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CAPE works to protect the environment in order to protect human health.


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Join with physicians, other health care workers and citizens across Canada in working for a healthier environment. Your membership dues and donations give CAPE the tools needed to make hospitals greener, the air cleaner and the environment safer for you and your children. Click here to join CAPE!

L’Association canadienne des médecins pour l’environnement a pour mission d’informer tous les Canadiens, et ce, dans les deux langues officielles. Cependant, en ce moment, nous n’avons pas les ressources nécessaires pour mettre en ligne un site en français. Nous nous excusons auprès des francophones pour cet inconvénient.


Welcome to the Web site of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.

CAPE is a group of physicians, allied health care practitioners and citizens committed to a healthy and sustainable environment. As an organization composed mostly of physicians, CAPE brings its health expertise to environmental issues and is an important voice for environmental health in Canada.

CAPE addresses issues of environmental degradation by educating health care professionals and the public, through advocacy and in close cooperation with partner groups.

Support a Canadian chemical testing program. Add your name to our letter to the Prime Minister.

Please consider adding your name to a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, urging the government to have Canada participate in a major U.S. biomonitoring study. With the data that the study will produce, Canada will finally have comprehensive evidence for sound public health policy decisions with regard to the health impacts of chemicals in our environment. But only if we act now!

Sign the letter here.

Lawn and Garden Pesticides: Reducing Harm. Now Available!

CAPE’s long-awaited video on lawn and garden pesticides is now available. This unique 10 minute video sets out the scientific evidence linking commen household pesticides to a variety of serious illnesses, including cancer, reproductive problems and neurological diseases.

It offers information from the Ontario College of Family
Physicians’ ground-breaking pesticide study and sets out safe lawncare alternatives. Excellent for showing at public meeting or for educating local politicians.

To order your copy of the video, please contact Gideon Forman, Executive Director, at

bookCAPE's Book on Health and the Environment

Edited by founding president of CAPE, Dr. T. Guidotti and expert contributors, and sponsored by CAPE, The Canadian Guide to Health and the Environment provides a quick overview for anyone interested in the environment and health. It is written for the general public, but will be a useful resource to physicians and other health care providers. Topics covered include climate change, drinking water, pesticides and other pollutants, air quality, and food quality and diet. The book can be ordered online. It is also available free with a Supporter level CAPE membership.


Featured Events

Featured Resources

Peterboro Pesticide Release #1 (Sept. 04)
Type: Media Releases

Health Professionals say City's Pesticide Strategy is Failing
Type: Media Releases

Membership Application
Type: Brochures

(3 items found.)

CAPE would like to thank its funders:

The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Laidlaw Foundation
alberta ecotrust

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