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Pollution Prevention: A Federal Strategy for Action

The Federal Plan At A Glance - Goals And Actions Aimed At Achieving Results

Within the federal government - Institutionalize pollution prevention across all federal government activities.

  • Incorporate pollution prevention into federal legislation.
  • Establish and implement green policies.
  • Establish a Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to advance pollution prevention in the federal government.
  • Integrate pollution prevention into departmental policies and programs.

With other governments - Foster a national pollution prevention effort.

  • Review legislation, regulations and policy for opportunities to harmonize approaches to pollution prevention.
  • Develop practical tools, such as guidelines and codes of practice, to enable people to implement pollution prevention at an operational level.
  • Educate the public about pollution prevention and train relevant groups in the technical aspects of pollution prevention.

With the private sector - Achieve a climate in which pollution prevention becomes a major consideration in industrial activities.

  • Develop innovative pollution prevention programs.
  • Promote pollution prevention through refocused research, development and demonstration initiatives.
  • Promote the adoption of sustainable production in industrial and manufacturing processes.
  • Implement economic instruments that will result in pollution prevention.
  • Help small and medium-sized enterprises improve their environmental performance.

With all Canadians - Provide access to the information and tools necessary to implement pollution prevention practices.

  • Provide information that illustrates how pollution prevention fits into daily activities.
  • Create a national pollution prevention clearinghouse.
  • Encourage consumers to use their purchasing power to promote pollution prevention.

With the international community - Participate in international pollution prevention initiatives.

  • Stimulate a shift to pollution prevention in international organizations.
  • Incorporate pollution prevention into international standards.
  • Advance pollution prevention through international protocols and agreements.

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The Green LaneTM, Environment Canada's World Wide Web site
Last updated: 2004-04-15 Last reviewed: 2004-04-15
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