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Urban Transportation Showcase Program

List of Case Studies

Case studies listed alphabetically by location.


Brampton, Ont., Halifax, N.S., Saskatoon, Sask. Biodiesel in Transit and Municipal Fleets
A clean burning alternative fuel produced from domestic renewable resources, principally vegetable oils and waste oil products
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Brampton, Ont. Early Transit Phase-In Policy: Promoting Transit in Growing Communities
Proactive effort by several municipal departments to enable the earliest possible introduction of high-quality transit service in new subdivisions
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Edmonton, Alta. Fuel Sense: Making Fleet and Transit Operations More Efficient
Training program to encourage fuel-efficient driving skills by municipal fleet and transit operators
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Halifax, N.S. GoTime: Real-time Passenger Information and Transit Management 
Real-time transit management system to offer passengers accurate information on “next bus” arrival times and help staff monitor schedule adherence
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Halifax, N.S., London, Ont. and  Victoria, B.C. Universal Transit Passes in Canada: A Smart Move for Post secondary Students
Development of U-Pass programs at three Canadian universities, from initial research through negotiation, approval, implementation and renewal
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Kamloops, B.C. TravelSmart: Planning for Sustainable Urban Transportation
Integrated land use and transportation planning process intended to improve air quality, reduce energy consumption and reduce capital expenditures
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Kelowna, B.C. Central Okanagan TDM Program: Partnering for Sustainable Transportation
Region-wide transportation demand management program including bicycle and pedestrian planning, cycling and transit improvements, parking management, ridesharing promotion and other forms of outreach
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London, Ont., Halifax, N.S. and  Victoria, B.C. Universal Transit Passes in Canada: A Smart Move for Post secondary Students  
Development of U-Pass programs at three Canadian universities, from initial research through negotiation, approval, implementation and renewal
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Mississauga, Ont. GO Shuttle Service
Transit service taking passengers between their homes and a commuter rail station, involving 21-seat shuttle buses and a low fare
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Mississauga, Ont. Towards an Idle-Free Zone
Outreach program using community-based social marketing techniques to reduce idling by motorists 
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Montreal, Que. In Town Without My Car!
International event intended to educate citizens about the negative impact of cars on quality of life and on the environment.
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Montreal, Que. Car Sharing in Canada: Making More Sustainable Personal Travel Choices
Alternative system of car ownership and access where vehicles are shared amongst a group of individuals.
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Greater Montreal, Que. Allégo
Regional transportation demand management (TDM) initiative leading to creation of four transportation management associations and pilot projects in workplaces and educational institutions
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Hilaire, Que.
Village de la Gare: Transit Oriented Residential Development 
Planning and initial construction of transit-oriented development around a suburban commuter rail station
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Ottawa, Ont. Transit Priority Program: Putting Buses First  
Measures to reduce bus delay through dedicated lanes, queue jumps, traffic signal priority, freeway interchange features and traffic management strategies
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Ottawa, Ont. O-Train Light Rail Project
Diesel-powered light rail service with 8 km of track and five stations along an existing rail line within a large urban area
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Quebec City, Que. Car Sharing in Canada: Making More Sustainable Personal Travel Choices
Alternative system of car ownership and access where vehicles are shared amongst a group of individuals.
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Rimouski, Que. Taxibus: Public Transportation for Smaller Cities 
Demand-responsive taxi-based transit service in urban and rural areas, operated by a non-profit corporation and a cooperative of local taxi drivers
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Saanich, B.C Active Transportation Infrastructure Program: Making Sustainable Transportation Choices Easier 
Municipal transportation program that encourages walking and cycling through enhanced infrastructures
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Toronto, Ont. St. George Street Revitalization: "Road Diets" in Toronto
Revitalization project to increase safety, reduce traffic, increase pedestrian and cycling amenities, and create a more aesthetically pleasing community area
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Toronto, Ont. BikeShare: A Community Bicycle Lending Program
Non-profit bike lending program in the downtown area, with several hundred members who can borrow one of 170 yellow bikes for up to three days at a time
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Greater Toronto, Ont.  GTA Fare Card: A Seamless Fare Collection System
Development of a common “smart card” allowing customers to use several different transit services without pre-purchased tickets or passes
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Vancouver, B.C. Country Lanes: Greening Local Transportation
Demonstration of alternatives to regular lane paving in residential lanes (e.g. permeable pavers, concrete driving strips, structural grass, swales) that improve infiltration, calm traffic and improve aesthetics 
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Vancouver, B.C. Downtown Transportation Plan
Policy document coordinating sustainable transportation initiatives, with a focus on new bicycle facilities and routes, pedestrian improvements and surface and rapid transit
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Vancouver, B.C. Car Sharing in Canada: Making More Sustainable Personal Travel Choices
Alternative system of car ownership and access where vehicles are shared amongst a group of individuals.
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Vancouver, B.C. Southeast False Creek Transportation Study: Sustainable Transportation for a Sustainable Community
The City of Vancouver has set a goal to develop a model of high density, sustainable urban development on the southeast shore of False Creek and is now in the process of preparing an Official Development Plan.
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Greater Vancouver, B.C. Intelligent Transportation Systems in 98 B-Line Rapid Bus Service: Advanced Technology at Work
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) within a bus rapid transit service, including automatic vehicle location, computerized schedule adherence monitoring, traffic signal priority and real-time “next bus” arrival information
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Greater Vancouver, B.C. and others  Off-Ramp: A Secondary School Vehicle Trip Reduction Program
Program helping high school students to encourage their peers to walk, cycle, skateboard, in-line skate, take transit and carpool to school 
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Victoria, B.C., London, Ont. and Halifax, N.S. Universal Transit Passes in Canada: A Smart Move for Post secondary Students
Development of U-Pass programs at three Canadian universities, from initial research through negotiation, approval, implementation and renewal
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Waterloo, Ont. You Can Clear The Air: Sending TDM Back to School
An educational resource unit targeted toward elementary school aged children in Grade 3 to create awareness about more sustainable transportation choices and the impacts their transportation choices have on the environment
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Windsor, Ont. Free Transit on Smog Days: Clearing the Air
Pilot project offering free transit service on smog days, resulting in ridership increases of up to 50% 
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Winnipeg, Man. EcoPass: Employer-Sponsored Transit Passes
Public-private partnership offering discounted transit passes to commuters, funded mostly by employers and boosting transit ridership at participating workplaces by an average of 45%
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Winnipeg, Man. Green Commuting Initiatives
Four initiatives at workplaces and schools to promote transportation by cycling, walking, transit and ridesharing 
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Winnipeg, Man. Navigo and TeleBus: Improving User Information
On-line interactive trip planner and automated schedule information system that enable personalized transit trip planning
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York Region, Ont. Employee Transit Discount Program
Initiative offering regional employees a 50% discount on tickets to encourage them to commute by transit
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York Region, Ont. Transit Priority System: Planning and Pilot Project Deployment
Planning of a transit priority pilot project along 6 km of arterial road, using infrared emitter/detector technology on 30 buses and at 11 signalized intersections
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