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Measuring Non-Parental Care in the NLSCY: Content and Process Issues - August 1999

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Appendix B Survey of non-parental care providers


Section C: Non-parental care giver component

My name is <name of interviewer> and I'm calling from Statistics Canada. May I please speak to <name of caregiver> ?

We are currently conducting the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth on behalf of Human Resources Development Canada. This survey measures the development children in Canada including all of the factors that may influence the success of these children. The role that caregivers play in the lives of children is extremely important. We were given your name as caregiver by <name of parent> because <name of child> is part of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. We would like to ask you a few questions about the types of activities you do when you provide care for children.

Although this survey is voluntary, your participation is important if the survey results are to be accurate. Under the Statistics Act your answers are strictly confidential.

I would like to begin by asking you a few questions about the <name of child>.

CA1. How long has <name of child> been in your care ?

______ years ______ months

CA2. On a typical day, how many hours a day do you care for <name of child>?

________ hours per day

CB1. On a typical day, how many other children, including your own, are in care at the same time as <name of child> ?

________ children (if 0 go to CC1)

CB2. What are the ages of the other children in your care (including your own)?

Child 1 ________ Child 6 ________
Child 2 ________ Child 7 ________
Child 3 ________ Child 8 ________
Child 4 ________ Child 9 ________
Child 5 ________ Child 10 ________

CC1. The next set of questions deals with activities that <name of child> does every day.

Throughout a typical day, how many times a day does the child do the following...

three or more times
once or twice
not at all

  1. look at books or listen to stories.
  2. colour or paint.
  3. do arts and crafts.
  4. practice writing or printing
  5. take part in physical play like running and jumping.
  6. play video or computer games.
  7. play pretend (or fantasy) games (puppets, play "school")
  8. listen to music or sing songs.
  9. take naps or rest quietly.

CC2. How many hours a day does <name of child> watch TV or videos.

No hours.
1 to 2 hours.
3 or more hours per day.

CC3. Now I am going to ask you about some of the outings that you might do with <name of child>.

How often do you do the following things with the child ...

not at all

  1. go to parks or playgrounds.
  2. go to the library.
  3. go to museums or zoos.
  4. go to shopping malls.
  5. go to play groups or drop-in centres.
  6. go to visit other friends with children.
  7. go to music, dance, sports, or other lessons.

CD1. I am now going to ask you some questions about your relationship with <name of child>. For each statement I read, tell me if the statement never applies, sometimes applies or always applies.

never applies
sometimes applies
always applies

  1. If upset, the child will seek comfort from me.
  2. The child and I always seem to be struggling with each other. (i.e. having a hard time getting along).
  3. It is easy to know what the child is feeling.
  4. The child remains angry or is resistant (uncooperative) after being disciplined.

CD2. On a typical day, how often do you have a chance to have a conversation of at least a few minutes with the child?

Almost never

CD3. The next set of questions are about taking care of the child. How important to you is each of the following?

very important
somewhat important
not at all important

  1. Showing warmth to the child. (Showing that you care).
  2. Providing individual attention to the child.
  3. Allowing the child to make his or her decisions whenever possible.
  4. Disciplining the child.
  5. Encouraging the child to express him/herself.
  6. Being strict with the child.
  7. Communicating with the child's parents.

CD4. How much do you agree with the following statement? I think that the child will do well in school.

Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

CE1. I am now going to ask you about some of the reasons that you provide care. Please tell me if the following is a strong reason, a weak reason, or not a reason in your decision to become a child care provider. I became a child care provider...

strong reason
week reason
not a reason at all

  1. To be with young children.
  2. To make money.
  3. So I can get children off to a good start (so that I can help children learn and grow).
  4. Because I get a lot out of it.
  5. So that I can be at home with my own children.
  6. So I can be my own boss.
  7. Other. Please specify__________________________________

CF. I would like to now ask you a few questions about yourself.

CF1. What is your gender?


CF2. To which age group do you belong? Are you ...

Less than 20 years old
20 - 29 years old
30 - 39 years old
40 - 49 years old
50 - 59 years old
60 years old or over

CF3. What is the highest education level you have attained?

Less than a high school diploma
High school diploma
Some college or university courses
College certificate (1 year) or diploma (2 or more years)
Bachelor's degree or higher

CF4. Do you have a certificate, diploma, or degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE)?

Yes (go to CG)

CF5. Are you taking courses to work towards obtaining a certificate, diploma, or degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE)?


CG. Now I have a few questions about other training and development opportunities related to child care.

CG1. First, I would like to ask you about your experience working in the child care field. Excluding care for your own children, how many years of unpaid experience do you have caring for children? Please exclude occasional babysitting.

______ years ______ months

CG2. Now, how many years of paid experience do you have caring for children? Please exclude occasional babysitting.

______ years ______ months

CG3. Have you taken any of the following types of training...(Mark all that apply)

Courses in child care?
Babysitting course?
Courses in nutrition?
Courses related to child development (psychology, family studies)?
Planning children's activities?
Co-op placement or internship in child care?
Parenting course?
CPR and/or First Aid?
Other (please specify) ____________________

CG4. Which statement best describes the arrangement under which you operate:

  1. I work for a licensed for-profit day care centre
  2. I work for a licensed non-profit day care centre
  3. I personally hold a license to provide family day care
  4. I work through a non-profit agency which is licensed
  5. I work through a for-profit agency which is licensed
  6. I work through a licensed agency, don't know if it is for profit or not for profit
  7. Other. Please specify ________________.

CG5. In general, how satisfied are you with your job caring for children, would that be?

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied

Last modified : 2005-01-11 top Important Notices