For the Media

News release


OTTAWA, September 24, 2004 - The Honourable Wayne Easter, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food with special emphasis on Rural Development, will host a roundtable discussion on rural priorities in Trespassey, Newfoundland and Labrador on September 27, 2004. Mr. Easter recognizes the vital role that rural communities play within our nation and is committed to ensuring that rural Canadians have their voices heard.

Community leaders and federal representatives will meet for the latest in a series of roundtable discussions on the future of rural Canada. The roundtable will focus on the issues of community capacity building, youth, infrastructure and entrepreneurship. This meeting will bring together individuals from the business and Aboriginal communities, youth organizations, government and rural and urban economic development organizations to discuss how communities can adapt and benefit from the changes affecting rural Canada. Participants will have the chance to voice their views on rural Canada, and raise other topics that are important to their communities.

"Rural communities are key to our nation's economic and social health. The Government of Canada has placed a strong emphasis on building vital and sustainable rural communities by working collaboratively with community leaders and various levels of government," said Mr. Easter. "With this in mind, we will continue to hold discussions like this upcoming roundtable, so that we can listen to rural Canadians and work with them for the betterment of rural Canada."

He added, "It is my intention that through these roundtables, the government will take the knowledge that is gained and use it to better tailor its programs and policy to support rural communities."

The Trespassey roundtable is part of a series to be held across Canada over the next several months. The session is part of the Rural Dialogue, which engages Canadians from rural, remote and northern regions in a discussion with the Government of Canada on opportunities, challenges and priorities. The Dialogue has engaged more than 16,000 Canadians who have taken the opportunity to help the government understand and react to local and regional issues since 1998. This input has helped shape the Government of Canada's rural agenda.

For more information, please contact:

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(613) 759-7972

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