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Applied Research Bulletin - Volume 4, Number 2 (Summer-Fall 1998) - September 1998

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List of Studies Presented in this Bulletin


Boothby, Daniel and Yves Gingras. Labour Market Conditions of Low-Skilled Workers in Canada. Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy Group, Human Resources Development Canada. Draft research paper. Ottawa, 1998.

Centre for the Study of Living Standards. Organizational Structure, Information Technology and Productivity: Can Organizational Change Resolve the Productivity Paradox? Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy Group, Human Resources Development Canada. Research Paper R-98-6E. Ottawa, March 1998.

Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. School Achievement Indicators Program—1997: Mathematics Assessment. Toronto, 1997. [Order from Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 252 Bloor St. West, Suite 5-200, Toronto, Ont., M5S 1V5. Tel: (416) 964-2551. Fax: (416) 964-2296. E-mail: saip@cmec.ca]

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group on Social Development Research and Information. Construction of a Preliminary Market Basket Measure of Poverty. Ottawa, March 1998.

Human Resources Development Canada. Job Futures. Ottawa, 1997-98. [Catalog No. of the CD-ROM: MP43-181/1998-MRC. Order from Public Works and Government Services Canada, Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0S9. Tel: (819) 956-4800. Fax: (819) 994-1498 or 1-800-565-7757 (Visa or Mastercard orders). Internet: http://www.jobfutures.ca]

Human Resources Development Canada and Statistics Canada. High School May Not Be Enough: An Analysis of the Results from the School Leavers Follow-up Survey, 1995. Ottawa, 1998. [Catalog No. SP-105-05-98E. Order from Public Enquiries Centre, Communications Branch, HRDC, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0J9. Fax: (819) 953-7260.]

Johnson, Karen L. Shiftwork From a Work and Family Perspective. Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy Group, Human Resources Development Canada. Research Paper R-98-2E. Ottawa, November 1997.

Kapsalis, Constantine. The Connection Between Literacy and Work: Implications for Social Assistance Recipients. Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy Group, Human Resources Development Canada. Working Paper W-98-1E. Ottawa, January 1998.

Lin, Winston, Philip K. Robins, David Card, Kristen Harknett and Susanna Lui-Gurr. When Financial Incentives Encourage Work: Complete 18-Month Findings from the Self-Sufficiency Project (Executive summary and full document). Social Research and Demonstration Corporation: Ottawa, September 1998.

Robitaille, David F., Alan R. Taylor, Graham Orpwood and J. Stuart Donn. The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)-Canada Report. Volume 4: Senior Secondary. Vancouver, 1998. [Order from TIMSS, Faculty of Education, 2125 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, V6T 1Z4.]

Statistics Canada and Human Resources Development Canada. The Evolving Workplace: Findings from the Pilot Workplace and Employee Survey, Ottawa, May 1998. [Catalog No. 71-583-XPE. Order from Statistics Canada, Operations and Integration, Circulation Management, 120 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0T6. Tel: (613) 951-7277 or 1-800-700-1033. Fax: (613) 951-1584 or 1-800-889-9734. E-mail: order@statcan.ca]

Theissen, Victor. Analysis of 1995 Cohort Second Student Questionnaires. Unpublished report prepared for the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Culture. Halifax, 1997.

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