The Pan American Health Organization
Promoting Health in the Americas

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    Strategic alliance between LDS, BYU and PAHO, an opportunity to accelerate achievement of the MDGs in an intersectoral environment
    Representatives from the Brigham Young University (BYU), College of Health and Human Performance and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) met at PAHO Headquarters to develop plans to designate BYU as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Family and Community Health and establish a regional partnership between LDS and PAHO in the area of family and community health. More »
Public Health Highlights
  • E-learning Course: Strengthening Essential Public Health Functions
    This E-learning course is designed by the PAHO and the World Bank Institute. The course focuses on management staff who directly or indirectly works in Public Health and Essential Public Health Functions. Read more »
  • PAHO's new Disaster Publications Catalog is now online
    In it one will find all the training materials prepared by PAHO on the subject of disaster preparedness, mitigation and response. Read more »
  • PAHO Today: New Edition is Online
    The most recent edition of PAHO Today, the newsletter of the Pan American Health Organization, is available online. This edition includes a tribute to Dr. LEE Jong-wook, the late director-general of the World Health Organization, new priorities for global health, preparations for a possible Flu pandemic, and more. Read more »
  • Don Francisco, PAHO Team Up To Fight Obesity
    Television personality Don Francisco is partnering with PAHO to fight obesity by promoting physical activity and increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Know more »
Calendar of HIV Events in Latin America and the Caribbean

PAHO Calls for End to Violence against Women

Main Photo
Singer Jerry Rivera today joined forces with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to launch a new public service campaign to raise awareness of violence against women and of the need to end the widespread problem in the Americas and around the world.  Read More »

  • Number of People with HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean Rises, Says Report
    Almost two million people with HIV live in Latin America and the Caribbean today, and the number of new infections in 2006 rose to 167,000, 12,000 more than in 2004, according to the new AIDS Epidemic Update, an annual report on the latest developments in the epidemic released today by UNAIDS/WHO. By the end of 2006, the total number of people with the virus was estimated to reach 1,950,000, 210,000 more than in 2004, the report said. Read More »
  • PAHO to Honor Singer Jerry Rivera for His Efforts to End Domestic Violence
    On November 21, PAHO will observe International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by honoring singer Jerry Rivera for his efforts to end domestic violence. Read More »
  • PAHO Recognized for Cervical Cancer Elimination Efforts
    The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) was recognized today for its efforts in cervical cancer prevention, receiving the "Women in Government Presidential Leadership Award for a Commitment to the Elimination of Cervical Cancer" from the non-profit, bi-partisan organization that represents women state legislators in the United States. Read More »
  • Health Ministers Approve Rubella Elimination, Increased Vaccination Coverage
    Health ministers from the Americas at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Directing Council approved a new regional strategy to sustain immunization programs in the Americas, calling on countries to achieve vaccination coverage of more than 95 percent in all districts and to meet the target of eliminating rubella and congenital rubella syndrome by 2010. Read More »