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Key Activities

The Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI)

This Government of Canada program supports the growth and development of co-operatives through two program components. The Advisory Services component provides technical assistance to groups who want to start new co-ops, or who need help to manage existing ones. The Innovation and Research component provides funding support to projects that study and demonstrate how co-ops can be used successfully in new ways, with a particular focus on the following priority areas:

  • adding value to agriculture
  • access to health care and home care
  • economic development in rural, remote or northern communities
  • development of Aboriginal communities
  • integration of immigrants into Canadian communities
  • community solutions to environmental challenges
More about Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI)

Research and Policy Analysis

A key feature of the Co-operative Secretariat's mandate is to ensure that federal government policies are inclusive and supportive of the co-operative model of enterprise. This requires regular monitoring of policy, and it requires research to support policy analysis and development. In these efforts, the Secretariat works closely with the co-operative sector and with a vast array of government partners, as seen in the following overview of research and policy activities.

Survey of Co-operatives

The annual survey of Canada's 7,700 non-financial co-operatives produces statistical data on co-ops in agriculture, retail, housing, health care, service and other sectors. This information is published in the annual Co-operatives in Canada report and in other formats. Information on Canada's financial co-operatives is produced by Statistics Canada and the national organizations representing credit unions and caisses populaires.

Sector Profiles

The Secretariat conducts in-depth analysis of its statistical data to create profiles of co-operative activity in strategic policy areas - such as agriculture, health care, and aboriginal communities.

CDI and Other Research

The Secretariat will often commission studies on new or emerging sectors or on issues related to co-operative development. Recent subjects of study include co-operatives in social care, strategies for the growth of worker co-operatives, new co-operative housing options, and issues related to debt financing of agricultural co-operatives.

The Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) has also funded action-based research in areas such as senior's housing and care, development in immigrant communities, new models in health and home care delivery, and a range of economic development opportunities in rural and remote regions of Canada.

Interdepartmental Committee on Co-operatives

Composed of senior officials from 15 federal government departments and agencies, this committee plays a key role in helping the Secretariat co-ordinate and influence government policies and strategies that affect co-operatives.

More about Interdepartmental Committee on Co-operatives

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Senior Officials Responsible for Co-operatives

This group of officials meets annually to share information on policy, legislative and regulatory developments affecting co-operatives across Canada. Collaborative efforts to date between the two levels of government have helped harmonize the legislative environment for co-operatives, and helped stimulate a new era of development for co-operatives.

Date Modified: 2006-11-30
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