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National Literacy Secretariat - Project Funding 2002-2003 (Newfoundland)

(01.08/02 - 30.11/02)

Ms. Linda Coles
Government of NFLD & Labrador
3rd Floor, West Block P.O. Box 8700, Confederation Bldg
A1B 4J6
Tel. (416) 923-3591

Preparation and Piloting of an ABE Level I Program Delivery Model

In response to the Report on the Evaluation of Basic Literacy/ABE Level I Programs in Newfoundland and Labrador, the Literacy Branch of the Department of Education in Newfoundland and Labrador will conduct the preparatory work for implementation of a community based literacy model pilot for Level I learners. In order to develop the model, ABE Level I program standards, assessment tools and training packages from other jurisdictions will be reviewed, a selection process for the determination of 6 pilot sites will be developed, and the existing curriculum will be revised. In addition, the provincial ABE Level I curriculum guide will be reviewed and revised and a plan for sustainability of the model will be developed. A working group consisting of representatives from the Department of Education, the Department of Youth Services and Post-Secondary Education, the ABE Level I community, the basic literacy community, and the Literacy Development Council will be established to oversee the project. Evaluation and professional development opportunities will be ongoing, and a training package will be developed for instructors, tutors, and volunteers involved in the pilot. Yearly training sessions and other in-service sessions will be held on topics such as assessment, program standards, literacy resources, and instruction strategies. In addition, a facilitated retreat will be held to discuss implementation of the model in the provincial context. The results of the preparatory year will indicate if the model can be piloted over a two-year period to determine if any enhancement is necessary before provincial implementation. This project will lay the foundation for ensuring that appropriate program standards are developed, programs are co-ordinated and integrated, and will allow for networking among literacy providers at the provincial level for a flexible community based literacy model for Level I learners.

Ms. Helen Woodrow
18 Leslie Street
A1E 2V6
Tel. (709) 753-8815

It All Got Another Use: Supporting Elders' Writing

The Adult Basic Education Writing Network - an organization that links literacy workers, instructors and learners with an interest in the development of writing skills - will undertake the second phase of their "It All Got Another Use" project. This phase will document the knowledge elders possess through reminiscence workshops offered in three coastal communities, and research the literacy practices of community elders to promote the development of new educational opportunities for them. To do this, the Network will develop, implement and document a series of on-site and teleconference sessions to enable literacy workers to implement writing programs for elders, and engage approximately 6 literacy workers and 45 elders as participants in reminiscence workshops to be held in co-operation with local literacy, heritage and seniors groups in three communities on the northeast coast of Newfoundland. The project will be evaluated through participant evaluation of workshops and teleconference sessions.

Ms. Ann Mc Cann
95 Water Street
A1C 1A5
Tel. (709) 579-6606

Youth Community Connections

Brother T.I. Murphy Learning Resource Centre Inc. will undertake a two year project to develop, pilot, and evaluate a learning materials package to be used with youth aged 16-24 to enhance their understanding and skills related to community living and accessing community resources. Youth will have the opportunity to improve their literacy skills through problem solving, critical thinking, networking, interpersonal communication and faciliation. Year 1 of the project will focus on the development of the learning package with youth, including its structure, resources and activities. Year 2 will focus on implementation, testing and evaluation of the material with youth. Brother T.I. Murphy Learning Resource Centre Inc. and another community group will evaluate the project through participant questionnaires and the resulting materials will be distributed locally and nationally. This project will engage youth in the development and evaluation of learning materials that support existing literacy programs while increasing their awareness of available community resources and services.

Mr. Jim Crockwell
129 Buckmasters Circle P.O. Box 26028
A1C 5T9
Tel. (709) 579-0718

Making Literacy a Family Matter

Buckmasters Circle Community Centre is a low income housing project in St. John's that addresses a variety of social, educational, recreational and health issues within the community of Buckmasters Circle. The Centre will undertake a project to research, design and pilot a family literacy model to address the educational needs of low income families in the community. The Centre will research current literature, examine existing family literacy programs, and speak with community residents to identify key areas needing to be addressed. Based on the findings, a model will be selected, adapted, and then piloted with at least ten families within the community of Buckmasters Circle. A comprehensive, independent evaluation of the model will be completed following the pilot, and a tool will be developed to share the results with other communities. The Centre will publicize the project through informal networks and through existing partners, and will document their partnerships and their findings, including the interest and progress of participants. This project will result in the development of a holistic family based literacy model that will address the needs of the community of Buckmasters Circle and complement existing family literacy programs while also providing a model that can be adapted for use in similar communities.

Mrs. Beverley Kirby
P.O. Box 5600
Stephenville, NEWFOUNDLAND
A2N 3P5
Tel. (709) 643-4891

Grand Friends: Connecting our Generations

The Community Education Network, in partnership with the Provincial Information and Library Resources Board, will undertake an intergenerational literacy project to adapt Story Time Kits and develop an accompanying resource package for volunteer facilitators. Based upon recommendations from the local Grandparents as Teaching Partners pilot, the current Story Time Kits will be adapted to provide literacy facilitators with a vehicle to expand the Grandparents program to communities throughout the province. The kits will contain various props and will suggest activites with intergenerational literacy themes. The resource package will provide information on the Grandparents as Teaching Partners program as well as recommendations for those implementing this type of program. Ten copies of the materials will be produced and will be available through the Provincial Information and Library Resources Board. Consultation sessions will be held to review the materials and evaluation forms will be included with all kits that are lent out by the Provincial Information and Library Resources Board. This project will facilitate literacy learning and will engage older adults in teaching activities in a variety of settings.

Mrs. Marilyn Young
44 Trans Canada HWY
A8A 2E4
Tel. (709) 635-5747

E-Learning Pilot Project

In response to recommendations from a literacy needs assessment Study, the Deer Lake Community Learning Centre will assist in piloting an E-Learning project directed at disadvantaged community members who are unable to access services and resources due to barriers such as learning disabilities, lack of transportation and child care. With extensive support from community groups and College of the North Atlantic, E-Learning will be made accessible to approximately 10 residents facing the socio-economic barriers listed above. Computers will be placed on a trial basis in the homes of identified clients to allow them to increase literacy levels and improve basic computer skills through a flexible model of learning. A project coordinator will provide support to the clients, assist and evaluate progress; make recommendations to increase effectiveness; and submit a final report. The project will be evaluated on and ongoing basis through documentation on the level of interest generated by the initiative, and through progress reports and user feedback.

Mrs. Isobel Watts
P.O. Box 248 North
West River, LABRADOR
A0P 1M0
Tel. (709) 497-8595


Friends of the Northwest River Volunteer Library, in partnership with College of the North Atlantic and the Labrador Literacy Information and Action Network, will provide opportunities for residents of the area to improve their literacy skills through implementation of a Smart-Start program for families and through "Successmaker" a computer-based model designed as a self-help resource. A section of the library will be rearranged to hold literacy materials, and families will be encouraged to use them during weekly meetings. The model will be accessible to all members of the community, and support and assistance will be provided by volunteers, the librarian, site manager, and members of the Labrador Literacy Information and Action Committee. The project will be evaluated on an ongoing basis through questionnaires and user feedback.

Mrs. Gail Ivany
89 Froude Avenue
A1E 3B8
Tel. (709) 579-0763

Community Survey to Ascertain Adult Academic Needs

Froude Avenue Community Centre, serving low income residents in the west end of St. John's, will undertake a project to conduct a needs assessment of the adult and senior population to identify the literacy needs of area residents. Participants will complete the Canadian Adult Reading Assessment (CARA) to determine their individual needs, and research will be conducted in order to develop a database of available area resources to address the identified needs. The database will provide Community Centre staff with the tools to better refer and assist residents in addressing their literacy/educational needs and goals. Evaluation will consist of documenting the number of participants, the number of inquiries and referrals, as well as tracking the progress of participants. This project will result in increased awareness of the central importance of literacy, including the concept of family literacy, and will result in increased knowledge of and better referral to available literacy resources in the area.

Dr. Tim Borlase
P.O. Box 490 114 Hamilton River Road
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NEWFOUNDLAND
A0P 1E0
Tel. (709) 896-6210

Labrador Mystery Writers Project

The Labrador Institute of Memorial University, in collaboration with the Labrador Creative Arts Festival, will undertake a family literacy project to bring together families and visiting writers of mystery stories for youth to collectively produce manuscripts of stories for one week. Participants for the project will be recruited through the Melville Public Library, Perrault Place Community Centre, and the Aboriginal Family Centre. Labrador student writers who are presenting plays at the festival will meet with families to give them guidance and direction about writing, editing, and publishing their own stories. The completed stories will be compiled into a volume and will be distributed to all participants. In addition, a brief report will be developed on how the project was conducted with recommendations for similar projects. This project will develop a shared interest in and enjoyment of reading and writing in a creative way, while promoting the value of literacy skills.

Mrs. Mary Penny
P.O. Box 99
Port Hope Simpson, NEWFOUNDLAND
A0K 4E0
Tel. (709) 960-0430

"LWBLC Professional Development"

The Labrador White Bear Literacy Council has been providing one-on-one tutoring services to adults in the communities of Port Hope Simpson, William's Harbour, Pinsent's Arm, Norman Bay and Charlottetown since 1995. The Council will undertake a project to strengthen and enhance the skills of tutors, literacy workers and volunteers. Workshops will be held in five communities on professional development and strategies related to improving community access and outreach. A coordinator will arrange discussion groups for staff and tutors; compile a list of potential workshop facilitators; set up workshop schedules; and visit each learning centre to provide support. As a result of the project, the Labrador White Bear region will have a team of trained resource people, well equipped to plan effective literacy programs for the region. The knowledge gained through this initiative will be shared with other literacy groups as well. Evaluation will take place at regular intervals under the direction of the Board of Directors.

Ms. Lynn Green
Woddgate Plaza P.O. Box 26036 58 Kenmount Road
A1E 5T9
Tel. (709) 753-1445

Awareness Campaign to Literacy Service Providers (Supplement)

The Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador assists in the advancement of literacy levels of all people who have learning disabilities. The Association will undertake a project to develop and implement an awareness campaign directed at adult literacy practitioners, to ensure that they are aware of the acute needs of the learning disabled population. The project coordinator will organize and deliver four workshops in St. John's, Gander/Grand Falls, Corner Brook, and Labrador, on how to identify adults with learning disabilities and what the best methods are to raise the literacy levels of individuals who experience these disabilities. Professional development support for literacy groups will also be offered, including providing expertise to the Literacy Development Council in the planning and delivery of the 2002 provincial conference. A publicity package will be developed to promote the project, consisting of public service announcements in newspapers and literacy flyers, as well as radio and community television advertisements. In addition, newsletters and resource materials will be produced and distributed to literacy service providers across the province. In order to evaluate this project, various community literacy organizations will be asked to complete a project survey and an evaluative report will be produced by the project coordinator. This project will result in increased awareness and professional development services to literacy practitioners across the province, in turn improving the literacy levels of adults who experience learning disabilities. Supplement: The Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador will extend the scope of their awareness campaign to reach literacy service providers not outlined in the original project and to hold three additional workshops across the province.

Mrs. Gerry Rubia
41 Shaw St.
A1E 2W8
Tel. (709) 722-4338

"Literacy Materials"

The Longside Club, in partnership with the Writers' Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador, will develop written and theatrical literacy materials to be assembled into a book to be distributed to literacy centres, schools, and community orgranizations. The focus will be on the non-traditional barriers of acquiring literacy skills, including lack of familial encouragement and support. Adult Basic Education learners of the Writer's Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador will be interviewed to contribute their feedback regarding non- traditional literacy barriers. The collected narratives will be professionally written and published. The information collected will also provide the basis for ten theatrical performances both in and outside of St. John's. Discussions with the audience will take place following each performance. This project will increase public awareness of literacy issues in a creative way and offer encouragement and support to those currently acquiring literacy skills. The project will be evaluated through questionnaires and interviews, and through community feedback.

Mr. Mike Wadden
P.O. Box 21046
A1A 5B2
Tel. (709) 722-1168

Community L.E.A.R.N.Project (MacMorran Community Centre)

Macmorran Community Centre, serving approximately 170 families in several low-income housing areas in St. John's, will undertake an initiative entitled "Community L.E.A.R.N.", aimed at improving access, outreach, and coordination activities to increase literacy levels of adults and families. Ten pilot sessions will be held to assist community members in developing basic literacy skills and will include themes such as gardening, health and nutrition, and parental involvement in children's education. In addition, participants will be involved in developing, transcribing, editing, and proofreading of an oral histories publication that will be used by the centre for their literacy models. Workshops will also be held focussing on the development and production of two issues of a community centre newsletter. Evaluation of the project will take place through focus group discussions, documenting interest in the project and its effectiveness, and the use of questionnaires. The project will enhance interest in literacy programs and strengthen the centre's capacity to provide better opportunities for literacy skill development.

Ms. Mata Mangal
College of the North Atlantic 141 O'Connor Drive Box 822
A2H 6H6
Tel. (709) 634-5081

Volunteer Training: Conference 2002 and Beyond

The Newfoundland and Labrador Laubach Literacy Council, in partnership with Newfoundland councils and Laubach Literacy of Canada, will undertake a project to co-ordinate a three day training conference in the Fall of 2002 for literacy students, tutors, volunteers, and staff. Topics at the conference will include a learning disabilities workshop, a Laubach Way to Reading/Challenger/Voyager learning materials workshop focusing on the interchangeable ways that tutors can use these materials with their students, and introduction of Training By Design (TBD), a professional development concept currently in development by Laubach Literacy of Canada. Following the conference, the Council will organize tutor training workshops and activities that reinforce the best practices shared at the conference. A training newsletter focusing on issues related to the conference topics will also be developed. Participants will complete evaluation forms for each workshop they attend as well as completing an evaluation of the overall conference. This project responds to the training needs of literacy tutors and will provide a forum to discuss new concepts that Laubach Literacy of Canada is implementing. Local volunteers will also have an opportunity to promote their own program and community.

Ms. Sheila Downer
P.O. Box 73 West St.
A0K 5S0
Tel. (709) 927-5570

Literacy Practitioner Professional Development

Partners in Learning, in partnership with Battle Harbour Literacy Council, Labrador White Bear Literacy Council, Eagle River Literacy Council, and the National Adult Literacy Database, will undertake a project to provide professional development opportunities for those who work in community based literacy programs in non-traditional settings. The project will provide literacy practitioners on the south coast of Labrador with discourse opportunities through teleconferences, videoconferences, electronic communication and workshops to discuss and exchange information on their practice of literacy. The project coordinator and resource experts will assist the literacy practitioners in reviewing a variety of literature focusing on issues in community based literacy programming including methods, governance and evaluation. In addition, a bibliography of adult literacy literature will be created and made available on all partner websites. An Advisory Committee comprised of academics and practitioners from the adult literacy field will be established to oversee the project, which will help to provide new opportunities for collaboration among literacy practitioners on the south coast of Labrador, as well as engage them in better informed literacy practice.

Mr. Shawn Tetford
48 St. George's Avenue
Stephenville, NEWFOUNDLAND
A2N 1K9
Tel. (709) 643-0902

Clearing House Proposal

The Provincial Information and Library Resources Board, in partnership with the Department of Education, the Literacy Development Council and other literacy stakeholders, will establish a Provincial Literacy Resource Centre which will act as a clearing house for literacy providers throughout the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Provincial Information and Library Resources Board will consult with literacy providers as to the type of materials that are needed and will establish a collection of basic literacy resources and information for circulation. The organization's exisiting framework for province-wide distribution will be utilized in dispersing the materials and in publicizing the the clearing house. Further publicity will take place via the Provincial Information and Library Resources Board website. The clearing house will be piloted for a 12-month period during which time the sustainability of the service will be adressed, and an Advisory Committee will also be established to oversee the project and to assist with the evaluation. The clearing house will complement the provincial professional development plan aimed at the needs of the the literacy community as well as the provincially planned Adult Basic Education Level I program. This project will provide literacy practitioners and researchers with readily available, relevant literacy materials and will improve access to the information necessary to support literacy programs while reducing existing duplication.

Ms. Doris Hapgood
31 Peet Street P.O. Box 23022 Churchill Square
A1B 4J9
Tel. (709) 579-6033

Face the Facts and Learners Handbook

Rabbittown Learners Program, a literacy program that has been providing services in St. John's (Newfoundland) since 1988, will coordinate two major initiatives to increase awareness of the impact of education on all aspects of life, and develop a tool to respond to the concerns of learner participants. The first initiative, known as "Face the Facts", will support the organization to develop contacts with past and present learners; identify those interested in presenting their stories; provide them with assistance in writing, editing and presentation skills to help raise awareness of lifelong learning; and arrange for them to speak to targeted audiences in schools, community centres, literacy organizations, and the Centre for Nursing Studies. As a second initiative, Rabbittown Learners Program will produce a Learners' Handbook on policies and guidelines to help clarify obligations and expectations of the organization. It will be used as part of an orientation curriculum to allow new learners to identify whether or not the Rabbittown Learner's Program suits their individual needs. A coordinator will explore the history of the organization, review all existing materials, define program expectations, and prepare and revise all draft copies. The initiatives will be evaluated through the level of interest generated in the community, and through participant feedback.

Ms. Kathleen Cheeseman
50 Pippy Place P.O. Box 8455 Station A
A1B 3N9
Tel. (709) 738-3975

The Yarns of Ishmael Drake

Teachers on Wheels will develop, produce and distribute a set of seven user friendly booklets and accompanying audio cassettes based on an original radio broadcast production of Newfoundland folklore and history. Each booklet will be designed as a literacy curriculum unit to include text comprehension questions, suggested activities and a glossary to facilitate the work of the literacy tutors. An advisory committe comprised of educators, tutors, and learners will be established to oversee the project. Draft copies of the booklets will be reviewed by learners and tutors and the final materials will be made available to tutors, learners and organizations involved in the delivery of literacy training in Newfoundland and Labrador. Evaluation forms assessing the effectiveness, design, and utility of the materials will be included with the distributed materials. This project will result in the development of booklets and audio cassettes that provide culturally relevant, self-contained literacy curriculum units tailored to meet the needs of literacy tutors and learners of various levels.

Mr. Leo Martin
1134 Harding Road P.O. Box 21011
A1A 5B2
Tel. (709) 579-4534

Strategic Literacy Plan

Virginia Park Community Centre will conduct a formal strategic planning process to address the literacy needs in Virginia Park. A Strategic Literacy Planning Committee will be established consisting of a board member from the Virginia Park Community Centre and representatives from other community groups in Virginia Park. Community consultations, workshops and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis techniques will be used to assess current family literacy programs and to collect the data that will form the basis of the strategic literacy plan. The action plan will respond to the findings of a needs assessment project previously funded by the National Literacy Secretariat. Workshops will be held for the public to raise awareness of the project and to obtain feedback via questionnaires on the draft plan which will be incorporated into the final version. In addition, the Strategic Literacy Planning Committee will complete internal questionnaires on the project. The strategic plan will complement the 2000 Strategic Literacy Plan for Newfoundland and Labrador and will bring together community resources for the cause of literacy, resulting in a more co-ordinated and integrated literacy plan for the Virginia Park area.

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