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Séparateur AD99
Canadian Wildlife Service, Québec region

Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS)
Québec region

Séparateur AD99

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Information last updated: November 30, 2006


Boreal Forest Breeding Pair Waterfowl Survey
Results of the 2006 survey can be found in the “Waterfowl” section of the Canadian Wildlife Service site. The total number of waterfowl breeding pairs observed this year in the boreal forest was similar to 2005. However, number of American Black Ducks—the most abundant species—increased by 24% this year compared to last year.

Two new publications now available
The Canadian Wildlife Service recently published two pamphlets presenting the ecology of the resident Canadian Goose and the Ring-billed Gull. These new publications present two well known species with whom we must learn to share our spaces.

-The resident Canadian Goose - A Newcomer to the Urban Landscape

-For a better quality of life - Living with Ring-billed Gulls

You can ask for a copy of the brochures by contacting the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Launch of the Québec Landbird Conservation Strategy and the Québec Waterbird Conservation Plan by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Québec Region!
“The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) aims to ensure that populations and habitats of North America’s birds are protected, restored and enhanced through coordinated efforts at the international, national, regional and local levels guided by sound science and effective management.”

It is within this context that the Canadian Wildlife Service, Québec Region (CWS-Qc), launches its Québec Waterbird Conservation Plan and Québec Landbird Conservation Strategy.

Visit the NABCI internet site and discover how you can participate in bird conservation in Québec!

The conservation of all birds and all habitats relies on the participation of everyone. Therefore, the CWS-Qc invites you to join the Flight, a cooperative network for the conservation of birds and their habitats in Québec! Become an active member of the Flight by adopting the NABCI vision and signing the memorandum of understanding!

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Canadian Wildlife Service
Québec region

Séparateur AD99

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Last updated: 2006-11-30

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