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Transport Canada > TC - Pacific Region > Transport Canada - Pacific Region - Frequently Asked Questions > Transport Canada - Pacific Region - Civil Aviation FAQ

Who is eligible to apply for a pilot license?
Anyone who meets the basic requirements. These are:

  • age requirement that varies dependent upon the type of aircraft operated
  • medical fitness
  • successful completion of a written examination
  • fulfilling the experience and skill requirements.

Where can I apply for a Canadian pilot license? What documentation is required?
Application for a license can be made in one of two ways:

  • Through an accredited flight training school. You can find out about flying schools either through the yellow pages or from Transport Canada
  • directly from the General Aviation branch of your Transport Canada regional office.

Can I use my foreign pilots license to get a Canadian pilots license?
Yes. Transport Canada will issue a Canadian license provided:

  • the applicant shows a valid foreign license from a contracting state of the International Civil Aviation Organization (IACO)
  • evidence of the date of the last medical examination
  • payment of the $45.00 certificate fee
  • the applicant has not been previously denied a Canadian license on medical grounds.

Foreign license holders wishing to obtain additional privileges based on training completed in Canada should contact the General Aviation branch of the local Transport Canada office for more specific information regarding restrictions and costs.

Do I need to speak and understand English or French?
All information and testing administered by Transport Canada is available in both English and French. However, as English is the international language for aerospace, a working knowledge of English is a necessary pre-requisite for all license-holders.

How can I receive flight training in Canada?
Flight training in Canada is conducted by accredited instructors. Often such instruction is offered by flight schools, although in some cases private individuals are qualified to instruct. More information may be obtained either by contacting private training schools individually, or by contacting the General Aviation section of your local Transport Canada office.

How much does it cost to get a pilot's license in Canada?
The new fee schedule (as of January 1, 1998) is available in Schedule IV of the CARs regulation.

What are the requirements for the different Canadian pilot certificates?
As there are many different types of licenses available, there are different requirements for each. In most cases individual instructors will be able to give you an accurate picture of the requirements for the license that you should seek. However, all regulations and requirements for licenses are available in Part IV of the Canadian Air Regulations.

What is the rule regarding age for air operator pilots?
The minimum age requirements for pilot licenses in Canada is available in Standard 421 - Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Ratings section of CARs standards.

What must I do if my temporary pilot certificate expires?
Upon completion of the requirements for a license Transport Canada will issue a temporary permit which is valid for 90 days. If your permanent license has not been issued by that time you should contact your regional Transport Canada office immediately.

How do I find out more about certified flight schools and instructors?
Lists of those certified to offer training may be obtained from the General Aviation section of your local Transport Canada office.

Where do I get a medical certificate?
Contact Civil Aviation Medicine (CAM) Regional Office at (604) 666-5601. CAM refers aviation personnel to designated doctors. Aviation medical staff advise Licensing personnel on assessments of the medical fitness of civil aviation personnel, including pilots, air traffic controllers, flight engineers and flight navigators. (ref: General Aviation & Civ. Av Medicine)

How can I become a licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer?
The Maintenance and Manufacturing section of your Transport Canada Regional office will be able to give you detailed information on licensing requirements and procedures.

How can I get employment as a pilot in Canada?
Due to the diverse range of opportunities for pilots in Canada, there is no one single answer to this question. Individual airlines and businesses hire those individuals who maintain the necessary skills and experience for them. Therefore, contacting companies individually is the most effective way to find employment.

What must I do to become an Air Traffic Controller in Canada?
For general information and promotional materials about how to become and air traffic controller in Canada, call 1-800-667-4636.
Basic Requirements to be eligible you must:

  • be at least 18 years of age
  • have completed secondary school or equivalent
  • be able to pass ATS medical exam requirements
  • have normal colour perception and visual correction of no more than 20/30.

How can I become a flight attendant in Canada?
As Transport Canada currently does not have regulations about the necessary skills and training for flight attendants, individual airlines may have different qualifications. Therefore, contacting these airlines individually is the best way to seek employment.

Last updated: 2002-05-28 Top of Page Important Notices