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Worker Co-operative Success Stories

In partnership with: The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation
August 2000


A worker co-operative's main objective is to provide employment to its members through the operation of an enterprise where control rests with its employees. Worker co-operatives have existed in many industrialized countries of Europe for over 100 years. Even though, worker co-operatives are not too common in Canada, they do have a long history: East Pubnico Co-operative, the oldest formal worker co-operative in the country, was established in Nova Scotia in 1935.

However, it was during the 1980s that worker co-operatives sprang up and took root all across Canada. Today there are 247 of them in fields as diverse as forestry, health care, restaurants, and consulting, to name a few. While the largest in terms of employment and revenues are found mainly in the forestry sector, a growing number of Canadians from all walks of life are looking at worker co-operatives as a viable economic alternative that can play a vital role in economic recovery.

Worker Co-operative Success Stories showcases some unique achievements made by these worker co-operatives in Canada. As you will see from these stories, co-operatives are actively involved in the socio-economic and community regeneration of their regions.

Date Modified: 2006-11-30
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