evaluation form and request for feedback will be incorporated into all workshops. In addition, library staff will be interviewed to evaluate the impact of the project on the use of library services by participating youth.

(01.08/02 - 30.11/02) 

Ms. Colleen Swift
180 North 3rd Avenue, Suite D
V2G 2A4
Tel. (250) 392-3630

Family Literacy Rural Outreach Project

Cariboo Regional District Library, that currently supports a locally developed literacy program in 10 communities in the region, will partner with the University College of the Cariboo to deliver onsite training, and facilitate the development of literacy programs in four new communities of Anahim Lake, Nehmiah, Alkali Lake an Dog Creek. In addition, the library will host a regional conference to provide training and facilitated opportunities to share expertise and resources. A Project Coordinator will issue press releases in newsletters to publicize the Family Literacy rural Outreach Projects within the new communities; collaborate with partners to develop workplans; develop and deliver training; review plans; and make recommendations for changes. Project staff, community coordinators and library representatives will evaluate the effectiveness of the project.

Mr. Devron Gaber
1483 Douglas Street 6th Floor
V8W 3K4
Tel. (250) 413-4449

Mentoring Practitioner Researchers

As a follow up to their highly successful literacy support initiatives, Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology will enhance the research capacity of literacy practitioners in B.C. by offering mentoring support and training to adult literacy practitioners interested in pursuing research activities. Mentoring support will be provided through training workshops; access to resource materials; online website consultation; and training events at annual conferences. In the first year of the project, a Coordinator, with guidance from a "Research Friend", will develop information plans and materials to describe mentoring services; design a framework for formative evaluation; provide consultative services; deliver workshops; and develop a plan of action for the second year of the initiative. The project will assist in the dissemination of new knowledge and will result in more effective and better informed literacy practice in the province. Formative evaluation will be conducted on an ongoing basis. This will include requests for verbal and written feedback from literacy practitioners. In addition, project personnel will document their observations and reflections of challenges and successes in conducting project activities.

Dr. Nicholas Rubridge
P.O. Box 8500 2700 College Way
V1C 5L7
Tel. (250) 489-2751

College of the Rockies Online Literacy Project

AlphaRoute, an online literacy learning tool developed by Ontario-based AlphaPlus Centre, has proven itself to be a valuable resource for flexible delivery of literacy services. During an earlier pilot of the concept, College of the Rockies participated with a group of literacy learners from the East Kootenay region of British Columbia. This project will support the College to pilot the current program in the communities of Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere, and Columbia Lake Band Reserve. In addition, it will establish a pilot partnership with AlphaPlus Centre; improve literacy skills of at least 10 isolated East Kootenay literacy learners; develop support skills of at least 8 online literacy mentors; recommend BC-specific resources for future BC AlphaRoute learners; and contribute to the body of research to enable the project to be effectively implemented on a national level. By providing access to an online learning tool, the project will meet the needs of learners within isolated communities as well as learners already participating in small literacy programs. Data generated from the project will enable AlphaPlus Centre to effectively adapt the AlphaRoute curriculum for a national literacy audience, and help expand opportunities for literacy learning with more flexible and open e-learning delivery options. The project will be evaluated through an assessment of the quality of meetings between the two main partners, the increase in the profile of literacy within communities, the improvement in literacy skills of participants, the commitment of literacy mentors, and the documentation of research data and findings on the implementation of AlphaRoute outside Ontario.

Ms. Leona Gadsby
1535-14th Street R.R. #4
V0A 1K4
Tel. (250) 342-3210

Presentation Kits

Based on a need expressed by participating communities, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, in partnership with the College of the Rockies, will develop 17 clear, easy-to-use presentation kits, one for each of the communities including Elk Valley, Cranbrook, Creston, Kimberley, Windermere Valley, Golden, Valemount, Revelstoke, Nakusp, Slocan Valley, Nelson, Castlegar, Salmo, Trail, Grand Forks, and West Boundary. In addition, a one-day training session will be held to train literacy coordinators in the use of the materials. Staff will meet with coordinators to identify components of the package, collect materials, put them together, and train coordinators. The level of ease with which community coordinators can use materials will determine project effectiveness. Additional feedback will be obtained through questionnaires and anecdotal information.

Ms. Katherine Anderson
3221-14th Street P.O. Box 1277
V0J 1Z0
Tel. (250) 845-2727

Weaving Learning Webs: Northwest Literacy Workshop

Houston Link to Learning, in partnership with Northwest Community College, will host a one-day workshop to bring a wide range of community partners together to improve information and access to services for literacy learners, through online, web-based channels. Opportunities will be provided to groups such as literacy practitioners, unions, workers, learners, school district teachers and administrators, and private training providers to explore how other service agencies have been successful in providing better access to learning opportunities in the communities of Houston, Smithers, Hazelton, Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii. A Coordinator will recruit members for the Regional Literacy Steering Committee, plan the workshop, develop a framework for collecting an inventory of learning opportunities; develop a website with workshop outcomes; and identify ways to continue to maintain the network. Workshop participants will work in focus groups to evaluate the workshop. A feedback questionnaire will be built into the website for ongoing evaluation.

Ms. Linda Mitchell
510 West Hastings Street Suite 601
V6B 1L8
Tel. (604) 684-0624

Lower Mainland Family Literacy Coordination

Based on increased awareness and community demands for family literacy services, Literacy BC, in partnership with the BC Council for Families, will provide family literacy coordination and consultation for family literacy initiatives in the Lower Mainland area of Vancouver. A Family Literacy Coordinator will establish a Learning Advisory Committee; identify, describe and map existing family literacy programs; create a database of information; increase local awareness of family literacy issues; post the family literacy map on Literacy BC's website; establish links with other family literacy related websites; share information; and provide support, consultation and resources to new and developing family literacy projects, services and programs in the Lower Mainland. The project will be evaluated through workshop questionnaires; website data, and feedback obtained from Advisory Committee evaluations.

BC Summer Literacy Institute 2003

Based on requests from the literacy community in the province, Literacy BC, in partnership with Vancouver Community College, will plan and host a two-week Summer Literacy Institute in 2003. A minimum of 2 courses and a series of practical training workshops for literacy practitioners and learners will be held for approximately 80 practitioners and program coordinators. In addition, an Advisory Committee consisting of learners and practitioner representatives from literacy programs for First Nation learners will be established to guide and direct workshop selection and content for a one-day Forum on best practices for literacy learners from First Nation communities. The project will be evaluated through questionnaires and participant feedback.

Provincial Community Literacy Practitioner Training and Development

Based on findings from two research reports and a critical need expressed by a growing community of literacy practitioners in the province, Literacy BC, in partnership with Vancouver Community College, will research and develop a long-term strategic plan for practitioner training and development. The project will support a two-day training event for all new community literacy program coordinators; a series of six regional training events; and two orientation and training sessions for members of the provincial External Review Committee. A Training Coordinator will establish an Advisory Committee; identify literacy training opportunities currently available; identify planning tasks; coordinate training events; support coordinators in the planning of regional events; and complete post-event procedures, including evaluation and assessment of the project.

Ms. Carrie Nelson
222 Cowichan Way
V9L 6P4
Tel. (250) 746-3500

What makes literacy instructors sucessful or effective in their practice?

Malaspina University College, in partnership with the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC), will work with experienced literacy practitioners to identify effective literacy strategies through an analysis of their own practice. The project will allow practitioners to observe themselves and explore factors such as instructor effectiveness, successful teaching styles, educational philosophies, essential supports, and training needs. The process will not only keep a record of ongoing evaluation, but also serve to document the benefits and challenges of a collaborative research process. Phase One will focus on the current daily practice of research team members who will record individual autobiographies; identify common themes; and work with learners to understand effective practices. Instructors will establish research protocols; write autobiographies; plan journaling of daily practice; prepare presentations for ethics committees of community colleges; and discuss themes for reflective journals and learner input through teleconferences. The project will result in a report documenting common practices of effective literacy instructors with recommendations for future research-in-practice collaborative projects. Project goals will be evaluated on an ongoing basis, and researchers will share their reflections within team meetings.

Ms. Carolyn McWhinnie
19 Commercial Street
V9R 5G3
Tel. (250) 754-8988

Simplified Phonics Training Computer Software

Based on a need expressed by practitioners, Literacy Nanaimo, a community-based organization that has been promoting and delivering literacy services since 1990, will produce a learner and tutor friendly phonics computer training program available on CD in Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP. The model will replace current "flash cards" used for phonics training. It will be practical and learner-focused to enable tutors and practitioners to include it in their regular lesson plans. Literacy Nanaimo will design training exercises; develop a prototype; write graphics; input data; record sounds; evaluate prototype; make revisions; test the model through 50 tutor-learner pairs; and produce a final version for wide distribution. Ongoing evaluation will take place with feedback from volunteer tutors and learners at Literacy Nanaimo.

Mr. Jim Kassen
5504 Simpson Trail Road Box 860
V0C 1R0
Tel. (250) 774-2741

Literacy for Employment

Based on a strong need for training within the communities of Northeast British Columbia, North East Native Advancing Society (NENAS), in partnership with Northern Lights College, Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River Band, Lower Post First Nation, Petro-Canada and Alberta Energy Canada, will develop and pilot a literacy/numeracy program model for First Nations communities to better prepare them for the successful completion of Workmen's Compensation Board's "Employability Skills Training Modules" in the oil and gas industry. The model will combine one-on-one training with group instruction, and will provide the flexibility of part-time and full-time programming. Coordinators will identify and pilot employment related curriculum topics such as Workplace Hazardous Information Systems and Occupational First Aid; introduce participants to the language of the industry; explore further follow-up training in other career-related areas such as Heavy Equipment Operations and Camp Cook Training; and document their success to allow other First Nation communities to replicate the model. Evaluation of the project will be based on the number of participants and their success rate in the completion of "Employability Skills Modules" and oral and written feedback from all stakeholders.

Mr. Dan George
1600 Third Avenue
V2L 3G6
Tel. (250) 564-3568

Learning Circle Project

Prince George Native Friendship Centre, a community-based organization that has beenproviding educational programs to adult learners since 1989, will design, develop and pilot a Learning Circle Literacy program model that integrates the improvement of literacy skills with the cultural concept of learning circles. The model will bring learners, teachers and elders together to share their collective knowledge, and develop collaborative learning that promotes the improvement of literacy skills and self-confidence. Two groups of participants will meet weekly for two to four hours depending on the size of the group ranging from 5 to 15 participants. Each circle will have at least one Elder to guide participants and to share the knowledge and wisdom gained through oral traditions. In addition, peer tutors will be recruited through weekly informational meetings. An Advisory Committee will develop the terms of reference, and will also develop a process for recruitment and referral, and another for accessing community resources. The project will be evaluated through the level of interest generated by the model, the achievement of measurable participant outcomes, and through feedback from all stakeholders.

Ms. Donna Miller
3143 Jacklin Road
V9B 5R1
Tel. (250) 391-9002

LifeStyles with Moms and Mentors - Phase 2

School District # 62, Sooke Community Education will expand and consolidate their Lifestyles with Moms and Mentors project to provide young mothers with opportunities to expand their literacy skills while also focusing on more effective communication and organizational skills, and a better understanding of basic computer skills for employability. The project will support three initiatives: 1) Mentor Net: to train young mothers in the use of computers and in learning how to read and understand instructional manuals; 2) Mother Skills: to promote increased awareness of links between literacy and nutrition, team work, creativity and multitasking opportunities; and 3) Explorations: to develop literacy skills in order to prepare participants for career opportunities especially in the fields of tourism and hospitality. A Project Coordinator will facilitate weekly focus group discussions related to parenting and literacy; complete 20 hours of Mentor Training Workshops; consolidate research related to literacy and health promotion; complete a photo documentary of activities; and coordinate volunteer training. Project effectiveness will be evaluated through questionnaires, documented entries of activities and participant feedback.

Ms. Karen Evans
33844 King Road
V2S 7M8
Tel. (604) 854-4518

Literacy program Evaluation Kit

University College of the Fraser Valley, in partnership with Literacy BC and the Fraser Valley Regional Literacy Committee, will design and field-test a collection of program evaluation tools for family literacy programs based on the best practices framework developed at the Family Literacy Institute in 1999. The project will result in a standardized program evaluation format for family literacy programs. Project staff will research existing evaluation methods and techniques; identify current needs and issues; design diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation tools and templates; develop a strategy to field-test the materials; gather results; report findings; distribute materials and results to Regional Literacy Coordinators; and solicit feedback. The project will be evaluated at all stages through extensive feedback from stakeholders and through results from the field-testing of materials.

(01.12/02 - 31.03/03)

Dr. Nicholas Rubridge
P.O. Box 8500
2500 College Way
Tel. (250) 489-2751

College of the Rockies Online Literacy Project (Supplement)

AlphaRoute, an online literacy learning tool developed by Ontario-based AlphaPlus Centre, has proven itself to be a valuable resource for flexible delivery of literacy services. During an earlier pilot of the concept, College of the Rockies participated with a group of literacy learners from the East Kootenay region of British Columbia. This project will support the College to pilot the current program in the communities of Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere, and Columbia Lake Band Reserve. In addition, it will establish a pilot partnership with AlphaPlus Centre; improve literacy skills of at least 10 isolated East Kootenay literacy learners; develop support skills of at least 8 online literacy mentors; recommend BC-specific resources for future BC AlphaRoute learners; and contribute to the body of research to enable the project to be effectively implemented on a national level. By providing access to an online learning tool, the project will meet the needs of learners within isolated communities as well as learners already participating in small literacy programs. Data generated from the project will enable AlphaPlus Centre to effectively adapt the AlphaRoute curriculum for a national literacy audience, and help expand opportunities for literacy learning with more flexible and open e-learning delivery options. The project will be evaluated through an assessment of the quality of meetings between the two main partners, the increase in the profile of literacy within communities, the improvement in literacy skills of participants, the commitment of literacy mentors, and the documentation of research data and findings on the implementation of AlphaRoute outside Ontario.

SUPPLEMENT - This supplement will enable the organization to respond to the overwhelmingly positive response to the pilot program in the Cranbrook project site by providing resources for a Site Facilitator.

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