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Environmental Protection Branch
Quebec Region


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Environmental Protection Branch

Quebec Region


Air Issues

Technology Innovation and Industrial Sectors

Inspection and Investigation Sections

Intervention and Restoration

Aquatic Environment Protection

St.-Lawrence Vision 2000

Emergencies Section

Toxics and Pollution Prevention

Public Registry of transitional authorizations for metal mines


Our mandate consists of preserving and improving the quality of the environment.

Our long-term vision focuses on three main points :

  • a healthy environment ;
  • security against environmental risks ;
  • and a greener society.

The Quebec region Environmental Protection Branch regroups three divisions whose objective is to assure that human activity takes place without compromising the integrity and the well-being of human beings and ecosystems. The EPB sees to it that natural ressources are used sensibly with the intent of achieving a sustainable development.

The EPB is confronted with many diverse and complex environmental issues :

  • the fight against toxic substances in air and water ;
  • the mitigation of the impacts of climatic changes ;
  • the clean-up of the St Lawrence River ;
  • environmental emergency response ;
  • wildlife surveillance activities.

Dealing with these issues implies adopting a variety of approaches and tools, namely, law and regulation enforcement, pollution prevention, environmental technology development, and environmental management system development.

Environmental Protection Branch - Quebec Region Image: Organizational Chart of Environmental Protection Branch. Full size image
