Prince Edward Island

Building Information Literacy

Introduction Introduction
Information Literacy and Learning Information Literacy and Learning
Teaching and learning in an information-rich, knowledge-based society; information literacy and resource-based learning; roles for school libraries, information technology, and reading; roles for teacher-librarians, classroom/subject teachers, students, administrators, parents.
The Information Process The Information Process
General description; detailed description at Keystage grade levels 3, 6, 9, and 12, using the seven stages in the Information Process; strategies/cognitive organizers for each stage.
Outcomes for Student Learning Student Learning Outcomes
Information literacy outcomes for all grade levels 1 - 12, taken from the Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation (APEF) Language Arts Curriculum.
Building Plans Building Plans
Teacher-librarian/teacher-developed, field-tested resource-based learning units from P.E.I. schools, for every grade level 1 - 12, available for educators across the province, and beyond, to adapt and use in their own school libraries and classrooms.
The Building Site The Building Site
Use the "Building Blocks" to develop your own resource-based learning activities; save your work locally or submit successfully implemented units for others to adapt and use in their school libraries and classrooms.