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Rural Dialogue

Rural Dialogue Summary Report

Swift Current, Saskatchewan
March 1, 2005

Publication # 10046E
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2005
Cat. No. # A114-19/2005E-HTML
ISBN # 0-662-40711-3

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Table of Contents


    4.1 Sustainable Livelihoods

      4.1.1 Entrepreneurship
      4.1.2 Economic Development

    4.2 Smart Approaches to Infrastructure

      4.2.1 Social Infrastructure

    4.3 Engaged Population and Institutions

      4.3.1 Collaborative Relationships
      4.3.2 Decision-Making and Accountability
      4.3.3 Leadership Development
      4.3.4 Citizen Engagement



This report is a summary of the discussions that took place at the Youth Voices Workshop, held in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, on March 1, 2005. No limits were placed on the participants during discussions that took place in brainstorming sessions. In order to present a true report of the free-ranging discussions, recommendations made by participants that fall outside federal jurisdiction are also included. Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Government of Canada.


This event was part of the Rural Dialogue, an ongoing, two-way discussion between the Government of Canada and Canadians from rural, remote and northern regions. Launched in 1998, the Rural Dialogue is a key citizen-engagement component of the Canadian Rural Partnership (CRP). The CRP is designed to support a horizontal approach to rural development within the Government of Canada that responds to rural, remote and northern priorities. The Dialogue process helps the Government of Canada to understand local and regional priorities, and provides rural, remote and northern citizens with an opportunity to influence government policies, programs and services that affect them.

Participants (20 in attendance, 12 of which were young people between 18 and 29 years old) included but were not limited to: youth, academics, a representative of the Metis Friendship Centre, and members of the federal and provincial governments, including two representatives of Rural Team Saskatchewan.

Rural Team Saskatchewan conducted the Workshop after having reviewed the results of various consultations that had taken place with youth groups across the province over the past few years. The expectation from this workshop was the development of a concrete action plan that was designed by youth for youth for the betterment of their community.

Rural Team Saskatchewan also organized two informational meetings in Swift Current prior to the Youth Voices Workshop in order to design the Workshop's structure and establish the agenda. Community leaders, representatives from the Health Board and the local Regional College as well as youth from the Swift Current area attended both these meetings.

A number of the important issues that were raised during this event are linked to the following Government of Canada priorities identified in the February 2004 Speech From the Throne:

  • provide long-term funding for infrastructure to support quality of life and sustainable growth of communities; and
  • support regional and rural socio-economic development.

The results presented will help inform the Government of Canada on future actions, and will contribute to the proposed National Rural Framework (NRF) that will guide the actions of the federal, provincial and territorial governments. The over-arching goal of this federal-provincial-territorial collaborative effort is to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of rural communities by creating an environment which will ensure that communities and citizens have access to social and economic opportunities.

The NRF is based on five policy areas that affect community sustainability. The issues and priorities discussed at this event are presented under the relevant policy area (Section 4 of this report).


Sustainable Livelihoods

A range of activities, economic and social, that enable citizens to support themselves and their communities in the long-term and through changing circumstances.

Shared Environmental Stewardship

Recognition by governments and communities that all must share in the management, as well as share the benefits of our natural resources and healthy environment.

Smart Approaches to Infrastructure

Innovative, appropriate and effective means of planning, building, operating and maintaining physical, social and knowledge-based infrastructure that takes into consideration the rural context.

Engaged Population and Institutions

The active participation and collaboration of all citizens and their institutions in decisions that affect their community.

Demographic Adaptation

The ability of a community to accommodate, on an ongoing basis, the impacts or effects of changes in population, economics and services.


The issues and priorities discussed at this event focussed on the following policy areas: Sustainable Livelihoods; Smart Approaches to Infrastructure; and Engaged Population and Institutions. Proposed actions and solutions that could address the issues discussed are also included in this section.

4.1 Sustainable Livelihoods

4.1.1 Entrepreneurship

Participants felt that Swift Current's present focus appears to be on the attraction of large retail operations and the development of a casino. As a result, youth have the impression that opportunities in entrepreneurship, mentorship and skills training are limited. The youth in Swift Current indicated that they plan to meet with local Town Council and local education representatives to discuss their concerns and explore solutions.

4.1.2 Economic Development

Participants expressed that more focus should be placed on investing in the community, supporting small businesses and encouraging young entrepreneurs rather than focusing on major retail operations.

They indicated that they plan to meet with the local Town Council, the Regional Economic Development Authority and Action Swift Current to discuss the issues and try and develop a plan of action that would meet the needs of youth within the community.

4.2 Smart Approaches to Infrastructure

4.2.1 Social Infrastructure

Participants advised that education and skills training opportunities should be available in their communities. This would provide youth with the option to stay in their home area, and assist them in making a smooth transition into the workforce with a minimum of disruption.

Youth in the Swift Current area plan to meet with the local Regional College, Action Swift Current and the local Regional Economic Development Authority to explore the possibility of accessing additional training opportunities at the community and regional levels.

When discussing health issues, many participants felt that improvements were needed in the area of health and preventative services, particularly related to HIV/AIDS education and testing, as well as addiction prevention. The participants indicated that many of the issues or problems require long-term solutions since these cannot be resolved quickly. As such, they would like to work with the Health Authority to find solutions that would be in the best interest of the residents in their community.

4.3 Engaged Population and Institutions

4.3.1 Collaborative Relationships

Participants felt that additional partnerships were needed to launch new collaborative or common policies and programs that are acceptable to the community as a whole.

Youth from Swift Current would like an opportunity to demonstrate that they are responsible and care about their community, and more importantly, that they have something positive to contribute. Their immediate concerns are in the following areas: youth culture, the economic situation of youth, education, health, and justice.

Participants indicated that building blocks should be established and barriers removed to address these issues. Plans are already underway for youth to meet with local and Regional officials to further discuss the issues.

4.3.2 Decision-Making and Accountability

Participants strongly felt that greater transparency from all sides would lead to better understanding by all parties of the various issues facing the community. For example, youth want to know why and how decisions are made. They also felt that local leaders did not fully understand or appreciate their point of view. Plans have already been put in place by the participants to meet with the local Town Council to explain and clarify what youth feel they could contribute to the community.

4.3.3 Leadership Development

Participants clearly indicated that leadership development was a key factor to the future sustainability of any community or region.

Youth in Swift Current feel very isolated from their community which is well-established and has well-established committees. Generally, youth are not part of these committees and it is not for their lack of trying. They believe that the future of any community lies with its youth.

They would like an opportunity to express their feelings but also to contribute to the community. Their engagement would provide them opportunities to receive training and be mentored. The community could also develop leadership programs that are custom made to fit the opportunities provided to youth.

To that end the participants have already established plans to meet with local officials to discuss their concerns and to put forward options and solutions to enhance leadership development.

4.3.4 Citizen Engagement

Participants clearly viewed ongoing citizen engagement as an essential element to maintaining and improving the social well being of the citizens of Swift Current, including of the surrounding communities.

They advised that youth presently feel very frustrated and not valued. They would like an opportunity to be heard by the residents of the community, and would like to contribute. Participants expressed that youth have a choice to stay in the community since it is their home and where they want to be.

Participants indicated there is a wealth of resources and expertise in the community and they would like to develop these resources to their fullest potential.

They felt that ways should be found to bring all parties together for the full benefit of the community. Participants have already established plans to meet with local officials to further explore the issues.


The Youth Voices Workshop was a great opportunity for youth from Swift Current and surrounding area to express their views and to let people know how they felt about small town Saskatchewan. It was also an opportunity for the participants to build links between the local Health Board, the Regional College, and Action Swift Current (an economic development organization).

The participants were satisfied with the overall event and agreed that it met their expectations. They did, however, offer a suggestion as a possible area to improve the event. The event should have been longer (e.g. two days) and have included resource people (e.g. Royal Canadian Mounted Police, health professionals) to answer questions related to health and justice issues.

They welcomed and appreciated the opportunity to discuss their concerns, share their feelings and explore the opportunities as they presented themselves. They also made it very clear that this event was the beginning of a process which they very much want to drive. Participants felt they had something to offer and very much wanted to be part of the solution and not the problem, as their future would also be affected.

One of the key messages the participants conveyed was that in order to attract young people to communities, people should listen to what they have to say and work with them since youth are the future.

While participants had many concerns and issues, they only raised the ones which they requested be addressed. These were in the following areas: health, education, transparency in decision-making, communication, community involvement, culture, sports and recreation, the arts, and entrepreneurship.

In support of the Swift Current youth, the Rural Secretariat's Regional Advisor for Saskatchewan agreed to return to Swift Current in two months to review the local progress and provide assistance wherever possible. In addition, the Regional Advisor plans to conduct a Saskatchewan Rural Team meeting in Swift Current to support the local youth.

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Date Modified: 2005-06-14