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Environment Canada Signature
National Pollutant Release Inventory Communities Portal
Monday, December 11, 2006

Search Information

Use the NPRI Communities Portal search engine to find out about pollutant releases, disposal and recycling by companies in Canada that report to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). Choose the search option below that best fits your needs.


  • Reviewed 2004 NPRI data is now available. Click here to search using this data.
  • Results are for the year 2004 unless you select a different year.
  • Your search result will include a list of the facilities - you can click on them individually to find out which substances they are releasing, disposing and recycling. See the Environmental & Health Issues Page to find out if any of the substances are toxic substances and/or pollutants that cause smog or acid rain.
  • Depending on what is being released in the area you have selected, you may also see an extra table that shows how much of each smog-forming pollutant was estimated to be emitted in your area in 2000.

Search Options

NPRI Communities Portal Search
Choose from several common search options including community name, environmental issue, company or organization name to find out what's being released, disposed or recycled by facilities in your area of interest.

NPRI Web Maps
Use the Web Maps to see locations of facilities that reported pollutant releases, recycling and disposals to the NPRI. Facilities that reported to the NPRI in 2004 and in previous years are visible on the Web Maps. Note: downloading of an application is required to view the maps and a high-speed Internet connection is recommended.

Community-based Search
Select your community of interest and find out which companies are reporting to the NPRI in the area.

Advanced Search
Go the main NPRI Web site and choose from a variety of search options including several location-based options and industrial sector categories, chemical name, facility ID number and more.

Search Tips

  • Click on the Search button to get your search results.
  • Select one or more options to search on. Selecting multiple search options, especially the postal code option, will narrow your results. Try fewer options if you don't get satisfactory results. Try the community name option instead of postal code if you have a specific area of interest.
  • To clear the search form to try a different search, click on the Reset button.
  • Don't recognize the pollutant or substance name? Try the Environmental & Health Issues section to find out if the substance is a toxic substance and/or contributes to smog or acid rain. Our substance guide is in development - let us know what you would like to see.

Creation date: 2004-07-21
Last updated : 2006-04-27
Last reviewed: 2003-04-23