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Vol. 139, No. 33 — August 13, 2005




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-03372 is approved.

1. Permittee: JJM Construction Ltd., Delta, British Columbia.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of waste and other matter for the purpose of disposal at sea.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from September 12, 2005, to September 11, 2006.

4. Loading Site(s):

(a) Various approved sites on Vancouver Island, at approximately 49°00.00' N, 124°00.00' W;

(b) Various approved sites in the Fraser River Estuary, at approximately 49°12.00' N, 123°08.00' W;

(c) Various approved sites in Georgia Strait, at approximately 50°05.00' N, 124°17.50' W;

(d) Various approved sites in Howe Sound, at approximately 49°24.00' N, 123°31.00' W; and

(e) Various approved sites in Vancouver Harbour, at 49°18.70' N, 123°08.00' W.

5. Disposal Site(s):

(a) Ballenas Basin Disposal Site: 49°23.50' N, 123°58.00' W, at a depth of not less than 400 m;

(b) Cape Mudge Disposal Site: 49°57.70' N, 125°05.00' W, at a depth of not less than 200 m;

(c) Comox (Cape Lazo) Disposal Site: 49°41.70' N, 124°44.50' W, at a depth of not less than 190 m;

(d) Five Finger Island Disposal Site: 49°15.20' N, 123°54.60' W, at a depth of not less than 280 m;

(e) French Creek Disposal Site: 49°22.50' N, 124°19.00' W, at a depth of not less than 200 m;

(f) Gabriola Disposal Site: 49°08.00' N, 123°32.00' W, at a depth of not less than 360 m;

(g) Haro Strait Disposal Site: 49°41.00' N, 123°16.40' W, at a depth of not less than 200 m;

(h) Malaspina Strait Disposal Site: 49°45.00' N, 124°26.95' W, at a depth of not less than 320 m;

(i) Malcolm Island Disposal Site: 50°42.00' N, 127°06.00' W, at a depth of not less than 180 m;

(j) Point Grey Disposal Site: 49°15.40' N, 123°22.10' W, at a depth of not less than 210 m;

(k) Porlier Pass Disposal Site: 49°00.20' N, 123°29.80' W, at a depth of not less than 200 m;

(l) Sand Heads Disposal Site: 49°06.00' N, 123°19.50' W, at a depth of not less than 70 m;

(m) Thornmanby Island Disposal Site: 49°27.50' N, 124°04.50' W, at a depth of not less than 384 m;

(n) Thornbrough Channel Disposal Site: 49°31.00' N, 123°28.30' W, at a depth of not less than 220 m;

(o) Victoria Disposal Site: 48°22.30' N, 123°21.80' W, at a depth of not less than 90 m; and

(p) Watts Point Disposal Site: 49°38.50' N, 123°14.00' W, at a depth of not less than 230 m.

The following position-fixing procedures must be followed to ensure disposal at the designated disposal site:

(i) The vessel must inform the appropriate Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centre upon departure from the loading site that it is heading for a disposal site;

(ii) Upon arrival at a disposal site and prior to disposal, the vessel must again call the appropriate MCTS Centre to confirm its position. Disposal can proceed if the vessel is on the designated site. If the vessel is not within the disposal site boundaries, the traffic regulator will advise the bearing and distance to the site and advise when disposal can proceed; and

(iii) The vessel must inform the appropriate MCTS Centre when disposal has been completed prior to leaving the disposal site.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Direct.

7. Method of Loading and Disposal: Loading by clamshell dredge or suction cutter dredge and pipeline, with disposal by hopper barge or end dumping.

8. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

9. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 7 000 m3.

10. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Dredged material consisting of silt, sand, rock, wood wastes and other approved material typical to the approved loading site, except logs and usable wood.

10.1. The Permittee must ensure that every reasonable effort has been made to prevent the deposition of log bundling strand into material approved for loading and ocean disposal and/or remove log bundling strand from material approved for loading and ocean disposal.

11. Requirements and Restrictions:

11.1. The Permittee must notify the permit-issuing office in writing and receive written approval for each loading site prior to any loading or disposal. The written notification must include the following information:

(i) the coordinates of the proposed loading site;

(ii) a site map showing the proposed loading site relative to known landmarks or streets;

(iii) a figure showing the legal water lots impacted by the proposed dredging or loading activities, giving the spatial delineations of the proposed dredge site within these water lots;

(iv) all analytical data available for the proposed loading site;

(v) the nature and quantity of the material to be loaded and disposed of;

(vi) the proposed dates on which the loading and disposal will take place; and

(vii) the site history for the proposed loading site.

Additional requirements may be requested by the permit-issuing office.

11.2. The Permittee must ensure that all contractors involved in the loading or disposal activity for which the permit is issued are made aware of any restrictions or conditions identified in the permit and of the possible consequences of any violation of these conditions. A copy of the permit and of the letter of transmittal must be carried on all towing vessels and loading platforms or equipment involved in disposal at sea activities. A copy of the written approval for the appropriate loading site must be displayed with each copy of the permit posted at the loading sites.

11.3. The fee prescribed by the Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (Site Monitoring) shall be paid by the Permittee in accordance with those Regulations.

11.4. Contact must be made with the Canadian Coast Guard, Regional Marine Information Centre, regarding the issuance of a "Notice to Shipping." The Permittee should contact the Regional Manager, Regional Marine Information Centre, 350–555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5G3, (604) 666-6012 (telephone), (604) 666-8453 (fax), RMIC-PACIFIC@ PAC.DFO-MPO.GC.CA (email).

11.5. Any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 shall be permitted to mount an electronic tracking device on any vessel that is engaged in the disposal at sea activities authorized by this permit. The Permittee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that there is no tampering with the tracking device and no interference with its operation. The tracking device shall be removed only by an enforcement officer or by a person with the written consent of an enforcement officer.

11.6. The Permittee must report to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Branch, Pacific and Yukon Region, within 10 days of completion of loading at each loading site, the nature and quantity of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the activity occurred.

11.7. The Permittee must submit to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Branch, within 30 days of the expiry of the permit, a list of all work completed pursuant to the permit, the nature and quantity of material disposed of and the dates on which the activity occurred.

Environmental Protection
Pacific and Yukon Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-04288 is approved.

1. Permittee: Lower North Shore Community Seafood Cooperative, Harrington Harbour, Quebec.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from September 17, 2005, to September 16, 2006.

4. Loading Site(s): Harrington Harbour wharf, 50°29.83' N, 59°28.70' W (NAD83).

5. Disposal Site(s): Within a 100-m radius of 50°29.70' N, 59°28.35' W (NAD83).

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site. The disposal site is located approximately 0.5 km of the Harrington Harbour wharf.

7. Equipment: Towed scow, barge or boat.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of will be placed in the towed scow and discharged directly into the sea within the perimeter indicated in paragraph 5.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 400 metric tonnes.

11. Material to Be Disposed of: Fish waste or other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, Quebec Region, 105 McGill Street, 4th Floor, Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7, (514) 283-4423 (fax), (email), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to the Regional Director, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of the expiry of the permit. This report shall include the Register of Disposal at Sea Operations mentioned in paragraph 12.5 and contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit, the equipment used for loading and disposal and the dates on which the disposal and loading activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, aircraft, platform or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. A copy of this permit must, at all times, be kept on board any vessel involved with the disposal operations.

12.5. The Permittee must complete the Register of Disposal at Sea Operations as provided by the Department of the Environment. This register must, at all times, be kept on board any vessel involved with the disposal operations and be accessible to enforcement officers designated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

12.6. The Permittee must signal the Canadian Coast Guard station at Rivière-au-Renard immediately before leaving port to begin disposal operations at the disposal site. The Permittee must record theses communications in the register mentioned in the previous paragraph.

12.7. The loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

12.8. The barge or containers to transport the material to be disposed of must be covered in a manner to prevent access by gulls and other sea birds.

12.9. The loading must be completed in a manner that ensures that no material contaminates the marine environment, particularly the harbour and adjacent beaches. The Permittee must also ensure that the loading sites are cleaned up and, if necessary, that spilled wastes are recovered.

Environmental Protection
Quebec Region




Notice respecting an administrative agreement between the governments of Canada and Quebec pertaining to the pulp and paper sector

Notice is hereby given that the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans intend to conclude with the Province of Quebec the annexed agreement entitled "Administrative Agreement Between the Government of Quebec and the Government of Canada Regarding the Implementation in Quebec of the Federal Regulations Pertaining to the Pulp and Paper Sector." The Minister of the Environment is publishing his intention to conclude this agreement in accordance with subsection 9(2) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, S.C. 1999, c. 33.

Interested persons requiring additional information, or wishing to consult the agreement, should refer to the Web site of the CEPA Environmental Registry at Interested persons may, within 60 days after the publication of this notice, file comments or a notice of objection with respect to the proposed renewal of this agreement. All such comments and notices must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be sent to Cynthia Wright, Director General, Strategic Priorities Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Department of the Environment, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3, (email).

Pursuant to section 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, any person who provides information in response to this notice may submit, with the information, a written request that it be treated as confidential.

Minister of the Environment




THE GOVERNMENT OF QUEBEC, represented by the "ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs" and the "ministre responsable des Affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes, de la Francophonie canadienne, de l'Accord sur le commerce intérieur, de la Réforme des institutions démocratiques et de l'Accès à l'information", hereinafter referred to as "Quebec", for the first part,


THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, represented by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, hereinafter referred to as "Canada", for the second part.

WHEREAS Quebec and Canada recognize the need and priority to ensure the cleanup of effluents from the pulp and paper sector in order to better protect the environment, in particular, by reducing the effects of effluents on the aquatic environment including fish and its habitat, as well as to protect human health against deleterious substances;

WHEREAS Quebec and Canada have each enacted regulations to reduce the release of toxic and deleterious substances resulting from the operations of the pulp and paper sector;

WHEREAS Quebec and Canada regulations contain comparable provisions;

WHEREAS the Governments of Quebec and of Canada signed an agreement entitled "Agreement Between the Governments of Quebec and Canada Regarding the Implementation in Quebec of Federal Regulations Pertaining to the Pulp and Paper Sector", and this Agreement expired on March 31, 2005;

WHEREAS Quebec and Canada recognize the benefit of adopting a cooperative approach to reduce administrative duplication resulting from comparable regulatory provisions and that there is a need to specify the procedures of this approach in an agreement;

WHEREAS Quebec is better positioned to collect information from pulp and paper sector operators as well as to monitor the quality of such information, particularly because of the geographical locations of its regional offices;

WHEREAS subsection 1 of section 12 of An Act respecting the Ministère de l'Environnement (R.S.Q., c. M-15.2.1) provides that, in accordance with the Act, the minister may enter into an agreement with a government, other than the Government of Quebec, a department of such a government, an international organization, or an agency of such a government or organization;

WHEREAS this Agreement constitutes an intergovernmental agreement as defined in section 3.6.2 of An Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (R.S.Q., c. M-30);

WHEREAS pursuant to section 3.8 of An Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, intergovernmental agreements within Canada must be approved by the Government of Quebec and signed by the "ministre responsable des Affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes, de la Francophonie canadienne, de l'Accord sur le commerce intérieur, de la Réforme des institutions démocratiques et de l'Accès à l'information" in order to be valid;

WHEREAS the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans of Canada may, with the approval of the Governor in Council and pursuant to section 5 of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act (R.S.C., c. F-15), enter into agreements with the Government of Quebec respecting the carrying out of programs for which the Minister is responsible;

WHEREAS the Minister of the Environment may, with the approval of the Governor in Council and pursuant to section 9 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (S.C. 1999, c. 33), enter into agreements with the Government of Quebec with respect to the administration of this Act;

WHEREAS by order of the Governor in Council __________ dated ___________, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans are authorized to sign this Agreement for the Government of Canada; and

WHEREAS the Government of Quebec, pursuant to order __________ dated __________, has approved the terms of this Agreement.



For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "pulp and paper sector" includes pulp and paper mills and plants as well as off-site treatment facilities.


This Agreement pertains to the following regulations of Quebec and Canada:

For Canada

— The Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations, SOR/92-269 and its subsequent amendments, enacted under the Fisheries Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-14 and its subsequent amendments;

— The Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans Regulations, SOR/92-267 and its subsequent amendments, enacted under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, S.C. 1999, c. 33 and its subsequent amendments;

— The Pulp and Paper Mill Defoamer and Wood Chip Regulations, SOR/92-268 and its subsequent amendments, enacted under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, S.C. 1999, c. 33 and its subsequent amendments.

For Quebec

— The Regulation respecting pulp and paper mills, enacted by decree 1353-92 of September 16, 1992, published in Part 2 of the Gazette officielle du Québec of October 7, 1992, on page 6035, and its subsequent amendments;

— The Regulation respecting industrial depollution attestations, enacted by decree 601-93 of April 28, 1993, published in Part 2 of the Gazette officielle du Québec of May 12, 1993, on page 3377, which is applicable, as of May 26, 1993, pursuant to decree 602-93, to industrial establishments that produce pulp for the purposes of sale or a paper product as defined by section 1 of the Regulation respecting pulp and paper mills, enacted by the Environment Quality Act (R.S.Q., c. Q-2).



The purpose of this Agreement is to define the procedures for cooperation between Quebec and Canada regarding the implementation in Quebec of the federal regulations pertaining to the pulp and paper sector.


In order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the government administrations involved by ensuring the best possible use of resources and minimizing the ensuing administrative responsibilities, the parties agree on the following administrative objectives:

(a) reduce the administrative duplication resulting from comparable regulatory provisions;

(b) improve the protection of the environment by optimizing the resources required to verify compliance with the regulations of Canada and of Quebec governing the pulp and paper sector;

(c) ensure the collection, processing, and quality control of information gathered by Quebec and exchanged between Quebec and Canada;

(d) recognize Quebec as principal interlocutor, for the receipt of information to be exchanged pursuant to this Agreement, without restricting Quebec and Canada from their respective obligations to administer their acts and regulations;

(e) recognize Quebec as the main contact with the pulp and paper sector in Quebec, without restricting Quebec and Canada from their respective obligations to administer their acts and regulations;

(f) specify the procedures for the exchange of information collected by Quebec, and required by Canada and Quebec, to verify compliance with their respective regulations and to fulfill their respective parliamentary responsibilities; and

(g) ensure that the exchange of information will occur within reasonable time frames as established by the Management Committee.


Quebec undertakes to carry out the following tasks in accordance with the procedures established by the Management Committee (article 8) set out in Appendices 2 and 3:

(a) as principal interlocutor for the receipt of information, collect and transfer to Canada the data in Appendix 1 that are provided by the pulp and paper sector pursuant to the federal and Quebec regulations;

(b) prepare and provide to Canada the information set out in the follow-up procedures and listed under Appendix 2;

(c) carry out the annual deposits control program of pulp and paper mills of Quebec, namely, the characterization of the components of the effluent of five mills and measurement of the toxicity of effluent from twenty mills, prepare reports and present them to Canada;

(d) carry out a systematic inspection program for the pulp and paper sector in accordance with the Quebec regulations providing for at least one annual inspection per mill.


Canada undertakes the following:

5.1 prepare and provide to Quebec information set out in the follow-up procedures and listed under Appendix 2;

5.2 as of April 1, 2005, provide Quebec with the use of $225 000 of equipment annually for the duration of the Agreement to cover part of the costs expended in carrying out the tasks outlined in Appendix 3.


The parties agree to the following:

6.1 the Management Committee will assess the possibility of updating or replacing the current "Indmon Mef" system of management and electronic transmission of data. If the system is updated or replaced, the Committee will predetermine a time frame, a means of financing, intellectual property rights, and the user rights for such a system;

6.2 in the interim, Quebec will ensure the maintenance of the present system and make the required improvements, in particular those related to amendments which may be made to the federal and Quebec regulations.


Data collected pursuant to this Agreement are subject to the provisions of An Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information (R.S.Q., c. A-2.1), the Environment Quality Act (R.S.Q., c. Q-2), as well as the Access to Information Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. A-1), the Privacy Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. P-21), the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (S.C. 1999, c. 33) and their subsequent amendments.


The parties entrust the management of this Agreement to a bipartite committee. The Committee is made up of six representatives of the signing parties, three of whom are appointed by Quebec and three by Canada. The Committee is jointly chaired by a representative of the federal government and a representative of the Quebec government appointed by the respective ministers of the environment. The Quebec government is responsible for the Secretariat of the Committee.


(a) The Management Committee shall meet at least twice yearly or upon the written request of one of the parties, at a place and time mutually agreed to by the co-chairs.

(b) A member of the Management Committee may authorize another person to replace him or her at Management Committee meetings and make decisions on his or her behalf.

(c) All Management Committee decisions require a consensus among its members. Where the Management Committee cannot reach a consensus, the outstanding issue shall be submitted to the Deputy Minister of the Quebec "ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs" and to the Regional Director General of the Quebec Region of the Department of the Environment, Canada.

(d) The Management Committee shall cease its activities no later than six (6) months after the expiry date of the Agreement.


The Management Committee

(a) shall ensure the implementation of this Agreement and the compliance with its objectives and terms and conditions;

(b) shall develop and modify, as required, procedures and mechanisms required for the effective management of this Agreement;

(c) shall ensure the free and complete flow of information regarding this Agreement between Quebec and Canada;

(d) shall prepare and present yearly to the Minister of the Environment of Canada, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and the Quebec "ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs", at the latest three (3) months after the end of the year, a report on the progress of activities and tasks set out in this Agreement and the funds allocated to those activities and tasks;

(e) shall suggest to the Minister of the Environment of Canada, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and the Quebec "ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs" changes to this Agreement in accordance with the terms set out in article 10;

(f) shall suggest to the Minister of the Environment of Canada, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and the Quebec "ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs" amendments to the current regulations;

(g) shall ensure that the parties consult one another in matters of public communications and requests for information from the media concerning the Agreement;

(h) shall establish procedures to allow the parties to share with one another information on enforcement action taken and to be taken under their respective regulations;

(i) shall analyze reports on verification of compliance by the pulp and paper sector as well as the actions taken by Quebec and Canada;

(j) shall provide a new draft agreement to the Minister of the Environment of Canada, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and the Quebec "ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs", six (6) months before the expiry of this Agreement;

(k) shall ensure the procedures for the acquisition and management of the equipment provided to Quebec under subsection 5.2;

(l) shall set up specific projects to facilitate the implementation of this Agreement; and

(m) shall prepare an evaluation report on the Agreement and its management that shall be tabled before September 30, 2006.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as

(a) having an impact on the distribution of powers between the two parties;

(b) restricting in any way the respective obligations of Quebec and Canada to enforce their laws and regulations; and

(c) modifying the application of any act or regulation in effect in Quebec.


This Agreement may be amended by mutual written consent of the signatories.


11.1 Subject to subsection 11.2, this Agreement is in force effective as of April 1, 2005, and ending on March 31, 2007.

11.2 Quebec or Canada may terminate this Agreement at any time subject to a minimum of three (3) months' written notice.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement is signed on ___________________ 2005, for Canada by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and for Quebec, by the "ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs" and the "ministre responsable des Affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes, de la Francophonie canadienne, de l'Accord sur le commerce intérieur, de la Réforme des institutions démocratiques et de l'Accès à l'information".

Geoff Regan Thomas J. Mulcair
_______________________ __________________________
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Ministre du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs

Stéphane Dion Benoît Pelletier
_______________________ __________________________
Minister of the Environment Ministre responsable des Affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes, de la Francophonie canadienne, de l'Accord sur le commerce intérieur, de la Réforme des institutions démocratiques et de l'Accès à l'information



  • Under the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations:

— Ownership information for mills and off-site treatment facilities;

— Daily flow of each effluent outfall (m3/d);

— Daily concentration of suspended solids of each effluent outfall (mg/L);

— Daily concentration in BOD5 matter of each effluent (mg/L);

— Daily monthly average of the deposits of suspended solids (kg/d);

— Daily monthly average of the deposits of BOD5 matter (kg/d);

— Total monthly release of suspended solids (kg);

— Total monthly release of BOD5 matter (kg);

— Daily production data (tons/d);

— Monitoring reports of the monthly tests and of accelerated frequency tests to determine the acute lethality of each effluent outfall on rainbow trout;

— Monitoring reports of the weekly tests to determine the acute lethality of each effluent outfall on Daphnia magna;

— Reference production rate (RPR);

  • Reports required under the Pulp and Paper Mill Defoamer and Wood Chip Regulations;
  • Analysis results of chlorinated dioxins and furans and reference method information required under the Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans Regulations.




















  • Collect information set out in Appendix 1;
  • Prepare quarterly reports and the annual report using information from the follow-up of regulatory compliance stated in Appendix 2;
  • Carry out the annual deposits control program of mills

— Compile results and prepare reports:

— Effluent - 5 mills

— Toxicity - 20 mills;

  • Transmit the above-mentioned information to Canada;
  • Maintain Indmon Mef electronic data management system and assess needs for updating the system; and
  • Provide secretariat to the Management Committee on Pulp and Paper Agreement (MCPPA).




Notice, under subsection 84(5) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, of the Ministerial Conditions

Whereas the Ministers of Health and of the Environment have assessed information pertaining to the aliphatic, aromatic unsaturated bicyclic derivative,

And whereas the Ministers suspect that the substance is toxic,

The Minister of the Environment hereby imposes, under paragraph 84(1)(a) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, conditions under Ministerial Condition No. 13820 and 13838, in accordance with the following text.

Minister of the Environment


(Section 84 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

The Notifier may import the substance in any amounts after the assessment period expires, July 4, 2005, only in circumstances where the Notifier complies with the following terms:


1. Items 3(1)(c) and 5, below, do not apply if the substance is blended into finished consumer products.

Use Restriction

2. The Notifier shall provide the Minister of the Environment with the information contained in Item 3 of Schedule II of the New Substances Notification Regulations as amended, in writing, at least 45 days prior to any operation of blending the substance into liquid products.

Record-keeping Requirements

3. (1) The Notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records, with any documentation supporting the validity of the information contained in these records, indicating

(a) the use of the notified substance;

(b) the quantity of the notified substance that the Notifier imports, sells and uses; and

(c) the name and address of each person to whom the Notifier sells the notified substance.

3. (2) The Notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records made in item 3(1) at the Notifier's principal place of business in Canada for a period of at least five years after they are made.

Information Requirements

4. The Notifier shall inform the Minister of the Environment, in writing, at least 45 days prior to beginning the manufacture of the substance.

Other Requirements

5. The Notifier shall inform all customers, in writing, of the terms of the conditions, and the Notifier shall obtain, prior to any transfer of the substance, written confirmation from persons on their company letterhead that they understand and will meet these terms as if the present Ministerial Condition had been imposed on them. These records shall be maintained at the Notifier's principal place of business in Canada for a period of at least five years after they are made.




Prospecting permits

1. The following are the areas in the Northwest Territories in respect of which permits have been issued pursuant to subsection 29(1) of the Canada Mining Regulations, C.R.C., c.1516, effective February 1, 2005.

2. Prospecting permits have been issued to cover the following N.T.S. map areas, in the Northwest Territories.

Number Location (N.T.S.) Permittee
5156 065L01NE/065L01N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5157 065L01NW/065L01N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5158 065L02NE/065L02N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5159 065L02NW/065L02N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5160 065L03NE/065L03N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5161 065L06NE/065L06N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5162 065L06NW/065L06N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5163 065L06SE/065L06S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5164 065L07NE/065L07N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5165 065L07NW/065L07N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5166 065L07SE/065L07S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5167 065L07SW/065L07S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5168 065L08NE/065L08N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5169 065L08NW/065L08N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5170 065L08SE/065L08S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5171 065L08SW/065L08S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5172 065L09NE/065L09N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5173 065L09NW/065L09N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5174 065L09SE/065L09S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5175 065L09SW/065L09S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5176 065L10NE/065L10N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5177 065L10NW/065L10N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5178 065L10SE/065L10S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5179 065L10SW/065L10S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5180 065L11SE/065L11S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5181 065L12NE/065L12N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5182 065L13NE/065L13N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5183 065L13NW/065L13N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5184 065L13SE/065L13S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5185 065L13SW/065L13S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5186 065L14NW/065L14N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5187 065L14SW/065L14S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5188 065L15NE/065L15N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5189 065L15NW/065L15N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5190 065L15SE/065L15S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5191 065L15SW/065L15S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5192 065L16NE/065L16N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5193 065L16NW/065L16N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5194 065L16SE/065L16S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5195 065L16SW/065L16S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5196 065M01NE/065M01N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5197 065M01NW/065M01N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5198 065M01SE/065M01S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5199 065M01SW/065M01S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5200 065M02NE/065M02N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5201 065M02NW/065M02N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5202 065M02SE/065M02S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5203 065M03NE/065M03N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5204 065M03NW/065M03N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5205 065M03SE/065M03S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5206 065M03SW/065M03S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5207 065M04NE/065M04N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5208 065M04NW/065M04N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5209 065M04SE/065M04S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5210 065M04SW/065M04S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5211 075I16NE/075I16N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5212 075I16SE/075I16S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5213 075P01NE/075P01N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5214 075P01SE/075P01S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5215 075P08SE/075P08S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5216 086G01NE/086G01N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5217 086G01NW/086G01N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5218 086G01SE/086G01S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5219 086G01SW/086G01S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5220 086G02NE/086G02N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5221 086G02NW/086G02N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5222 086G02SE/086G02S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5223 086G02SW/086G02S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5224 086G03NE/086G03N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5225 086G06NE/086G06N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5226 086G06NW/086G06N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5227 086G06SE/086G06S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5228 086G07NE/086G07N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5229 086G07NW/086G07N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5230 086G07SE/086G07S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5231 086G07SW/086G07S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5232 086G08NE/086G08N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5233 086G08NW/086G08N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5234 086G08SE/086G08S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5235 086G08SW/086G08S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5236 086G09NE/086G09N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5237 086G09NW/086G09N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5238 086G09SE/086G09S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5239 086G09SW/086G09S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5240 086G10NE/086G10N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5241 086G10NW/086G10N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5242 086G10SE/086G10S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5243 086G10SW/086G10S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5244 086G11NE/086G11N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5245 086G11NW/086G11N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5246 086G11SE/086G11S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5247 086G11SW/086G11S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5248 086G14SE/086G14S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5249 086G14SW/086G14S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5250 086G15SE/086G15S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5251 086G15SW/086G15S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5252 086G16SE/086G16S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5253 086G16SW/086G16S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5254 086H04NE/086H04N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5255 086H04NW/086H04N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5256 086H05NE/086H05N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5257 086H05NW/086H05N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5258 086H05SE/086H05S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5259 086H05SW/086H05S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5260 086H12NE/086H12N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5261 086H12NW/086H12N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5262 086H12SE/086H12S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5263 086H12SW/086H12S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5264 086H13SE/086H13S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5265 086H13SW/086H13S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5267 086K08SE/086K08S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5268 096M02NW/096M02N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5269 096M02SW/096M02S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5270 096M03NE/096M03N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5271 096M03NW/096M03N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5272 096M03SE/096M03S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5273 096M03SW/096M03S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5274 096M06NE/096M06N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5275 096M06NW/096M06N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5276 096M06SE/096M06S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5277 096M06SW/096M06S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5278 077G11NW/077G11N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5283 077B14SW/077B14S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5284 088C02NE/088C02N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5285 088C02NW/088C02N.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5286 088C03NE/088C03N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5287 088C06SE/088C06S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5288 088C07SE/088C07S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5289 088C08NE/088C08N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5290 088C08SW/088C08S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5291 088C09NE/088C09N.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5292 088C09SE/088C09S.-E. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5295 088C15SW/088C15S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5298 088D12SW/088D12S.-O. Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
5300 086E10SW/086E10S.-O. Matthew Mason
5301 086K12NE/086K12N.-E. Matthew Mason
5302 086K12NW/086K12N.-O. Matthew Mason
5303 086K13NE/086K13N.-E. Matthew Mason
5304 086K13NW/086K13N.-O. Matthew Mason
5305 086K13SW/086K13S.-O. Matthew Mason
5306 086L08NW/086L08N.-O. Matthew Mason
5307 086L09NE/086L09N.-E. Matthew Mason
5308 086L09SW/086L09S.-O. Matthew Mason
5309 086L16NE/086L16N.-E. Matthew Mason
5310 086L16NW/086L16N.-O. Matthew Mason
5311 086L16SE/086L16S.-E. Matthew Mason
5312 086L16SW/086L16S.-O. Matthew Mason
5313 086N04NW/086N04N.-O. Matthew Mason
5314 086N04SE/086N04S.-E. Matthew Mason
5315 086N04SW/086N04S.-O. Matthew Mason
5316 096E07NW/096E07N.-O. Matthew Mason
5317 096F09NE/096F09N.-E. Matthew Mason
5318 096F09NW/096F09N.-O. Matthew Mason
5319 096G06NE/096G06N.-E. Matthew Mason
5320 096G06NW/096G06N.-O. Matthew Mason
5321 096G06SE/096G06S.-E. Matthew Mason
5322 096G06SW/096G06S.-O. Matthew Mason
5323 096G10NE/096G10N.-E. Matthew Mason
5324 096G10NW/096G10N.-O. Matthew Mason
5325 096G10SE/096G10S.-E. Matthew Mason
5326 096G10SW/096G10S.-O. Matthew Mason
5327 096G13NE/096G13N.-E. Matthew Mason
5328 096G13NW/096G13N.-O. Matthew Mason
5329 096G13SE/096G13S.-E. Matthew Mason
5330 096G13SW/096G13S.-O. Matthew Mason
5331 096G14NW/096G14N.-O. Matthew Mason
5332 096G14SE/096G14S.-E. Matthew Mason
5333 096G14SW/096G14S.-O. Matthew Mason
5334 096G15NE/096G15N.-E. Matthew Mason
5335 096G15NW/096G15N.-O. Matthew Mason
5336 096G15SE/096G15S.-E. Matthew Mason
5337 096G15SW/096G15S.-O. Matthew Mason
5338 096G16SW/096G16S.-O. Matthew Mason
5339 096J03SW/096J03S.-O. Matthew Mason
5340 096J04SE/096J04S.-E. Matthew Mason
5341 096J04SW/096J04S.-O. Matthew Mason
5342 087G11NW/087G11N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5343 087G11SE/087G11S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5344 087G12NE/087G12N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5345 087G13NE/087G13N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5346 087G13SE/087G13S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5347 087G14NE/087G14N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5348 087G14NW/087G14N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5349 087G14SE/087G14S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5350 087G14SW/087G14S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5351 087G15NE/087G15N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5352 087G15NW/087G15N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5353 087G15SE/087G15S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5354 087G15SW/087G15S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5355 088A03NW/088A03N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5356 088A04NE/088A04N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5357 088A04NW/088A04N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5358 088A04SE/088A04S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5359 088A04SW/088A04S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5360 088A05NE/088A05N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5361 088A05NW/088A05N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5362 088A05SE/088A05S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5363 088A05SW/088A05S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5364 088A06NE/088A06N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5365 088A06NW/088A06N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5366 088A06SW/088A06S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5367 088A11NE/088A11N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5368 088A11NW/088A11N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5369 088A11SE/088A11S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5370 088A11SW/088A11S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5371 088A12NE/088A12N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5372 088A12NW/088A12N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5373 088A12SE/088A12S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5374 088A12SW/088A12S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5375 088A13NE/088A13N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5376 088A13NW/088A13N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5377 088A13SE/088A13S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5378 088A13SW/088A13S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5379 088A14NE/088A14N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5380 088A14NW/088A14N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5381 088A14SE/088A14S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5382 088A14SW/088A14S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5383 088B01NE/088B01N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5384 088B01NW/088B01N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5385 088B01SE/088B01S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5386 088B01SW/088B01S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5387 088B02NE/088B02N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5388 088B02NW/088B02N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5389 088B02SE/088B02S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5390 088B02SW/088B02S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5391 088B03NE/088B03N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5392 088B03SE/088B03S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5393 088B03SW/088B03S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5394 088B06NE/088B06N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5395 088B06NW/088B06N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5396 088B06SE/088B06S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5397 088B07NE/088B07N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5398 088B07NW/088B07N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5399 088B07SE/088B07S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5400 088B07SW/088B07S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5401 088B08NE/088B08N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5402 088B08NW/088B08N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5403 088B08SE/088B08S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5404 088B08SW/088B08S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5405 088B09NE/088B09N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5406 088B09NW/088B09N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5407 088B09SE/088B09S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5408 088B09SW/088B09S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5409 088B10NE/088B10N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5410 088B10NW/088B10N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5411 088B10SE/088B10S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5412 088B10SW/088B10S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5413 088B11SE/088B11S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5414 088B15NE/088B15N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5415 088B15SE/088B15S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5416 088B15SW/088B15S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5417 088B16NE/088B16N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5418 088B16NW/088B16N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5419 088B16SE/088B16S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5420 088B16SW/088B16S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5421 088C01SE/088C01S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5422 088C01SW/088C01S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5423 088D03NE/088D03N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5424 088D03NW/088D03N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5425 088D03SE/088D03S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5426 088D03SW/088D03S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5427 088D04NE/088D04N.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5428 088D04NW/088D04N.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5429 088D04SE/088D04S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5430 088D04SW/088D04S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5431 088D06SE/088D06S.-E. De Beers Canada Inc.
5432 088D06SW/088D06S.-O. De Beers Canada Inc.
5433 086E06NW/086E06N.-O. Cameco Corporation
5434 086E10NE/086E10N.-E. Cameco Corporation
5435 086E10NW/086E10N.-O. Cameco Corporation
5436 086E10SE/086E10S.-E. Cameco Corporation
5437 086K13SE/086K13S.-E. Cameco Corporation
5438 086L09NW/086L09N.-O. Cameco Corporation
5439 086L09SE/086L09S.-E. Cameco Corporation
5459 107B03NE/107B03N.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5460 107B06NW/107B06N.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5461 107B08NE/107B08N.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5462 088H09NE/088H09N.-E. 974134 NWT Limited
5463 088H09NW/088H09N.-O. 974134 NWT Limited
5464 088H15NE/088H15N.-E. 974134 NWT Limited
5465 088H15SE/088H15S.-E. 974134 NWT Limited
5466 088H16NE/088H16N.-E. 974134 NWT Limited
5467 088H16NW/088H16N.-O. 974134 NWT Limited
5468 088H16SE/088H16S.-E. 974134 NWT Limited
5469 088H16SW/088H16S.-O. 974134 NWT Limited
5470 089A01SW/089A01S.-O. 974134 NWT Limited
5471 089A02SE/089A02S.-E. 974134 NWT Limited
5472 105P11NE/105P11N.-E. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5473 105P14NE/105P14N.-E. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5474 105P14NW/105P14N.-O. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5475 105P14SW/105P14S.-O. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5476 106A03SW/106A03S.-O. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5477 106A05NW/106A05N.-O. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5478 106B09SE/106B09S.-E. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5479 106C16NE/106C16N.-E. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd.
5480 086E03NW/086E03N.-O. Triex Minerals Corporation
5481 086E04NE/086E04N.-E. Triex Minerals Corporation
5482 086M01NE/086M01N.-E. Triex Minerals Corporation
5483 086M01NW/086M01N.-O. Triex Minerals Corporation
5484 086M07NE/086M07N.-E. Triex Minerals Corporation
5485 086M07SE/086M07S.-E. Triex Minerals Corporation
5486 086M07SW/086M07S.-O. Triex Minerals Corporation
5487 086M08SW/086M08S.-O. Triex Minerals Corporation
5488 075A04SW/075A04S.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5489 075A16SW/075A16S.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5490 075H07NE/075H07N.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5491 075H08SW/075H08S.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5492 075H10NW/075H10N.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5493 075H10SE/075H10S.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5494 075A03NE/075A03N.-E. Robin C. Day
5495 065D05NE/065D05N.-E. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5496 065D06NE/065D06N.-E. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5497 065D06NW/065D06N.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5498 065D11SW/065D11S.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5499 065D12SE/065D12S.-E. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5500 065D12SW/065D12S.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5501 065D14NW/065D14N.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5502 065D14SE/065D14S.-E. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5503 065D14SW/065D14S.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5504 065D15NW/065D15N.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5505 065D15SW/065D15S.-O. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5506 075A09SE/075A09S.-E. BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.
5507 075A13NE/075A13N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5508 075A13NW/075A13N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5509 075A13SE/075A13S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5510 075A13SW/075A13S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5511 075B09NE/075B09N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5512 075B09NW/075B09N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5513 075B09SE/075B09S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5514 075B09SW/075B09S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5515 075B10NE/075B10N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5516 075B10NW/075B10N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5517 075B10SE/075B10S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5518 075B10SW/075B10S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5519 075B15NE/075B15N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5520 075B15NW/075B15N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5521 075B15SE/075B15S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5522 075B15SW/075B15S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5523 075B16NE/075B16N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5524 075B16NW/075B16N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5525 075B16SE/075B16S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5526 075B16SW/075B16S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5527 075G01NE/075G01N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5528 075G01NW/075G01N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5529 075G01SE/075G01S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5530 075G01SW/075G01S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5531 075G02NE/075G02N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5532 075G02NW/075G02N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5533 075G02SE/075G02S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5534 075G02SW/075G02S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5535 075G07NE/075G07N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5536 075G07NW/075G07N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5537 075G07SE/075G07S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5538 075G07SW/075G07S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5539 075G08NE/075G08N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5540 075G08NW/075G08N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5541 075G08SE/075G08S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5542 075G08SW/075G08S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5543 075H04NE/075H04N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5544 075H04NW/075H04N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5545 075H04SE/075H04S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5546 075H04SW/075H04S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5547 075H05NE/075H05N.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5548 075H05NW/075H05N.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5549 075H05SE/075H05S.-E. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5550 075H05SW/075H05S.-O. Arctic Star Diamond Corp.
5551 065D03SW/065D03S.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5552 065D07NE/065D07N.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5553 065D10SE/065D10S.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5554 065E03NE/065E03N.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5555 065E03NW/065E03N.-O. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5556 065E08SE/065E08S.-E. Diamondex Resources Ltd.
5557 096E09NE/096E09N.-E. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5558 096E09NW/096E09N.-O. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5559 096E10NE/096E10N.-E. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5560 096E15NE/096E15N.-E. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5561 096E15SE/096E15S.-E. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5562 096E16NE/096E16N.-E. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5563 096E16NW/096E16N.-O. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5564 096E16SE/096E16S.-E. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5565 096E16SW/096E16S.-O. Patrician Diamonds Inc.
5566 075O02NE/075O02N.-E. Matthew Mason
5567 075O02NW/075O02N.-O. Matthew Mason
5568 075O07NE/075O07N.-E. Matthew Mason
5569 075O07NW/075O07N.-O. Matthew Mason
5570 075O07SE/075O07S.-E. Matthew Mason
5571 075O07SW/075O07S.-O. Matthew Mason
5591 095P09NW/095P09N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5594 095P16NE/095P16N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5595 095P16NW/095P16N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5596 095P16SW/095P16S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5598 096A05SW/096A05S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5599 096A06NW/096A06N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5600 096A09NW/096A09N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5601 096A10NE/096A10N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5602 096A10SE/096A10S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5603 096A10SW/096A10S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5604 096A11SE/096A11S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5605 096A16SW/096A16S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5606 096B06NE/096B06N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5607 096B06NW/096B06N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5608 096B06SE/096B06S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5609 096B06SW/096B06S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5610 096B08NE/096B08N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5611 096B09NE/096B09N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5612 096B09NW/096B09N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5613 096B09SE/096B09S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5614 096B09SW/096B09S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5615 096B10NE/096B10N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5616 096B10NW/096B10N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5617 096B10SW/096B10S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5618 096B11NE/096B11N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5619 096B11NW/096B11N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5620 096B11SE/096B11S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5621 096B11SW/096B11S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5622 096B14NE/096B14N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5623 096B14NW/096B14N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5624 096B14SE/096B14S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5625 096B14SW/096B14S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5626 096B15NE/096B15N.-E. Juanita Rocher
5627 096B15NW/096B15N.-O. Juanita Rocher
5628 096B15SE/096B15S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5629 096B15SW/096B15S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5630 096B16SE/096B16S.-E. Juanita Rocher
5631 096B16SW/096B16S.-O. Juanita Rocher
5632 075O01NE/075O01N.-E. Matthew Mason
5633 075O01NW/075O01N.-O. Matthew Mason
5634 075O01SE/075O01S.-E. Matthew Mason
5635 075O01SW/075O01S.-O. Matthew Mason
5636 075O02SE/075O02S.-E. Matthew Mason
5637 075O02SW/075O02S.-O. Matthew Mason
5638 075O08NE/075O08N.-E. Matthew Mason
5639 075O08SE/075O08S.-E. Matthew Mason
5640 075O09SE/075O09S.-E. Matthew Mason
5641 075P05NE/075P05N.-E. Matthew Mason
5642 065E02NE/065E02N.-E. Robert MacGillivray
5643 065E02SE/065E02S.-E. Robert MacGillivray
5644 065E02SW/065E02S.-O. Robert MacGillivray
5645 075P13SW/075P13S.-O. Robert MacGillivray
5646 075P13NW/075P13N.-O. Robert MacGillivray
5647 076A04NE/076A04N.-E. Robert MacGillivray
5648 076A04NW/076A04N.-O. Robert MacGillivray
5649 076A04SW/076A04S.-O. Robert MacGillivray
5650 075H15NE/075H15N.-E. Lawrence Barry
5651 075H16NW/075H16N.-O. Lawrence Barry
5652 086F06NE/086F06N.-E. Lawrence Barry
5653 086F06SE/086F06S.-E. Lawrence Barry
5654 086F07NW/086F07N.-O. Lawrence Barry
5655 086F07SW/086F07S.-O. Lawrence Barry
6853 095P01NW/095P01N.-O. Juanita Rocher
6854 095P07NE/095P07N.-E. Juanita Rocher
6855 095P10NE/095P10N.-E. Juanita Rocher
6856 096A05SE/096A05S.-E. Juanita Rocher

3. The following prospecting permits have been relinquished in the Northwest Territories.

Number Location (N.T.S.) Permittee
3446 096K02NE/096K02N.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3447 096K02NW/096K02N.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3448 096K02SE/096K02S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3449 096K02SW/096K02S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3507 106I02NW/106I02N.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3509 106I02SW/106I02S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3510 106I03NE/106I03N.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3511 106I03NW/106I03N.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3512 106I03SE/106I03S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3513 106I03SW/106I03S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3514 106I04NE/106I04N.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3515 106I04NW/106I04N.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3516 106I04SE/106I04S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3517 106I04SW/106I04S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3549 106J01NE/106J01N.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3551 106J01SE/106J01S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3557 106J03NE/106J03N.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3558 106J03NW/106J03N.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3559 106J03SE/106J03S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3560 106J03SW/106J03S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3561 106J04NE/106J04N.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3562 106J04NW/106J04N.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3563 106J04SE/106J04S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3564 106J04SW/106J04S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3567 106J05SE/106J05S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3568 106J05SW/106J05S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3571 106J06SE/106J06S.-E. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
3572 106J06SW/106J06S.-O. De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.

4. The following prospecting permits have been cancelled in the Northwest Territories.

Number Location (N.T.S.) Permittee
2830 065E15NE/065E15N.-E. Douglas Neil Hillhouse
    Don Rotherham
2831 065E15NW/065E15N.-O. Douglas Neil Hillhouse
    Don Rotherham
2832 087C09NW/087C09N.-O. Adam Vary
2833 087H05NW/087H05N.-O. Adam Vary

5. For information on cancelled or expired prospecting permits, please contact the Northwest Territories Mining Recorder's Office at (867) 669-2691 (telephone) or (867) 669-2714 (fax).

Supervising Mining Recorder
Northwest Territories





Name and position Order in Council
Parliamentary Secretaries to the 2005-1345
Adams, The Hon. Peter, P.C.  
Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal  
Bagnell, The Hon. Larry, P.C.  
Minister of Natural Resources  
Bakopanos, The Hon. Eleni, P.C.  
Minister of Social Development to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Social Development with special emphasis on Social Economy  
Barnes, The Hon. Susan, P.C.  
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians  
Bulte, The Hon. Sarmite, P.C.  
Minister of Canadian Heritage  
Byrne, The Hon. Gerry, P.C.  
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs  
Cullen, The Hon. Roy, P.C.  
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness  
DeVillers, The Hon. Paul, P.C.  
Prime Minister  
Drouin, The Hon. Claude, P.C.  
Prime Minister to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with Special emphasis on Rural Communities  
Easter, The Hon. Arnold Wayne, P.C.  
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food with special emphasis on Rural Development  
Eyking, The Hon. Mark, P.C.  
Minister of International Trade to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade with special emphasis on Emerging Markets  
Fry, The Hon. Hedy, P.C.  
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration  
Jennings, The Hon. Marlene, P.C.  
Prime Minister to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with special emphasis on Canada-U.S.  
Karygiannis, The Hon. Jim, P.C.  
Minister of Transport  
Lastewka, The Hon. Walt, P.C.  
Minister of Public Works and Government Services  
LeBlanc, The Hon. Dominic, P.C.  
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons  
Longfield, The Hon. Judi, P.C.  
Minister of Labour and Housing  
Macklin, The Hon. Paul, P.C.  
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada  
Malhi, The Hon. Gurbax Singh, P.C.  
Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal  
Marleau, The Hon. Diane, P.C.  
President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board  
Martin, The Hon. Keith, P.C.  
Minister of National Defence  
McKay, The Hon. John, P.C.  
Minister of Finance  
McTeague, The Hon. Dan, P.C.  
Minister of Foreign Affairs  
Murphy, The Hon. Shawn, P.C.  
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans  
Pickard, The Hon. Jerry, P.C.  
Minister of Industry  
Simard, The Hon. Raymond, P.C.  
Minister for Internal Trade, Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for Official Languages  
Thibault, The Hon. Robert G., P.C.  
Minister of Health  
Torsney, The Hon. Patricia Ann, P.C.  
Minister of International Cooperation  
Wilfert, The Hon. Bryon, P.C.  
Minister of the Environment  

August 4, 2005






Name and position Order in Council
Côté, Yves, Q.C. 2005-1344
Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces  
La Forest, The Hon. Gérard 2005-1353
Minister of Justice  
Special Advisor  
Latour, Paul B. 2005-1348
Gwich'in Land Claim Settlement Act  
Renewable Resources Board  
Reid, The Hon. John M., P.C. 2005-1351
Access to Information Act  
To hold office while the office of the Information Commissioner is vacant  
Roscoe, The Hon. Elizabeth A. 2005-1346
Government of Nova Scotia  
July 30 to August 1, 2005  

August 4, 2005





Senators called

Her Excellency the Governor General has been pleased to summon to the Senate of Canada, by letters patent under the Great Seal of Canada, bearing date of August 2, 2005:

— Campbell, Larry W., of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, Member of the Senate and a Senator for the Province of British Columbia;

— Champagne, The Hon. Andrée, P.C., of Saint-Hyacinthe, in the Province of Quebec, Member of the Senate and a Senator for the Division of Grandville in the Province of Quebec;

— Dawson, Dennis, of Sainte-Foy, in the Province of Quebec, Member of the Senate and a Senator for the Division of Lauzon in the Province of Quebec;

— Segal, Hugh, of Kingston, in the Province of Ontario, Member of the Senate and a Senator for the Province of Ontario;

— Zimmer, Rod A. A., of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, Member of the Senate and a Senator for the Province of Manitoba.

August 4, 2005





Delegation of authorities by the President of Measurement Canada

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 4(2) of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations, that the President of Measurement Canada, pursuant to subsection 4(1) of the Regulations, proposes to delegate to the organization set out in column I of the Schedule the functions under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act set out in column II thereof.


Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations

Column I Column II
Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited
500 Commissioners Street Toronto, Ontario M4M 3N7
Subsection 8(1): For the purposes of section 5 of the Act, the calibration of a measuring apparatus referred to in section 7 shall be certified by the director.
Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited is being delegated this function for the following types of measuring apparatus:
Electricity meter calibration consoles.

August 13, 2005

Measurement Canada




Chairperson (part-time position)

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation was established as a federal Crown corporation on October 28, 1996, as part of the Japanese Canadian Redress Agreement. As a national institution and a member of the Canadian Heritage Portfolio, the corporation is responsible for facilitating the development, sharing and application of knowledge and expertise, in order to contribute to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canada.

The board of directors has a responsibility under the law to act in the best interests of the corporation and to exercise care and due diligence. The board of directors is expected to provide strategic guidance to management and oversee the activities of the corporation. The chairperson provides guidance to the board in the formulation of strategic direction of the corporation. The chairperson is the corporation's primary spokesperson and the link between the corporation and the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

The successful candidate must have a university degree and significant managerial experience at the senior executive level. The ideal candidate will also have experience on a board of directors, preferably as a chairperson. In order to achieve the corporation's objectives and carry out its mandate, the chairperson must be a person of sound judgement and integrity and must have superior interpersonal skills. The successful candidate must be able to develop effective working relationships with the Minister and her Office, members of the board, senior management and stakeholders. Superior communications skills are required.

The chosen candidate will have financial literacy and extensive knowledge of public policy. Knowledge of equality and access issues in fields such as race relations or human rights is also required.

Proficiency in both official languages is an asset.

The Government is committed to ensuring that its appointments are representative of Canada's regions and official languages, as well as of women, Aboriginal peoples, disabled persons and visible minorities.

The board of directors meets quarterly in different cities across the country; therefore, the successful candidate must be prepared to travel occasionally.

The selected candidate will be subject to the principles set out in Part I of the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders. To obtain copies of the Code, visit the Office of the Ethics Commissioner's Web site at

This notice has been placed in the Canada Gazette to assist the Governor in Council in identifying qualified candidates for this position. It is not, however, intended to be the sole means of recruitment. Applications forwarded through the Internet will not be considered for reasons of confidentiality.

Interested candidates should forward their curriculum vitae by September 2, 2005, in strict confidence, to the Director, Portfolio Affairs Office, 25 Eddy Street, 3rd Floor, Room 85, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5, (819) 994-8097 (fax).

Further details about the corporation and its activities can be found on its Web site at

Bilingual notices of vacancies will be produced in alternative format (audio cassette, diskette, braille, large print, etc.) upon request. For further information, please contact Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S5, (613) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943.




Executive Director (full-time position)

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation was established as a federal Crown corporation on October 28, 1996, as part of the Japanese Canadian Redress Agreement. As a national institution and a member of the Canadian Heritage Portfolio, the corporation is responsible for facilitating the development, sharing and application of knowledge and expertise, in order to contribute to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canada.

The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the corporation and is accountable to the board of directors for the efficient operation of the corporation in accordance with the priorities established by the board. He or she is responsible for establishing and managing a research program and supervising fund-raising to support the corporation's activities.

Location: Toronto, Ontario

The successful candidate must have a university degree, preferably in the areas of social sciences or public administration, or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. The chosen candidate will possess senior executive level experience in the private or public sector and a sound understanding of financial and human resources management.

The ideal candidate will have demonstrated success in strategic and operational management of a variety of interrelated activities, including research and data collection, consultation, fund-raising and communications. A demonstrated aptitude for effective liaison with the media, the academic community, community groups, the public at large, and policy makers at all levels is also required.

The chosen candidate will have experience in strategic planning and policy development and analysis so as to provide the board with advice and information necessary for it to set strategic direction and priorities. Knowledge of equality and access issues in fields such as race relations or human rights is also required. In addition, knowledge of international trends and developments in these fields and their impact domestically is required.

Proficiency in both official languages is essential. Knowledge of other languages would be an asset.

The Government is committed to ensuring that its appointments are representative of Canada's regions and official languages, as well as of women, Aboriginal peoples, disabled persons and visible minorities.

The successful candidate must be prepared to relocate to Toronto or to a location within commuting distance and must also be prepared to travel occasionally.

The selected candidate will be subject to the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders. Before or upon assuming official duties and responsibilities, public office holders appointed on a full-time basis must sign a document certifying that, as a condition of holding office, they will observe the Code. They must also submit to the Office of the Ethics Commissioner, within 60 days of appointment, a Confidential Report in which they disclose all of their assets, liabilities and outside activities. To obtain copies of the Code and the Confidential Report, visit the Office of the Ethics Commissioner's Web site at

This notice has been placed in the Canada Gazette to assist the Governor in Council in identifying qualified candidates for this position. It is not, however, intended to be the sole means of recruitment. Applications forwarded through the Internet will not be considered for reasons of confidentiality.

Interested candidates should forward their curriculum vitae by September 2, 2005, in strict confidence, to the Chair of the Human Resources Committee, Canadian Race Relations Foundation, 4576 Yonge Street, Suite 701, Toronto, Ontario M2N 6N4, (416) 952-3326 (fax).

Additional information is available on request.

Bilingual notices of vacancies will be produced in alternative format (audio cassette, diskette, braille, large print, etc.) upon request. For further information, please contact Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S5, (613) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943.




New occupational group and sub-group definitions

Pursuant to paragraph 11.1(1)(b) of the Financial Administration Act, the Treasury Board of Canada hereby provides notice that the definitions of the Applied Science and Engineering Group, effective March 18, 1999, as published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on March 27, 1999, pages 827 to 830, are amended and replaced by the following definitions that shall apply to the Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey Group and the Applied Science and Patent Examination Group as well as the Applied Science Sub-group and Patent Examination Sub-group, effective May 16, 2005. The definitions of the Engineering, Land Survey, Scientific Regulation and Patent Examination Sub-groups, effective March 18, 1999, as published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on July 17, 2004, pages 1975 to 1978, are also amended and replaced by the definitions that shall apply to the Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey Group and the Applied Science and Patent Examination Group as well as the Applied Science Sub-group and Patent Examination Sub-group, effective May 16, 2005.

Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey Group Definition

The Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to a program involving one of the following: architecture, landscape architecture, urban and rural planning, engineering and land surveying.


Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:

  1. the conceptual and detailed planning of buildings and related works, the planning and design of outdoor environments for human use, the development of codes and standards, and the management and monitoring of construction projects;

  2. the planning, design, construction or maintenance of physical or chemical processes, systems, structures or equipment; and the development or application of engineering standards or procedures including
  3. (a) the planning, design, construction or maintenance of buildings, equipment, structures or systems such as transportation, telecommunications, utilities or water use projects;

    (b) the planning or conduct of environmental engineering services such as heating and air conditioning, or lighting;

    (c) the planning or conduct of engineering works or studies concerned with the control of such matters as radio wave frequency usage, product quality, industrial safety or electrical utilities;

    (d) the planning or conduct of engineering works or studies concerned with environmental problems related to air, water or land resources, where a comprehensive knowledge of engineering is the prime requirement;

    (e) the planning or conduct of site exploration, development or engineering works control surveys;

    (f) the conduct of cost-benefit or feasibility studies; and

    (g) the development or modification of physical systems or equipment for use in special purpose computer systems applications where a comprehensive knowledge of engineering is the prime requirement;

  4. the analysis or development of land survey, mapping or charting systems, the theory and development of remote sensing technologies, satellite and space-based technology data acquisition systems, and the acquisition, management, transformation, dissemination and application of geospatial data in post processing and real-time; the planning, conduct or evaluation of control, digital mapping or charting surveys; and the planning or conduct of legal surveys of real property;

  5. the planning and conduct of studies, the evaluation and interpretation of information and scientific research papers, reports, contracts or agreements, and the provision of advice in the above programs;

  6. the planning, co-ordination and management of technology transfer in any of the above activities; and

  7. the leadership of any of the above activities.

Positions included in the Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey Group may also be engaged, in part, in research in one of the programs involving architecture, engineering and land surveying.


Positions excluded from the Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which the following activity is of primary importance:

the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to the planning, conduct, evaluation and management of fundamental research, knowledge enhancement, technology development and innovation relevant to the natural sciences as defined in the Research Group.

Also excluded are positions that do not require the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge relevant to architecture, landscape architecture, urban and rural planning, engineering, and land surveying.

Applied Science and Patent Examination Group Definition

The Applied Science and Patent Examination Group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to one of the applied science programs involving the following: actuarial science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology, physical sciences, which include physics, planetary and earth sciences, scientific regulation and patents.


Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:

  1. the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to one of the applied science programs involving the following: actuarial science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology, physical sciences, which include physics, planetary and earth sciences, and scientific regulation;
  2. the regulation and control of Canadian patents; the preparation, processing, classification and examination of applications for patents; the allowance, refusal or rejection of applications for patents; the promotion of the commercial and technological aspects of the patent system; and the dissemination and interpretation of technological information contained in patent systems; and
  3. the leadership of any of the above activities.

Positions included in the Applied Science and Patent Examination Group may also be engaged, in part, in research in one of the programs involving the following: agricultural or related sciences, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology and the physical sciences, including physics, planetary and earth sciences.


Positions excluded from the Applied Science and Patent Examination Group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which one or more of the following activities is of primary importance:

  1. the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to the planning, conduct, evaluation and management of fundamental research, knowledge enhancement, technology development and innovation relevant to the natural sciences as defined in the Research Group; and
  2. the inspection and evaluation of quality assurance systems, processes, equipment, products, materials and associated components; the development, recommendation or enforcement of statutes, regulations, standards, specifications or quality assurance policies, procedures and techniques; and the investigation of accidents, defects and/or disputes for which the application of a comprehensive knowledge of scientific regulation is not required.

Also excluded are positions that do not require the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge relevant to actuarial science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology, physical sciences, which include physics, planetary and earth sciences, scientific regulation and patents.

Applied Science and Patent Examination Group

Applied Science Sub-Group Definition

The Applied Science Sub-group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to one of the applied science programs involving the following: actuarial science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology, physical sciences, which include physics, planetary and earth sciences, and scientific regulation.


Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:

  1. the evaluation of actuarial liabilities and the determination of premiums and contributions in respect of insurance, annuity and pension plans;
  2. the promotion, development and regulation of the agricultural industry and trade including the planning or conduct of quality control, regulatory and production programs, the analysis of agricultural markets and production trends, the regulation of market practices or the administration of financial incentives or subsidies;
  3. the analysis, identification, interpretation, classification, measurement, survey and management of biological resources, organisms or systems; and the analysis and interpretation of biological data;
  4. the analysis, interpretation, classification, measurement and survey of the chemical composition, properties and behaviour of matter; the development of analytical or survey methods, instruments or standards; the planning, conduct and evaluation of studies or projects; the integration of scientific information from different specialized areas; and the writing, reviewing or evaluation of papers, reports, contracts or agreements;
  5. the promotion and development of forest resources; the planning, design, development and maintenance of forest surveys, inventories and databases; the management of forests; the administration of co-operative arrangements with other government and non-governmental organizations providing assistance in the various fields of forestry; the provision of advice on the development of forest policy and liaison with the various communities of interest in the forest industry; and the co-ordination and transfer of technology on a regional, national and international level;
  6. the analysis and forecasting of weather and climatic phenomena; the development of instruments, methods and standards for observing and recording atmospheric phenomena; and the development, application and provision of data, information and advice in the application of meteorology to the economic and environmental problems of the country;
  7. the analysis, identification, interpretation, classification, measurement, survey and management of earth resources and the behaviour of earth and space and related systems; and the provision of data, information and advice in the application of geosciences and physical sciences to economic and environmental issues;
  8. the study of the physical properties of medical devices or radiation emitting devices for the purpose of evaluating their safety or efficacy; the development of analytical or survey methods, instruments or standards; the planning, conduct and evaluation of studies or projects; and the integration of scientific information from different specialized areas;
  9. the inspection or evaluation of techniques and technical processes and products to ascertain conformity with prescribed standards; the regulation of the distribution and control of drugs liable to abuse; the appraisal of submissions with respect to drugs; the inspection of the manufacture, storage, disposal, transportation and handling of dangerous commodities; and the regulation of environmental hazards;
  10. the inspection of the manufacture, processing, distribution, labelling or advertising of foods, drugs, cosmetics or medical devices for the purpose of protecting the public from health hazards or fraudulent or misleading advertising or labelling; and the provision of regulatory advice for the determination of the status of a particular product as to its identity as a drug, food, cosmetic or medical device;
  11. the inspection of the manufacture, storage, disposal, transportation and handling of dangerous commodities such as flammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive and radioactive materials;
  12. the inspection for the assurance of the quality of goods and services purchased under contract by the Government of Canada;
  13. the development of regulations and policies dealing with regulated products, foods, cosmetics, explosives and other consumer products and the evaluation of proposed regulatory actions resulting from inspection;
  14. the planning and conduct of studies, the evaluation and interpretation of information and scientific research papers, reports, contracts or agreements, and the provision of advice in the above programs;
  15. the planning, co-ordination and management of technology transfer in any of the above activities; and
  16. the leadership of any of the above activities.

Positions included in the Applied Science Sub-group may also be engaged, in part, in research in one of the programs involving the following: agricultural or related sciences, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology and the physical science, including physics, planetary and earth sciences.


Positions excluded from the Applied Science Sub-group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group or those in which one or more of the following activities is of primary importance:

  1. the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge to the planning, conduct, evaluation and management of fundamental research, knowledge enhancement, technology development and innovation relevant to the natural sciences as defined by the Research Group; and
  2. the inspection and evaluation of quality assurance systems, processes, equipment, products, materials and associated components; the development, recommendation or enforcement of statutes, regulations, standards, specifications or quality assurance policies, procedures and techniques; and the investigation of accidents, defects and/or disputes for which the application of a comprehensive knowledge of scientific regulation is not required.

Also excluded are positions that do not require the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge relevant to actuarial science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, forestry, meteorology, physical sciences, which include physics, planetary and earth sciences, and scientific regulation.

Also excluded are positions that are included in the Patent Examination Sub-group.

Applied Science and Patent Examination Group

Patent Examination Sub-Group Definition

The Patent Examination Sub-group comprises positions that are primarily involved in the regulation and control of Canadian Patents; the preparation, processing, classification and examination of applications for patents; the allowance, refusal or rejection of applications for patents; the promotion of the commercial and technological aspects of the patent system; and the dissemination and interpretation of technological information contained in patent systems.


Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for greater certainty, it includes positions that have, as their primary purpose, responsibility for one or more of the following activities:

1. the preparation, processing or examination of applications for patents of invention;

2. the classification of patent applications and patents;

3. the promotion of the patent system as a source of technological information;

4. the dissemination and interpretation of technological information and intelligence from patent documents;

5. the development or evaluation of policies, regulations and standards;

6. the writing and editing of papers and reports;

7. the initiation and conduct of conflict proceedings;

8. the provision of related advice; and

9. the leadership of any of the above activities.


Positions excluded from the Patent Examination Sub-group are those whose primary purpose is included in the definition of any other group.

Also excluded are positions that are included in the Applied Science Sub-group.

Table of Concordance

Restructuring of Applied Science and Engineering (AP) Group

The Table of Concordance below links the 2005 occupational groups and sub-groups, which have been created by restructuring the 1999 Applied Science and Engineering (AP) Group, and the classification standards to be used to evaluate work in these new occupational groups and sub-groups. It also identifies the corresponding pre-1999 occupational groups and the current occupational sub-groups for reference purposes only. This Table of Concordance updates the previous Table of Concordance that was approved by Treasury Board on July 17, 2004.

Table of Concordance

Restructuring of Applied Science and Engineering (AP) Group

Groups &
1999 Occupational
Group &
2005 Occupational
Classification Standard
Architecture & Town Planning (AR) Applied Science & Engineering (AP) Architecture, Engineering & Land Survey
Architecture & Town Planning (AR)
Engineering & Land Survey (EN)     N/A


  Engineering & Land Survey
Sub-group Engineering
Land Survey
Land Survey
  Engineering & Land Survey
Sub-group Land Survey
Actuarial Science (AC)   Applied Science & Patent
Examination (SP)
Actuarial Science (AC)
Agriculture (AG)     Agriculture (AG)
Biological Sciences (BI)     Biological Sciences (BI)
Chemistry (CH)     Chemistry (CH)
Forestry (FO)     Forestry (FO)
Meteorology (MT)     Meteorology (MT)
Physical Sciences (PC)     Physical Sciences (PC)
Scientific Regulation (SG)     N/A
Scientific Regulation
Scientific Regulation
  Scientific Regulation (SG)
Patent Examination
Sub-group (SG-PAT)
Patent Examination
Sub-group (SG-PAT)
  Scientific Regulation (SG)
Groups &
1999 Occupational
Group &
2005 Sub-groups Classification Standard
Architecture & Town Planning (AR) Applied Science & Engineering (AP) N/A Architecture & Town Planning (AR)
Engineering & Land Survey (EN)     N/A


  Engineering & Land Survey
Sub-group Engineering
Land Survey
Land Survey
  Engineering & Land Survey
Sub-group Land Survey
Actuarial Science (AC)   Applied Science
Actuarial Science (AC)
Agriculture (AG)     Agriculture (AG)
Biological Sciences (BI)     Biological Sciences (BI)
Chemistry (CH)     Chemistry (CH)
Forestry (FO)     Forestry (FO)
Meteorology (MT)     Meteorology (MT)
Physical Sciences (PC)     Physical Sciences (PC)
Scientific Regulation (SG)     N/A
Scientific Regulation
Scientific Regulation
  Scientific Regulation (SG)
Patent Examination
Sub-group (SG-PAT)
Patent Examination
Sub-group (SG-PAT)
Patent Examination Sub-group
Scientific Regulation (SG)



Balance sheet as at July 31, 2005

Deposits in foreign currencies    
U.S. dollars $ 216,702,011  
Other currencies 4,307,714  
    $ 221,009,725
To members of the Canadian Payments Association
To Governments    
(at amortized values)    
Treasury bills of Canada 14,701,362,804  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years 10,587,381,434  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years 5,946,556,028  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years 8,579,741,344  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years 5,589,919,437  
Other bills    
Other investments 38,038,287  
Bank premises   134,617,678
Other assets    
Securities purchased under resale agreements    
All other assets 509,161,805  
    $ 46,307,788,542
Bank notes in circulation   $ 44,189,888,293
Government of Canada $ 968,940,418  
Banks 216,242,923  
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association 6,996,951  
Other 361,534,500  
Liabilities in foreign currencies    
Government of Canada 129,255,042  
Other liabilities    
Securities sold under repurchase agreements
All other liabilities 404,930,415  
Share capital 5,000,000  
Statutory reserve 25,000,000  
    $ 46,307,788,542
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $ ___________
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, August 3, 2005   Ottawa, August 3, 2005
Acting Chief Accountant   Deputy Governor



Balance sheet as at August 3, 2005

Deposits in foreign currencies    
U.S. dollars $ 215,152,370  
Other currencies 4,326,237  
    $ 219,478,607
To members of the Canadian Payments Association
To Governments    
(at amortized values)    
Treasury bills of Canada 14,629,606,445  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years 10,587,353,535  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years 5,946,588,756  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years 8,579,682,087  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years 5,589,861,375  
Other bills    
Other investments 38,038,287  
Bank premises   134,628,491
Other assets    
Securities purchased under resale agreements    
All other assets 508,110,832  
    $ 46,234,795,573
Bank notes in circulation   $ 44,115,085,795
Government of Canada $ 1,186,773,800  
Banks 48,464,478  
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association 3,070,647  
Other 357,129,742  
Liabilities in foreign currencies    
Government of Canada 128,283,255  
Other liabilities    
Securities sold under repurchase agreements
All other liabilities 365,987,856  
Share capital 5,000,000  
Statutory reserve 25,000,000  
    $ 46,234,795,573
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $ ___________
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, August 4, 2005   Ottawa, August 4, 2005
Acting Chief Accountant   Deputy Governor



The format of the electronic version of this issue of the Canada Gazette was modified in order to be compatible with hypertext language (HTML). Its content is very similar except for the footnotes, the symbols and the tables.

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Updated: 2005-08-12