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National Literacy Secretariat - Project Funding 2002-2003 (New Brunswick)

(01.04/02 - 31.07/02)

Michel Richard
505 College Street
Dieppe, New Brunswick
E1A 6X2
Tel. (506) 856-2200

Learning mathematics

The New Brunswick Community College in Dieppe, a Francophone college educational institution which is part of a network of 11 colleges, will develop instructional materials for Francophone adults with very weak mathematics skills who are registered in literacy classes in the New Brunswick Community Academic Services Program (CASP). The materials, which will be produced in the form of three workbooks, will be used to teach the concepts and terminology needed to learn numeracy and problem solving. A glossary of the vocabulary used in basic mathematical operations and practical exercises involving daily activities will be developed. Four CASP teachers will validate the materials developed in their classes as part of a pilot project. Text editing and page layout of the validated materials will be done by the Centre franco-ontarien de ressources en alphabétisation. The materials will then be distributed to 81 Francophone CASP classes and to all adult literacy tutors in New Brunswick. The results obtained in the pilot project with the four CASP classes will determine project effectiveness.

Ms. Heather Harris
108 Harvey Road
Tel. (506) 386-8034

Live & Learn: Profiling Successful Outcomes in Literacy

Laubach Literacy New Brunswick, a volunteer literacy organization which provides one-on-one tutoring for adults, will produce a document in English and French matching literacy learner success stories with specific literacy-related issues. Uses for the document will include literacy awareness, student and volunteer recruitment, promotion and fundraising. A writer will be hired to compile the success stories through interviews with past and current learners from Laubach and the Community Academic Services Program. Each story will be preceded by a one-paragraph preamble outlining a related literacy issue which impacts both the individual and society at large. Emphasis will be placed on the direct correlation between literacy training and successful outcomes. The document will be publicly launched on New Brunswick Literacy Day, posted on the National Adult Literacy Database (NALD) website and widely distributed across the province's literacy field. The number of visits and document downloads on the NALD website and the number of phone calls received on the Laubach toll-free line will determine the project's success. Also, written evaluations will be collected during New Brunswick Literacy Day.

Ms. Lillian Linton
Place 2000 250 King Street
4th Floor P.O. Box 6000
Tel. (506) 444-4331

CASP Learner Management Information System

Literacy New Brunswick Inc. (LNBI), a nonprofit organization which was established to provide community-based literacy training to adults, will set up a comprehensive electronic information management system containing data on all literacy learners registered in Community Academic Services Programs (CASP) throughout New Brunswick. In order to do this, LNBI will combine the data records from two existing databases, collect new information on CASP graduates and dropouts through a survey, and integrate statistical analysis software into the resulting system. Information such as learners' academic level, goals and referral source upon entering and leaving CASP programs will be recorded. The information management system will improve LNBI's effectiveness by serving accountability and information purposes for program management, promotional initiatives, fundraising and planning and policy development. A series of test reports produced by the information system, as well as the extent to which partner, stakeholder and promotional information needs are met will determine the project's success.

Yves Chouinard
PO Box 309 47 Village Avenue
Campbellton, New Brunswick
E3N 3G7
Tel. (506) 789-2377

Development and update of Community Academic Services Program basic and intermediate instructional materials

The New Brunswick Community College in Campbellton, a Francophone college educational institution which is part of a network of 11 colleges, will review and update instructional materials for grade one to nine French-language and grade one to six mathematics programs in the Community Academic Services Program (CASP). To do so, they will first create a tool to identify errors and weaknesses in existing materials. The tool will then be distributed to CASP teachers who will review the materials. The necessary corrections and changes as a result of the review will be made and the materials validated with learners. The revised product will then be reprinted and distributed to CASP classes. Feedback from learners following the validation of the materials will be used to evaluate project effectiveness.

Luc St-Jarre
PO Box 70 225 Power Road
Edmundston, New Brunswick
E3V 3K7
Tel. (506) 735-2505

Let's talk about adult education

The New Brunswick Community College in Edmundston, a Francophone college educational institution which is part of a network of 11 colleges, will organize and offer an occupational development session on the topic of adult education for literacy teachers in the New Brunswick Community Academic Services Program (CASP). The two-day conference aims to teach approximately 50 participants adult education concepts, a discipline that deals with instructional techniques specific to adults, so that they can apply them in literacy training programs. In addition, participants will be able to exchange adult education ideas, teaching methods, instructional materials and educational activities. An activity report will be produced and sent to participants, and a press release will be issued to the media after the conference. Evaluation forms completed by participants after each workshop will allow project effectiveness to be evaluated.

Mrs. Joy Dion
100 Broadway Street
Tel. (506) 325-4400

Training for the Enhancement of On-Line Educational Resources

The New Brunswick Community College in Woodstock, which is part of a network of eleven colleges that provide postsecondary training and educational opportunities, will train a core group of Community Academic Services Program (CASP) facilitators and Literacy Coordinators in New Brunswick to find and use Canadian resources on the Internet, in a workshop held by the National Adult Literacy Database (NALD). The core group, which will consist of two representatives from each Anglophone CASP, will then provide training to other facilitators through a series of workshops in their respective regions. This project will allow CASP's to enhance their literacy resource collection, as well as their knowledge of the Internet. A report describing the research process and listing the recommended resources will be published and shared with literacy partners in New Brunswick. Increased use of the Internet and of NALD resources by the CASP facilitators will determine the project's success.

(01.08/02 - 30.11/02)

Anne-Marie Gammon
1330 Bridge Street
E2A 5V4
Tel. (506) 545-6821

Un nouvel élan pour le Conseil Alpha Bathurst-Chaleur [A new approach for the Conseil Alpha Bathurst-Chaleur]

The Conseil Alpha Bathurst-Chaleur will launch an advertising campaign to raise the public's awareness of illiteracy and to recruit new members. To this end, the Conseil plans to place articles in local newspapers and on the website of the Banque de données en alphabétisation des adultes, participate in public events, do interviews, prepare advertising vignettes for the radio, and hold a press conference. The plan is also to disseminate the results of the project to organizations involved in its realization. The project's effectiveness will be evaluated on the basis of the increase in the number of members in the Conseil and the results of the promotional activities.

Jocelyne Lavoie
147B Court Street
E3Z 2R1
Tel. (506) 473-4404

Exprimons-nous simplement! [Use plain language]

The Fédération d'alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick (FANB) wants to organize an awareness campaign aimed at representatives of government, public and private institutions on the importance of writing in plain language simply and communicating clearly. The purpose of the project is to make these representatives aware of the need to communicate in clear and simple language in order to be understood better by persons with low literacy. A consultant on writing in plain language will be hired to develop the campaign, which will be delivered through flyers and advertising. The FANB will promote the project through newspapers, its in house bulletin, its website and discussion forums in which it participates. The effectiveness of the project will be determined by the commitment to writing in plain language of the groups that receive the information.

Promouvoir l'alphabétisation en français en region [Promoting literacy in French in the regions]

The Fédération d'alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick (FANB), through its 16 regional councils, wants to carry out awareness activities during Family Literacy Day and the Provincial Literacy Day to promote literacy in French throughout New Brunswick. The activities organized will include information booths, open houses, the publication of articles in local newspapers, testimonials by learners on the radio, an awards ceremony for learners and the dissemination of promotional materials. The purpose of FANB's project is not only to raise public awareness of the importance of improving its reading, writing and math skills, but also to increase the number of volunteers involved with its councils. The project's success will be determined through the participation rate in activities, the number of registrants in literacy classes and the number of new volunteers recruited.

Ms. Heather Harris
108 Harvey Road
E1B 2K1
Tel. (506) 386-8034

Student Outcome Assessment / Student Recruitment

Laubach Literacy New Brunswick (LLNB), a volunteer literacy organization which provides one-on-one tutoring for adults, will undertake two literacy projects. In the first project, LLNB will develop a standardized student outcome assessment questionnaire to be used in a province-wide assessment of their learners' progress. This assessment will determine if learners' needs and goals are being properly served by the LLNB councils, and provide LLNB's partners with factual information demonstrating the efficiency of the Laubach program. Members of the literacy community from all areas of New Brunswick will participate in focus groups, interviews and meetings to collect the information necessary to develop the questionnaire, which will evaluate the learners' reading comprehension, spelling, writing, numeracy and life skills as they enter the Laubach program, as they progress and as they leave the program. LLNB will pilot the questionnaire with two of its literacy councils and make adjustments if necessary. Then, the finalized questionnaires will be distributed to all the LLNB councils and training will be provided to ensure that they are utilized properly. The project's success will be evaluated based on the results of the pilot test. In the second project, LLNB develop and implement, through its twenty councils, a series of initiatives that focus on promoting the benefits of literacy programs and recruiting adults with low literacy skills who are hesitant to pursue literacy training due to perceived barriers. These initiatives will also aim to attract more volunteers and corporate supporters to LLNB councils. In addition, LLNB will produce a resource guide that will feature various successful promotion and learner recruitment strategies. The guide will be widely distributed across New Brunswick. In order to evaluate the success of this project, LLNB will track local council referrals and calls received on their toll-free line, as well as analyze council statistics such as the number of volunteer hours, new tutors trained and new learners entering Laubach literacy programs.

Mrs. Marian Zaichkowski
944 Prospect Street West
Fredericton, NEW BRUNSWICK
E3B 9M6
Tel. (506) 457-1227

Building A Learner Network for New Brunswick

The New Brunswick Coalition for Literacy (NBCL) will establish a literacy learner's network consisting of students enrolled in the Community Academic Services Program, in order to strengthen learner support and empower learners who wish to be more involved in the literacy community. The learners will be brought together to identify barriers that prevent those who need literacy training from receiving it and to develop solutions for eliminating those barriers. In order to achieve this, NBCL will: undertake a public awareness campaign about adult learning and the Learner's Network which will feature television advertising; sponsor events and activities that will bring learners together; and provide learning and training opportunities to learners. The Learner's Network will operate under the auspices of NBCL and upon completion of the project, it will continue to be mentored by NBCL. This project will build on the results of a 1998 learner's forum, which indicated that viewing services through alearner's perspective is key to attracting them to literacy programs. The number of new learners joining the NBCL board, the number of projects developed by learners and feedback collected through evaluation forms will determine the project's success.

Mr. Claude Allard
1234 Mountain Road
E1C 8H9
Tel. (506) 856-2241

Assessment and Evaluation of Diagnostic Tools Used in Literacy and Adult Basic Education

The New Brunswick Community College in Moncton, which is part of a network of eleven colleges that provide postsecondary training and educational opportunities, will research best practices in basic adult education assessment and produce a research report of their findings, as well as a resource manual for literacy practitioners. Research will involve contacting literacy tutors and practitioners, academics and government agencies involved in adult literacy. It will also involve searching the Internet, periodicals and other published resources. The report will include recommendations on the best literacy assessment instruments and theories, and outline training needs of literacy practitioners in that area. The resource manual will contain information about available assessment tools, their cost, suppliers and usefulness, as well as suggestions for communicating results to learners. Prior to being published, the research data will be evaluated by a focus group of literacy tutors and practitioners. The report and manual will be mailed to relevant literacy partners and electronic versions will be posted on the National Adult Literact Database website.

Mr. Blair Doucet
96 Norwood Avenue Suite 208
E1C 6L9
Tel. (506) 857-2125

New Brunswick Federation of Labour Literacy Coordination Project

The New Brunswick Federation of Labour (NBFL), an organization dedicated to the advancement of workers' rights, opportunities and compensation, will promote awareness and improve coordination of workplace literacy and clear language within the New Brunswick labour movement. In order to achieve this, NBFL will develop a bilingual information kit on workplace literacy for labour unions, implement information sharing mechanisms with regard to literacy and organize a conference that will include members of the New Brunswick literacy community in order to encourage their participation in the project. NBFL will also raise literacy and clear language awareness among its staff through various presentations and briefings. Through this project, NBFL will build its capacity to act as a resource to unions interested in developing literacy initiatives. In order to evaluate the project's success, questionnaires will be distributed to those who will participate in the project.

Ms. Sarah Barnes
317-319 Union St. P.O. Box 921
E2L 4C3
Tel. (506) 633-2011

Tutor Enrichment Workshop

R.E.A.D. Saint John Ltd. will organize and deliver two one-day tutor training workshops for literacy tutors who teach for Laubach Literacy Councils across New Brunswick. The first session will be held in Saint John in November 2002 and the second one in Moncton in March 2003. The workshops will cover such topics as learning disabilities, ideas for tutor enrichment, audiobooks and Laubach's Challenger and Voyager book series. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the project, surveys will be filled out by participants at the end of each workshop and the results of these surveys will be compiled into a report. Also, a follow up will be done one month after the workshops to collect data from tutors who have had the chance to use what they learned during the workshops in their classrooms. A report on these findings will then be developed and made available to all Laubach literacy councils.

Mr. Roger Augustine
39 Halifax
E1N 2E6
Tel. (506) 773-4511

N.B. Aboriginal Literacy Seminar

The Redsky Aboriginal Institute, a non-profit Native learning centre, will organize a three-day Aboriginal literacy conference on the major issues affecting Native literacy for the Maliseet and Mi'Kmaaq First Nations communities in New Brunswick. The conference will bring together two representatives from each community and provide them with an opportunity to assess their literacy needs, discuss best practices for adult, family and workplace literacy program delivery, discuss possible research projects for Aboriginal literacy and set goals for improved literacy among First Nations people in New Brunswick. The project will also aim to develop awareness among participating Native communities of the importance of literacy and its relation to health and culture. At the end of the conference, participants will be asked to fill out an evaluation questionnaire.

Ms. Cheryl Brown
P.O. Box 6026 Brunswick Sq.
E2L 4R5
Tel. (506) 648-0202

Family Literacy Visuals - an awareness campaign leading up to FLD

The Saint John Family Literacy Committee Inc. will conduct a family literacy promotional campaign in order to increase awareness of family literacy issues. A talking billboard will be created and placed for two months in a bus shelter in a part of the city where there is heavy pedestrian and bus traffic. Local families will be involved in designing the billboard and other posters. The project activities will also include hosting a day of literacy demonstrations and workshops that families can participate in as part of Family Literacy Day (FLD). The campaign's results, as well as the process of involving families in the creation of promotional materials will be documented in a report, which will be posted on the National Adult Literacy Database website and shared with the province's literacy coalitions. To evaluate the success of this project, interviews will be conducted with the families involved in creating the visuals and surveys will be distributed during the FLD workshops

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