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The Relationship Between Geographic Relocation and Childhood Problem Behaviour - October 1998

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Appendix A

Description of Study Measures
  Cronbach's formula
Study Measures Source1 Same Measure Used Description No. of Items PMK SR
Dependent Variables
Physical aggression conduct problems PMK/SR Same Three-point scale ranging from 1=never or not true to 3=often or very true (e.g., I get into many fights). Scale includes 1 item from the Montreal Longitudinal Survey (MLS) and 5 items from the Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS)(see NLSCY, 1998). 6 .80 .75
Antisocial behaviour PMK/SR Same Three-point scale ranging from 1=never or not true to 3=often or very true (e.g., I help other children who are feeling sick ). This scale includes 5 items from the MLS and 3 items from the OCHS (NLSCY, 1998). 8 .80 .73
Indirect aggression PMK/SR Same Three-point scale ranging from 1=never or not true to 3=often or very true (e.g., I try when am mad at someone, to get others to dislike him/her). Includes 5 items from Lagerspetz, Bjorngvist and Peltonen of Finland. 5 .79 .73
Property offenses PMK/SR Same Three-point scale ranging from 1=never or not true to 3=often or very true (e.g., I destroy my own things, I steal at home) 6 .71 .62
Lifetime alcohol use SR NA Child asked if they had ever drank alcohol. 1 - -
Lifetime tobacco use SR NA Child asked if they ever tried cigarette smoking, even just a few puffs. 1 - -
School failure PMK NA PMK asked if child had ever repeated a grade at school. 1 - -
Study Measures 1 Same Measure Used Description   PMK SR
Lifetime moves for child PMK   PMK asked the number of times in child's life, the child moved or changed place of 1 - -
  PMK NA   1 -  
Proposed Mediators (Measures of Social Control)
Family Mediators PMK/SR Same Five-point scale ranging from 1=very well no problems to 5=not well at all, constant problems (e.g., in the past 6 months, how well have you gotten along with mother; father; responses. These items are modified from the Ontario Child Health Study. 3   .98
  with parents; siblings). If child had no siblings, used child's response for question dealing with parents. 2   -
  SR NA exactly where I am and what I am doing; they tell me what I can watch on TV). 6 -  
Weak parent/child   Different Self-report
Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=very often (e.g., my parents smile at me; praise me).
5 .78
  Cronbach's formula
Study Measures Source1 Same Measure Used Description No. of Items PMK SR
Weak parent/child attachment (continued)   PMK-report
Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=very often (e.g., how often do you and your child laugh together; how often do you do something special with your child that he/she enjoys?
5 .71 -
Punitive parenting PMK/SR Different Self-report
Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=very often (e.g., my parents nag me about little things; hit me or threaten me)
3 - .57
Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4 very often (e.g., how often do you raise your voice, scold or yell at your child; use physical punishment)
4 .55 -
Inconsistent parenting PMK/SR Different Self-report
Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=very often (e.g., my parents soon forget a rule they have made; enforce a rule or do not enforce a rule depending upon their mood).
3 - .49
Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=very often (e.g., how often does your child get away with things that you feel should have been punished; how often when you discipline your child does he/she ignore the punishment).
5 .64 -
Times changed schools PMK - Number of times child changed school. 1 - -
  Cronbach's formula
Study Measures Source1 Same Measure Used Description No. of Items PMK SR
Low academic achievement SR/PMK Different Self-report
Five-point scale ranging from 1=very well to 5=very poorly (e.g., how well are you doing in school)
1 - -
Five-point scale ranging from 1=very well to 5=very poorly (e.g., how well is child doing in reading; mathematics; composition; and, overall).
4 .89 -
Community Mediators
Low participation in sports
PMK/SR Same Four-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=4 or more times a week (e.g., how often does child participate in sports with a coach or instructor; plays sports without a coach or instructor). 2 - -
Low participation in clubs/church attendance PMK/SR Same Two items comprised of a 4-point scale ranging from 1=never to 4=4 or more times a week (e.g., how often does child taken art lessons; participates in clubs or community activities). Scale also includes an item about frequency of church attendance. 3 .28 .36
Control Variables
Age of child HR NA Children ages 10-11 1 - -
Sex HR NA Females=1; males=0 1 - -
Region of residence HR NA Maritimes=1; Quebec=2; Ontario=3; Prairies=4 and BC=5 1 - -
Urban/rural residence HR NA Urban population 15,000 or more=1; rural populations <15,000=0 1 - -
Living arrangements HR NA Lives with both biological parents=0; other=1 1 - -
  Cronbach's formula
Study Measures Source1 Same Measure Used Description No. of Items PMK SR
Low family SES PMK NA Derived from five sources: the level of education of the PMK, the level of education of the spouse/partner; the prestige of the PMK's occupation; the prestige of the occupation of the spouse/partner; and household income. The SES score for single-parent families will tend to be lower because household income, on average, will be lower. 1 - -
Low neighbourhood safety PMK NA Four-point scale range from 1=strongly disagree to 4 strongly agree (e.g., it is safe to walk alone in this neighbourhood after dark; it is safe for children to play outside during the day). 2 - -
Low neighbourhood cohesiveness PMK NA Four-point scale ranging from 1=strongly agree to 4 strongly disagree (e.g., if there is a problem around here; the neighbours get together to deal with it; people around here are willing to help their neighbours). 5 .87 -
Neighbourhood problems PMK NA Three-point scale ranging from 1=no problem to 3=a big problem (e.g., how much of a problem is garbage, litter, or broken glass in the street or road, on the sidewalks or in yards; selling or using of drugs). 6 .71  
Parental depression PMK NA Four-point scale ranging from 1=rarely or not at all to 4=most or all of the time (e.g., in the past week, I did not feel like eating, my sleep was restless, etc.). Questions for scale are shorter version of CES-D developed by L.S. Radloff (NLSCY,1998). 6 .70 -
Parental smoking PMK NA Derived variable based on number of cigarettes smoked daily by PMK and spouse; 1=at least one parent reported they smoked daily. 1 - -
Parental drinking PMK NA Derived variable for frequency of alcohol use in the past year; 1=at least one parent reported drinking 2-3 per week during the past year. 1 - -
Family dysfunction PMK NA Four-point scale ranging from 1=strongly disagree to 4=strongly disagree (e.g., planning family activities is difficult because we misunderstand each other.). Questions were developed by researchers at the Chedoke-McMaster Hospital of McMaster University (NLSCY,1998). 6 .82 -
  Cronbach's formula
Study Measures Source1 Same Measure Used Description No. of Items PMK SR
Low frequency of seeing friends/ weekly PMK/SR Same Five-point scale ranging from 1=6-7 days a week to 5=never (e.g., how many days a week does child do things with friends). 2 - -
Negative school climate PMK/SR Different Self-report
Five-point scale ranging from 1=all the time to 5=never (e.g., children say nasty and unpleasant things to me at school; I am bullied at school, I feel left out at school)
4 - .49
  Five-point scale ranging from 5=never to 5=all of the time (e.g., my teacher treated me fairly; I feel safe at school; I feel safe on my way to and from school). 4 - .71
Four-point scale ranging from 1=strongly agree to 4=strongly disagree (e.g., most children in this school enjoy being there; parents are made to feel welcome in this school; school spirit is high).
4 .78 -
Peer substance use SR NA Number of friends that smoke; number of friends that drink; and, number of friends who have tried drugs or sniffed glue or solvents. 3 - .68
Deviant peers SR NA Child asked if in the past year, they were part of a group that did bad things. 1 - -
Low child self-esteem SR NA Four-point scale ranging from 1=mostly true to 4=false (e.g., in general, I like the way I am, when I do something I do it well). These items were taken from the General-Self Scale of the Marsh Self-Description Questionnaire developed by H.W. Marsh (NLSCY, 1998). 4 - .73
1 Data available for PMK (i.e., Person Most Knowledgeable about child), SR (i.e., child self-reports) or HR (i.e., derived from household roster and relationship grid or sample information).


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