Agribusiness Chair in Cooperatives
and Group Marketing


The objectives of the Chair Program are:

To develop course material with appropriate emphasis on cooperatives and group marketing for use in marketing, policy and business courses at the University and elsewhere;

To undertake research on and to further the understanding of cooperatives and group marketing;

To develop outreach activities which assist cooperatives and marketing agencies in such areas as:

  • governance;
  • leadership and management;
  • finance;
  • marketing; and
  • technological changes.
To develop networks with colleagues at other universities and cooperative institutions. This chair holds an associate status with the Centre for the Study of Cooperatives at the University of Saskatchewan.

Dr. Brian T. Oleson currently holds the position of Agribusiness Chair in Cooperatives and Group Marketing.

The Chair position was established by the contributions of the following participants:

The University of Manitoba   

The Canadian Wheat Board                        

Federated Co-operatives Limited

The Co-operators

The Granny's Poultry Co-operative (Manitoba) Ltd.

Commodity Marketing Groups

Manitoba Chicken Producers
Manitoba Turkey Producers
Manitoba Egg Producers
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Manitoba Broiler Hatch and Egg Producers

Related Links:


The International Co-operative Alliance

Canadian Co-operative Association



British Columbia Institute for Co-operative Studies


What is a cooperative? - USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service


University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives


Agriculture Co-operatives

Co-operative Organizations
Communications/Media Co-operatives
Consumer Co-operatives
Energy Co-operatives
Financial Co-operatives
Health Care Co-operatives
Housing Co-operatives
Student Co-operatives
Worker Co-operatives
Research Centres
Related Sites

The Chair has received funding for two related research projects, both of which can be accessed below:

New Generation Cooperatives on the Northern Plains

  • Funded in part by the Agri-Food Research & Development Initiative (ARDI)
  • Provides an in-depth examination of the recent experience on the northern plains of the United States
Sourcebook for Manitoba New Generation Cooperatives
  • Funded in part by the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council (MRAC)
  • A comprehensive study of the issues to be considered in the formation of a New Generation Cooperative in Manitoba


Symposium on New Generation Cooperatives

The Chair hosted a "Symposium on New Generation Cooperatives" at The Lombard Hotel, in Winnipeg.  The Symposium was a definite success, with nearly 100 attendees from all over the world.  The Chair would like to thank the sponsors of the Symposium, whose contributions made the Symposium a reality:

The Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council (MRAC),

The Agri-Food Research & Development Initiative (ARDI),

The Manitoba Institute of Agrologists (MIA), and

The University of Manitoba.

The Program was as follows: (click on the speaker name for a short bio of the speaker; click on the topic title to see the presentation slides in MS Power Point)

1. New Generation Cooperatives and their potential for economic development in Manitoba
Dr. Brian T. Oleson, P.Ag.
- Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Farm Management,
   University of Manitoba
- Agribusiness Chair in Cooperatives and Group Marketing

2. The U.S.A. Experience
   Kim Nesvig
- Cooperative Development Specialist, Dakotas Cooperative Business
   Development Center
- Project Manager, Heart of the Valley Cooperative

3. Legal considerations in the formation of New Generation Cooperatives
   Thomas P. Dooley
- Partner, Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson, Barristers and Solicitors

4. New Generation Cooperatives and the Changing Nature of Agriculture
   Dr. Murray Fulton, P.Ag.
- Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan
- Director, Centre for the Study of Cooperatives









University of Manitoba  

Department of Agribusiness & Agricultural Economics
Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences
University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada - R3T 2N2
Tel: (204) 474-9384  Fax: (204) 261-7251
Questions or comments?  email Agribusiness & Agricultural Economics