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Co-operative Development Initiative

Approved projects


British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island



Yukon Territory

National Projects

Project number: COOP-05-169
Project title: Promotion and visibility of the Robert-Verrier health services co-operative
Name of the proponent: Coop de services de santé Robert Verrier
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2005-09-01
End Date: 2006-02-28
Project Funding: $22,886
Project Description: The project seeks to promote the Robert-Verrier health services co-operative and elevate its profile with health care professionals and members who use the health care services offered, step up the recruitment of members among new customers of these services, develop new and complementary services to those currently being offered, and recruit health care professionals to complement the existing team.

Project number: COOP-05-158
Project title: Enterprising Women Making Art Phase Two
Name of the proponent: Atira Women's Resource Society
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2005-08-18
End Date: 2008-03-31
Project Funding: $120,000
Project Description: The objective of the project is to establish an artisans' co-operative to provide employment and skills development to low income women living in or accessing services in Vancouver 's Downtown Eastside.

Project number: COOP-05-159
Project title: Documenting the Best Practices of Co-operative Developers
Name of the proponent: British Columbia Institute of Co-operative Studies (BCICS)
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2005-08-09
End Date: 2007-03-31
Project Funding: $137,860
Project Description: The overall objective of this research project is to examine the best practices of a broad sample of experienced co-operative developers with a focus on the formative period of co-operative development - from conception to stabilization.

Project number: COOP-05-175
Project title: Collaboration Co-op Pilot Project
Name of the proponent: Collaboration Co-op Development Services Inc.
Province/Territory: Manitoba
Start Date: 2005-08-09
End Date: 2008-03-31
Project Funding: $150,000
Project Description: The goal is to create a "Collaboration Co-op" that would provide and facilitate internal development and management services to new and evolving urban Aboriginal co-ops. The Collaboration Co-op would be a development and managerial support arm of the beneficiary cooperatives. It also would be able to undertake and facilitate training and research related to the development and well-being of the cooperatives. A central objective of the Collaboration model is to facilitate sustainable, reliable and cost-effective management support for beneficiary co-ops. The Project involves completion of the design of the Collaboration Co-op model, full implementation and refinement.

Project number: COOP-04-077
Project title: Families Matter Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Families Matter Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2005-07-01
End Date: 2006-06-30
Project Funding: $25,000
Project Description: This initiative was started by a core group of families of people with developmental disabilities who have been coming together to provide mutual support and seek solutions to problems in finding services; the main issues always being lack of housing, educational and day programs. The CDI project will enable the group to develop a multi-stakeholder co-operative that will address these challenges in a coordinated way. The project also includes an exploration of appropriate co-operative housing options.

Project number: COOP-04-092
Project title: Enabling Campus Sustainability
Name of the proponent: Sustainability Solutions Group Cooperative (SSG)
Province/Territory: National
Start Date: 2005-07-01
End Date: 2007-03-31
Project Funding: $55,843
Project Description: Sustainability Solutions Group (SSG) is a national worker co-operative offering environment-based consulting services to institutions, focused on sustainability assessments, planning and capacity building. The objective of the project is to build and expand SSG's capacity by developing, marketing, testing, honing and refining sustainability-related services in specific sectors, and in several geographical areas.

Project number: COOP-04-123
Project title: Expanding a University Food Cooperative Beyond Campus Gates
Name of the proponent: UBC Food Co-operative
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2005-07-01
End Date: 2 006-08-31
Project Funding: $16,000
Project Description: The University of British Columbia (UBC) Food Co-operative is a student-run, not-for-profit consumer co-operative. The project will enable the co-op to: create a community marketing strategy for the promotion of local, organic foods that will enhance the presence of the UBC Food Co-operative both within and beyond the university; increase appreciation of cooperative development and ethical food systems within the university and beyond; build capacity for the UBC Food Co-operative's ongoing business efficiency; and establish and expand innovative partnerships with on and off campus groups.

Project number: COOP-05-161
Project title: Golden & District Community Health Services Cooperative
Name of the proponent: Golden & District Community Health Services Committee
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2005-07-01
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $97,080
Project Description: The project will enable local partners to work together to develop a community-based multi-stakeholder health services co-operative for the town of Golden and surrounding area.

Project number: COOP-05-168
Project title: M.E.T.R.O Project (Multicultural Economic, Training and Resources in Ontario)
Name of the proponent: Tools for Humanity, Inc.
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2005-07-01
End Date: 2006-06-30
Project Funding: $30,000
Project Description: This project will enable Tools for Humanity to raise awareness of the co-operative model as a vehicle for sustainable community economic development within the Somali community of Greater Toronto, to engage in outreach activities exploring opportunities for co-op development within the community, and to form partnerships with co-op sector organizations and key community groups, in order to achieve long-term co-operative development objectives.

Project number: COOP-05-157
Project title: Blueberry Industry Development Co-operative
Name of the proponent: The Blueberry Development Corporation
Province/Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Start Date: 2005-06-01
End Date: 2006-06-30
Project Funding: $49,300
Project Description: This project will create a multi-stakeholder co-operative to serve the needs of the commercial blueberry industry of Newfoundland and Labrador . It will provide direct services to producers and will undertake development activities on behalf of the producers and the whole sector. The membership is made of the blueberry growers, Regional Economic Development Boards, Regional Development Associations and other interested parties involved in the industry.

Project number: COOP-04-143
Project title: Co-operative Food Processing Initiative
Name of the proponent: Fresh Air Foods Co-operative Limited
Province/Territory: Nova Scotia
Start Date: 2005-04-25
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $20,000
Project Description: The Fresh Air Foods Co-op, formerly Middleton Building Services Co-operative, was formed in 2004 to purchase and operate a licensed food processing facility. The goal of the project is to improve the production and sales of locally grown free range, organic & cottage industry specialty food products. The project will provide producers with better access to a licensed processing facility and opportunities to diversify their productions.

Project number: COOP-04-142
Project title: Innovation in Social Co-operatives - Research and Replication of Common Ground Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Common Ground Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2005-04-01
End Date: 2006-01-31
Project Funding: $27,000
Project Description: Common Ground Cooperative provides business support to four interrelated business partnerships owned and controlled by people with intellectual disabilities. The project aims to study and strengthen this innovative co-operative model, with a long-term goal of replicating the model in new communities.

Project number: COOP-04-144
Project title: The Development of Co-operative Agroforestry: A Path to a Sustainable Future for St-Camille
Name of the proponent: La Clé des Champs de St-Camille Solidarity Co-operative
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2005-04-01
End Date: 2006-05-31
Project Funding: $40,000
Project Description: As the community of St-Camille advances into the future, the members of the co-operative are rallying to achieve a common goal: local and regional diversification in agriculture and forestry. To that end, they are proposing structuring initiatives that will round out our primary resource production-processing-marketing cycle. The project is seeking to establish a sustainable co-operative agroforestry model by developing a preliminary field study and management plan.

Project number: COOP-05-148
Project title: The Sunrise Project
Name of the proponent: Sunrise Trail Community Development Co-operative Limited
Province/Territory: Nova Scotia
Start Date: 2005-04-01
End Date: 2005-12-31
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: The mission of the Sunrise Trail Community Development Co-operativeis to identify gaps in the local community infrastructure and to raise funds to fill those gaps, and to identify, implement and document the principles of sustainable communities. Three initiatives that the co-op is focusing on are 1) The Tatamagouche Film Festival, 2) Friday Night at the Movies, and 3) a Local Economic Trading System. The objective of the project is to enable the co-operative to develop a plan for long-term sustainability, to ensure that it is able to achieve its long-term community development goals.

Project number: COOP-05-146
Project title: Building Critical Awareness and Strategic Alliances: A pilot forum to promote cross-sectoral awareness and exploration of co-operatives as effective solutions to immigrant integration issues
Name of the proponent: Multicultural Health Brokers Co-operative
Province/Territory: Alberta
Start Date: 2005-02-18
End Date: 2005-12-31
Project Funding: $25,000
Project Description: The Multicultural Heath Brokers Co-operative, in collaboration with key partners, will design and pilot a cross-sectoral forum as a means for bringing key stakeholders together to: 1) explore the fit of the co-op model in addressing immigrants' social and economic integration issues, and 2) build learning networks and strategic alliances for immigrant co-op development. The process of implementing the forum, the emerging outcomes and key learnings will be documented and shared with others for the purpose of potential replication in other regions of Canada .

Project number: COOP-05-145
Project title: Local Flavours: Mobilizing Producers and Products
Name of the proponent: Local Flavours Products and Services Co-operative
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $75,000
Project Description: The project seeks to create a leading edge food system that increases the economic and social and ecological viability of small-scale agriculture, food and beverage processing. Project's activities include: member development, outreach; business capacity building; and product assessment and merchandising.

Project number: COOP-05-151
Project title: Delivering the Local Harvest
Name of the proponent: SeaSpray Atlantic Organic Co-operative
Province/Territory: Prince Edward Island
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $25,000
Project Description: SeaSpray Atlantic Co-operative was formed in 2002 to provide a one-desk selling operation accessible to commercial organic producers in the Maritime Provinces and to facilitate sales to wholesalers in eastern and central Canada , and the New England States . This project is designed to increase the market share of local organic production sold to wholesalers, retailers, institutions, buying groups, restaurants, and food processors.  The expected outcome is to increase sales up to $1.5 million within the term of the project.

Project number: COOP-05-152
Project title: Development of a model organic hog production operation and organization of a collective marketing structure for organic meats within an organic production co-operative
Name of the proponent: Coopérative de Production Biologique d'Abitibi
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $30,000
Project Description: The Coopérative de production biologique d'Abitibi was founded in 1999 by a group of farm operators who were interested in developing organic production in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region. The project seeks to: develop an economically viable model for organic hog production; organize a regional organic meat marketing structure; recruit new members; and create partnerships with similar initiatives elsewhere in Canada .

Project number: COOP-05-153
Project title: First Nations Beef Co-operative (FNBC)
Name of the proponent: Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario (IAPO)
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $15,000
Project Description: The Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario (IAPO) assists Status Indian farmers to achieve economic gain through the utilization of agricultural resources on Ontario First Nations territories. This project will determine the market feasibility of a First Nations Beef Co-operative (FNBC) to bring together all First Nations beef producers in Ontario First Nations territories. The study will explore marketing for native beef products to Aboriginal-owned grocery and/or meat retail outlets and tourist establishments, as well as non Aboriginal wholesale and retail establishments.

Project number: COOP-05-155
Project title: Saint-Isidore Cooperative Community Solution
Name of the proponent: Société des Compagnons Ltd.
Province/Territory: Alberta
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: The "Société des Compagnons Ltee" or the Companion Society Ltd. was incorporated in 1953 and seeks to promote and stimulate economic, social and cultural health within a coop model that will foster an enviable quality of life, and an attractive community. The project will develop a long-term strategy to ensure the cooperative's viability, and will identify opportunities for growth.

Project number: COOP-05-167
Project title: Implementation of activities for the Lac Saint-Pierre Biosphere Reserve
Name of the proponent: Coop. Biodiversité Lac Saint-Pierre
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $30,000
Project Description: The project seeks to: make the co-operative and its mandate more representative by developing new partnerships, ensure the continued existence and harmonious development of the Lac Saint-Pierre Biosphere Reserve, raise public awareness of the problems facing the Lac Saint-Pierre Biosphere Reserve, disseminate and distribute the ecotourism development master plan, and publicize and support existing/emerging projects or activities in compliance with the master plan.

Project number: COOP-04-141
Project title: Business plan - A Multi-stakeholder Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Envoy, Coopérative de solidarité
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2005-02-10
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $5,000
Project Description: This project will assist with the start-up of this co-operative by developing a comprehensive business plan. The co-operative intends to offer its members conference/symposium organizing services, as well as travel-related services for participants to these events. Virtual conference services will also be offered. The co-operative wants to develop a discount system for users, since the strength of its combined membership will enable it to generate significant economies of scale.

Project number: COOP-04-127
Project title: West Kootenay Women's Association Social Purpose Enterprise
Name of the proponent: West Kootenay Women's Association
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2005-02-01
End Date: 2006-01-31
Project Funding: $30,000
Project Description: The project will enable the West Kootenay Women's Association to consult with and engage clients in a feasibility study of potential co-operative businesses, and other preliminary work with the long-term objective of developing a sustainable women's social purpose co-operative enterprise that will provide a sustainable livelihood for between six and ten women in the community.

Project number: COOP-04-140
Project title: Skill Exchange Protocol
Name of the proponent: World Education Learning Link Cooperative (WELL Co-op)
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2005-01-04
End Date: 2005-12-31
Project Funding: $20,000
Project Description: The objective of the project is to establish a worker co-operative of foreign-trained professionals, as a means of creating employment and addressing issues of immigrant integration. Project funding will enable WELL Co-op to undertake a market plan, a feasibility study and business plan, and organizational development.

Project number: COOP-04-122
Project title: COIN Wireless Co-op
Name of the proponent: Commmmunity Opportunity & Innovation Network
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2005-01-03
End Date: 2005-06-30
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: This project will undertake co-op member recruitment and co-op development activities leading to the creation of a wireless co-op which will provide high-speed connectivity at a reasonable cost to local not-for-profit organizations, as a means of promoting economic and community development.

Project number: COOP-04-112
Project title: The Co-operative in the Rural Agricultural Environment
Name of the proponent: La Coop agri-services du Littoral
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: 2008-03-31
Project Funding: $120,000
Project Description: To extend the labour-sharing service available to a larger number of locations. This will provide farm operations, which cannot afford to employ workers all year round, with an opportunity of sharing the services of a labour force. Being employed over longer periods of time, the workers will become more stable, reliable and versatile and better trained.

Project number: COOP-04-128
Project title: Growing the Upper Canada Woods Co-operative: Harvesting Opportunity from the Land
Name of the proponent: Upper Canada Woods Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $43,900
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to build the co-operative's membership, develop its technological requirements and research local markets to build a base of customers. This project is a way to bridge the gap between the initial start up of the co-operative and the route to sustainable growth.

Project number: COOP-04-132
Project title: Building Community Capacity: Evaluating Canada's First Conversion of a Public Housing Project into a Co-operative Housing Corporation
Name of the proponent: Sousa Consulting
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $23,030
Project Description: The purpose of this research project is to evaluate the effectiveness and the status of Atkinson Housing Co-operative by focussing on the events and activities that have taken place since it converted from a public housing project to a housing co-operative in April 2003. The goal of this research is to provide a set of tools for an uncomplicated replication of the co-operative model into low-income housing communities and to provide lessons learned that could be applied in other jurisdictions throughout Canada.

Project number: COOP-04-133
Project title: Market study for the development of rural co-operatives dedicated to local diversification
Name of the proponent: North Peace Applied Research Association
Province/Territory: Alberta
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to develop a market study that will assist in establishing a rural co-operative aimed at diversifying the local economy through the production and distribution of natural health product.

Project number: COOP-04-135
Project title: Provincial Gas Tax Rebates Automation - in Partnership with the Ministry of Finance
Name of the proponent: First Nation Independent Fuel Handlers Co-op
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $39,000
Project Description: This project will assist the co-operative's members (Aboriginal gas retailers) in the critical cash flow problems that arise from delays in tax rebates from the government by putting in place a single point of authentication for transactions via on-line real-time processing of tax exemption.

Project number: COOP-04-118
Project title: North American Natural Health Products Co-operative Ltd. (Norelkco)
Name of the proponent: North American Natural health Products Co-operative
Province/Territory: Saskatchewan
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $40,000
Project Description: The goal of the North American Natural Health Products Co-operative Ltd. (Norelkco) (New Generation Co-op) is to produce and market value-added nutraceutical products made from Canadian-raised livestock, botanicals and medicinal herbs.

Project number: COOP-04-138
Project title: "Ranchers' Own" - Share Subscription Meetings
Name of the proponent: Ranchers' Own Meat Processors Inc.
Province/Territory: Alberta
Start Date: 2004-12-22
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $38,400
Project Description: This project will inform livestock producers of the formation of a new generation co-operative marketing alternative, and the benefits of becoming one of "Ranchers' Own" membership shareholders, of one or more of the 6000 membership shares available. Forty public "Ranchers' Own" shareholder solicitation meetings will be held throughout Alberta and northeastern British Columbia.

Project number: COOP-04-096
Project title: HCVS Municipal Development Co-operative Project
Name of the proponent: Towns of Salmon Cove, Victoria, Carbonear and harbour Grace, Newfoundland and Labrador
Province/Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Start Date: 2004-10-25
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $12,500
Project Description: This project will see the formation and start-up of a municipally - owned Co-operative whose founding members will be the Towns of Harbour Grace, Carbonear, Salmon Cove and Victoria (Conception Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador). The co-operative will address economic development and other municipal issues in these communities.

Project number: COOP-04-116
Project title: Independent Artists' Training and Distribution Project
Name of the proponent: Independent Artists'Co-operative
Province/Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Start Date: 2004-10-25
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $30,000
Project Description: This project will result in the specialization and enhancement of an existing facility and create co-operative multi-user spaces that are designed to suit artists' special needs. A viable alternative for the development, production and dissemination of independent Newfoundland artists work will be created.

Project number: COOP-04-113
Project title: Succession through co-operatives in the agriculture and agri-food sectors
Name of the proponent: Fédération des coopératives de développement régional du Québec
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-10-20
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $46,500
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to develop a pilot project in Québec based on the new generation co-operative model that would enable youth to become agricultural producers through the conversion of the farms of retiring producers.

Project number: COOP-04-117
Project title: Home Care Support Fund
Name of the proponent: Coopérative de Services Rive-sud
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-10-20
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $12,000
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to explore and test a new combined funding approach for home support services based on a social fund created by donations from individuals, users and co-operative partners. The fund would be used to pay for co-operative home care services for low income seniors not covered by existing plans.

Project number: COOP-04-125
Project title: Fair Trade Initiative
Name of the proponent: Pacific Peoples' Partnership and Victoria International Development Education Association
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-10-09
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $5,000
Project Description: The project will engage participants in meaningful dialogue on the global trading system and alternative economic models. Deliberations will be held throughout British Columbia, and tools will be created that will allow participants to engage others in thought and action on fair trade and co-operative development.

Project number: COOP-04-084
Project title: The Chocolate Maker
Name of the proponent: Coopérative de solidarité Les partenaires de Portneuf
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-10-08
End Date: 2005-12-20
Project Funding: $43,906
Project Description: Within the scope of the activities of a solidarity (multi stakeholders) co-operative that aims at promoting the social integration of individuals with special needs into the labour force, the purpose of this project is to establish a chocolate-making operation, so that more participants can be supported.

Project number: COOP-04-090
Project title: Re-opening of the AgriNat Co-operative
Name of the proponent: union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-10-08
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $30,000
Project Description: The overall goal of the project is to restart the activities of the AgriNat Co-operative. This will be done by extending its mandate to include building and improving public awareness of the methods used to produce, process and market food products using the co-operative model.

Project number: COOP-04-106
Project title: Market Study - Hazelnut Permaculture Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Hazelnut Permaculture Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-10-08
End Date: 2005-02-28
Project Funding: $5,000
Project Description: The Recipient will conduct a market research analysis which will determine whether there is a niche market for the Hazelnut Permaculture Co-operative services and if the co-operative can reach that market successfully. This workers co-operative is being developed based upon the ethics and principles of Permaculture.

Project number: COOP-04-124
Project title: The Coopérative de solidarité Le Gourmand'Est, a social/professional integration business
Name of the proponent: La coopérative de solidarité Le Gourmand'Est
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-10-08
End Date: 2006-12-31
Project Funding: $80,000
Project Description: The project will support the development of this co-operative by creating a direct link between consumers (members/partners) and organic farms by direct purchasing from the farm. This formula will encourage local organic farming that respects the environment. In addition, the project will also foster social and professional integration through innovative use of the co-op model.

Project number: COOP-04-099
Project title: Sky Dragon Community Development Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Sky Dragon Community Development Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-10-08
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $15,000
Project Description: This project will create employment for its members in the field of community development and generate innovative non-profit models of community development that are socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable.

Project number: COOP-04-120
Project title: Compost Tea Marketing Strategy, Business and Commercialization Plan
Name of the proponent: Amaranth Co-operative Enterprise Ltd.
Province/Territory: Nova Scotia
Start Date: 2004-10-08
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $25,000
Project Description: This project will result in the development of a marketing and business plan that will encompass product development, planning, and eventually commercialization and marketing directly of compost teas. The plans will be used to expand the core activities of an existing workers' co-operative into this new line of business.

Project number: COOP-04-142
Project title: Innovation in Social Co-operatives - Research and Replication of Common Ground Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Common Ground Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $27,000
Project Description: The project will study and assist the further development of the co-operative model of the Common-Ground Co-operative, a non-share capital service co-operative that provides business support to four interrelated business partnerships owned and controlled by people with intellectual disabilities.

Project number: COOP-04-056
Project title: Innovation in Co-operative Product Marketing
Name of the proponent: Mariner Resource Opportunities Network
Province/Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: The overall objective is to increase E-business development opportunities and to encourage local, national and international trade within the region through the establishment of an E-business co-operative.

Project number: COOP-04-085
Project title: Establishment of a multi-stakeholder co-operative to market liquid pig manure treatment processes and undertake R&D
Name of the proponent: Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) Achigan-Montcalm
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-TBD
End Date: TBD
Project Funding: $106,661
Project Description: An innovative solidarity (multi-stakeholder) co-operative will be created to provide support and advisory services to farmers in search of alternative liquid manure treatment methods; to market liquid manure treatment methods featuring aerobic bioreaction, lagooning and aquaculture and to reinvest surplus earnings in R&D with a view to conducting research in greater depth on treatment systems for liquid pig manure and various types of residual sludge.

Project number: COOP-04-089
Project title: Laying the Groundwork for a Provincial Producers' Co-operative
Name of the proponents:
The Newfoundland - Labrador Federation of Co-operatives
The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture
The Newfoundland and Labrador Horticultural Producers' Council
Province/Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Start Date: 2004-09-01
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $45,000
Project Description: This project will lay the ground work for the creation of a new and innovative province-wide vegetable processing, marketing and distribution co-operative or co-operatives to address critical challenges in that industry sector. It will also build practical links with the food wholesale and retail sector in the province, including Co-op Atlantic, with a view to encouraging their participation and having their advice and perspectives on how such a co-operative might best serve everyone's needs.

Project number: COOP-04-052
Project title: Plains Livestock Ethanol Producers Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Plains Livestock Inc.
Province/Territory: Saskatchewan
Start Date: 2004-09-01
End Date: 2005-09-01
Project Funding: $50,000
Project Description: This project will develop Plains Livestock Ethanol Producers Co­operative as a unique model of New Generation Cooperative and a new and unique approach to Equity sharing.

Project number: COOP-04-065
Project title: Co-operative Conversion Research Project - Retiring Small Business Owners
Name of the proponent: Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation
Province/Territory: National
Start Date: 2004-08-01
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $17,400
Project Description: The research project will identify and examine the issues and challenges relating to the use of worker co-operatives formed by existing business owners and employees, as a succession strategy for retiring small business owners. The focus will be on retiring owners in rural and remote regions, where there are fewer options than in urban areas for succession.

Project number: COOP-04-091
Project title: Carousel Cottage Industry Cooperative
Name of the proponent: Voices For Children
Province/Territory: Prince Edward Island
Start Date: 2004-08-05
End Date: 2006-08-31
Project Funding: $110,000
Project Description: This project will create a co-operative in which parents of dependant children can work together to create and market high-quality crafts. Participants will receive training in the production of specific crafts, the establishment and maintenance of a co-operative production and marketing centre, business skills and strategies, and life skills related to balancing parenting with work. An open studio concept will be created as a cultural tourism destination.

Project number: COOP-03-066
Project title: Create and Develop a Health Co-operative to Serve Canadian Communities
Name of the proponent: Aylmer Health Co-operative
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-08-01
End Date: 2007-05-31
Project Funding: $115,500
Project Description: This project will support the development of an urban health care cooperative, the first of its kind in Eastern Canada. The cooperative will develop its services and document the process, sharing results in order to promote the development of other health cooperatives in Canada.

Project number: COOP-04-083
Project title: Co-operative Sector Engagement Project
Name of the proponent: Canadian Co-operative Association and Conseil Canadien de la Coopération
Province/Territory: National
Start Date: 2004-07-01
End Date: 2004-12-31
Project Funding: $50,000
Project Description: This project will explore the long term sustainability of the services established by CoopZone through fuller engagement with individual co-operatives and other supporting organizations. Activities include development of a business plan and funding support regime for long-term sustainability; and a campaign of engagement, leading to the development of a network of supporting informational and funding relationships for CoopZone.

Project number: COOP-03-033
Project title: Activities Diversifications in Rural Family Home du Granit
Name of the proponent: Coopérative de solidarité en formation et développement du Granit
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-06-11
End Date: 2005-07-31
Project Funding: $25,000
Project Description: The objective of the project is to consolidate the co-operative's operations through the development of economic, social and innovative activities contributing to the development of agriculture and rural communities in the district du Granit.

Project number: COOP-04-067
Project title: Ontario Energy Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Ontario Energy Co-operative
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-06-04
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $42,500
Project Description: The project will help the co-operative to become a provincial energy retail co-operative by the fall of 2004.

Project number: COOP-04-105
Project title: Business Plan - La Coopérative Radio Acadie de Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Name of the proponent: La Coopérative Radio Acadie de Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Province/Territory: Prince Edward Island
Start Date: 2004-06-04
End Date: 2004-12-31
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: Coopérative Radio Acadie's ultimate objective is to be on the air by the summer of 2005. The objectives of the present project are to revise the previous technical study in order to draw up a technical plan that responds to community needs and to revise the market study, which goes back to 1999.

Project number: COOP-04-068
Project title: Enterprising Women Making Art
Name of the proponent: Atira Women's Resource Society
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-06-09
End Date: 2004-12-31
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: The project will engage marginalized women living in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside in the preliminary development of an artisans' co-operative to provide sustainable employment.

Project number: COOP-04-102
Project title: Development of a Rural Regional Social Services Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Kootenay Boundary Regional Resources Co-operative
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-06-05
End Date: 2006-06-30
Project Funding: $93,000
Project Description: This two-year project will develop and test a co-operative of non-profit societies as an innovative response to the changing climate for non-profit social service funding and delivery. The project will focus on the establishment and strengthening of organizational infrastructure and agency capacity, the creation of efficiencies for administration by utilizing resources available within the co-operative membership, and the development of a regional service delivery mechanism that protects services for disadvantaged Canadians, preserves the autonomy and capacity of communities, and sustains the capacity of the co-operative.

Project number: COOP-04-101
Project title: Wood, Not Waste - Fraser River Log Salvage Project
Name of the proponent: Labour Environmental Alliance Society
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-06-04
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $15,000
Project Description: CDI funding will be used to develop and launch a receiving station for salvaged logs, as part of a venture of the Western Log Sort and Salvage Co-op. The project will generate income and reduce the volume of driftwood that is impacting marsh habitat and endangering boat traffic.

Project number: COOP-03-078
Project title: Joint Cooperative Development Project
Name of the proponent: Parkland Community Futures Developed Cooperatives (CFDC)
Province/Territory: Manitoba
Start Date: 2004-06-04
End Date: 2004-12-31
Project Funding: $5,000
Project Description: CDI funding will support Parkland CFDC to put in place the foundations of one or more Aboriginal cooperatives that would provide employment and contribute to an increased quality of life in Northern communities. The project will also develop a tool kit and a model that can be used by other communities to develop cooperatives.

Project number: COOP-04-093
Project title: Creating tourism opportunities through educational thematic gardens
Name of the proponent: Coop de solidarité Rocher-Percé
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-06-03
End Date: 2005-01-31
Project Funding: $27,000
Project Description: This project will support a cooperative to establish an educational garden of medicinal herbs. The garden will complement the activities of an agroecological training centre next door, serve as an interpretive and awareness-raising tool, and create tourism opportunities in an economically depressed region.

Project number: COOP-03-060
Project title: Moving to Sustainability: Car Sharing in K-W
Name of the proponent: The People's Car Co-operative Inc.
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-06-01
End Date: 2006-05-31
Project Funding: $29,953
Project Description: This project will assist a non-profit car-sharing cooperative in Kitchener-Waterloo to achieve financial sustainability. Among other activities, this will be established through membership growth, a loan program and a market feasibility study for a wheel chair accessible van.

Project number: COOP-03-027
Project title: Sharing Services: Building Sustainable Food Futures
Name of the proponent: Small Scale Food Processors Association
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-05-27
End Date: 2005-04-30
Project Funding: $75,000
Project Description: This project will support an association to pilot the creation of a new shared service co-operative in the Vancouver Island area, and implement a business plan for the co­operative. The aim is to improve the economic viability of value added activities undertaken by small-scale agri-food entrepreneurs in B.C.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-035
Project title: Yukon River Salmon Co-operative Ltd.
Name of the proponent: Yukon River Commercial Fishing Association
Province/Territory: Yukon
Start Date: 2004-04 -01
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $75,000
Project Description: The Yukon River Commercial Fishing Association proposes to establish a New Generation Co-operative (NGC) for fish processing. This project will help to develop understanding and engagement of membership to build a strong co-operative in an area with limited co-operative presence.

Project number: COOP-04-054
Project title: Coopérative d'ébénisterie et de menuiserie de Manawan
Name of the proponent: Coopérative d'ébénisterie et de menuiserie de Manawan
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-04-23
End Date: TBD?
Project Funding: $13,510
Project Description: The objective of the project is to develop a business plan to support the start-up of a cabinet making co-operative in Manawan.

Project number: COOP-03-051
Project title: The Saskatchewan First Nations Co-operative Initiative
Name of the proponent: First Nations Cooperative
Province/Territory: Saskatchewan
Start Date: 2004-04-13
End Date: 2005-05-31
Project Funding: $69,616
Project Description: Design a co-operative model that will have practical applications in First Nations on reserve communities; develop a sustainable co-operative enterprise(s) structure to meet the identified needs of the people in the six First Nations communities involved in the project and; provide outreach to other First Nations communities on the Co-operative model.

Project number: COOP-04-055
Project title: Artisans' Reintegrative Trades Initiative for Social Transformation (ARTIST) Enabling a Co-operative Structure for Incarcerated Artisans
Name of the proponent: Community Futures South Fraser
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-04-01
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $100,000
Project Description: This two-year project will develop and implement (through pilot activities) an action plan for the creation of an artisan co-operative tailored to federally incarcerated inmates. Project activities will take place in and around a medium-security federal correctional institution. Activities will include research, planning, mobilization of partners and stakeholders, establishment of the co­operative, and documentation of the process for interested parties. Participation in the co-operative will provide productive activity and skills training for inmates while in prison, and gainful employment after they are released.

Project number: COOP-03-048
Project title: Building Union Support for Community Health Care Co-operatives
Name of the proponent: Hospital Employees Union
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-04-01
End Date: 2007-03-31
Project Funding: $217,300
Project Description: This three-year project will examine and implement worker co-operative models for delivering health care services in the community. The project will research the experience of community health care co operatives in different jurisdictions, in particular to clarify how these co-operatives have worked in relationship with unions, other sectors within the health system, and with their client groups. The project will develop a not-for-profit worker co-operative in Mission, B.C. During the project, additional opportunities for applying the worker co-operative model will be identified, and two more pilot projects identified with workers who have been laid off as a result of restructuring and privatization of health services (eg. staff working in cleaning, food preparation, household maintenance). At least one co-operative will target HEU's immigrant and visible minority workers. The potential for collaborative partnerships with multi-stakeholder groups will be explored.

Project number: COOP-03-023
Project title: First Nations Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan Development Project
Name of the proponent: First Nations Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan
Province/Territory: Saskatchewan
Start Date: 2004-04-01
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $105,000
Project Description: This two-year project will focus on developing agriculture co­operatives on reserve, including grazing co-operatives and machinery co­operatives.

Project number: COOP-03-018
Project title: Development of Co-operatives Designed to Address the New Health Service Needs of the Population, as Well as Other Related Essential Needs
Name of the proponent: Conseil de la coopération du Québec
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-04-01
End Date: 2008-03-31
Project Funding: $300,000
Project Description:
This project will explore different models available for health care service delivery. It will develop case studies of existing co-operatives and a set of development tools to help in the creation of new co­operatives. This project will also test those models through a limited number of pilot projects.

Project number: COOP-03-014
Projet title: Building Innovative Cooperative Models of Community Economic Development in Immigrant and Urban Disadvantaged Communities
Name of the proponent: : Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet)
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-04-01
End Date: 2007-03-31
Project Funding: $150,000
Project Description: This national project will create new models of co-operative social enterprise to fight poverty in urban communities and assist with the settlement of recent immigrants.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-016
Project title: Increasing the role of forestry co-operatives in Quebec forestry
Name of the proponent: Conférence des cooperatives forestières du Québec
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2004-03-12
End Date: 2005-05-31
Project Funding: $50,000
Project Description: To strengthen the network of Quebec forestry co-operatives by identifying the conditions for its repositioning and consolidating business ventures and jobs; by analysing the environment of the Quebec forestry sector in which co-operatives operate; by developing a strategic reflection focusing on the network of forestry co-operatives and; by developing of an organizational model.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-034
Project title: Community Green Power Innovation Project: Supporting the Development of Sustainable Energy Co-operatives and Distributed Green Power Generation
Name of the proponent: Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA)
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-03-01
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $75,000
Project Description: Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) proposes to establish an integrated base of support for emerging green energy co-ops in Ontario and help establish community power as a viable model for green energy generation in Ontario and across Canada.

Project number: COOP-04-057
Project title: Living 40+: A strategy for placing decent, affordable housing within the reach of financially marginalized non-elderly single women.
Name of the proponents: Harriet Reid and Penny Carruthers
Province/Territory: New Brunswick
Start Date: 2004-03-11
End Date: 2004-04-30
Project Funding: $10,000
Project Description: The proponents have researched existing models of co-operatives that can assist in meeting the special housing needs of non-elderly single women.
Full Report

Project number: COOP-04-059
Project title: Innovative Co-ops in the Social Services Sector
Name of the proponent: United Community Services Co-operative Association (UCSC)
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-02-18
End Date: 2004-03-31
Project Funding: $11,400
Project Description: The project has identified key questions/problems facing social sector coops to benefit people with developmental and mental disabilities.
Full Report

Project number: COOP-03-028
Projet title: Northwest Regional Artist's Cooperative
Name of the proponent: Hecate Strait Employment Development Society
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-02-04
End Date: 2006-01-31
Project Funding: $80,000
Project Description: This project will create a regional artist's co-operative to provide coordination, assistance and support to regional artists, and a year-round sales outlet to co-op members to sell their product to cruise ship passengers and crew, destination rail tours, other tourists and the regional market.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-031
Projet title: Cochrane Affordable Assisted Home Living Coop
Name of the proponent: Nawabic Cooperative Ltd.
Province/Territory: Ontario
Start Date: 2004-02-04
End Date: 2006-03-31
Project Funding: $100,000
Project Description: The project will develop co-operative housing serviced by an umbrella co-operative of non-profit organisations and co-operatives which will provide appropriate, affordable, assisted housing to aboriginal seniors and persons with disabilities.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-038
Projet title: Southern Lakes Marketing Co-operative
Name of the proponent: Southern Lakes Marketing Cooperative
Province/Territory: Southern Yukon and Northern British Columbia
Start Date: 2004-01-16
End Date: 2005-03-31
Project Funding: $50,000
Project Description: The project will create a marketing co-operative to bring small businesses together within remote communities in a geographic region of the Yukon and northern British Columbia to seek and promote opportunities in the international tourism market, without significantly changing the face of these low-impact communities.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-025
Projet title: Pre-Commercial Value-Added/Secondary Processing
Name of the proponent: Fogo Island Co-operative - Innovative Ideas Inc.
Province/Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Start Date: 2004-01-15
End Date: 2004-03-31
Project Funding: $73,600
Project Description: This project will support market research to explore the potential for a secondary processing operation for this existing fisheries co-operative which is looking at expanding and diversifying into value added activities.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-012
Project title: Feasibility Study of an Ownership-based Co-operative Housing Formula
Name of the proponent: Fédération québécoise des coopératives d'habitation
Province/Territory: Québec
Start Date: 2003-12-03
End Date: 2005-09-30
Project Funding: $51,341
Project Description: This project involves analysing the feasibility and viability of a co-operative housing formula that offers a home ownership opportunity via undivided co-ownership by members and the co-operative, particularly in rural communities.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-003
Project title: Community Shared Agriculture and Farmers Market Pilot Project
Name of the proponent: Lake Ainslie Development Association
Province/Territory: Nova Scotia
Start Date: 2003-12-12
End Date: 2004-10-31
Project Funding: $16,393
Project Description: The pilot project is a long-term initiative that will focus on employing youth to help in the production of fresh produce for community clients, creating a farmers' market to support local food and crafts production, and developing an agri-food tourism event. The initial phase will focus on partnership-building, research and awareness, as well as the development of a business plan.
Press Release

Project number: COOP-03-007
Project title: Co-operative Care Facilities in Rural Communities
Name of the proponent: Counterflow Community Consulting Co-operative
Province/Territory: British Columbia
Start Date: 2003-12-12
End Date: 2004-11-30
Project Funding: $64,940
Project Description: A multi-disciplinary team working with two B.C. communities will develop a model for supportive housing for seniors and persons with disabilities, as well as preliminary action plans for the development of co-operative care facilities in those areas.
Press Release

Date Modified: 2006-11-30
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