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2000-2001  2001-2002 

Canadian Agricultural Rural Communities Initiative (CARCI)

2000-2001 Projects

Northern Exposure Gift Company
This partnership project will develop a working model for a marketing company that will assist regional entrepreneurs to become self sufficient by introducing their gift-ware products into regional, provincial, national and international marketplaces.
Funding Approved: $60,000

This partnership project will create a community network of agricultural and small, value-added agricultural businesses. The network, called AgraRoots, will assist small businesses in effectively competing within the regional agricultural marketplace.
Funding Approved: $40,200

Grow Young Locally
This partnership project will determine whether the idea of encouraging youth to work on the land to produce vegetables and other crops is feasible and realistic. It has the goal of bringing the community together to provide youth with shorter term options, in addition to providing the local region with much needed fresh produce.
Funding Approved: $16,900

Fields and Forests 2000
This conference brought community members into an Agroforestry partnership to identify opportunities that will augment income and create employment in the Comox Valley, Campbell River and Powell River coastal regions of British Columbia.
Funding Approved: $10,000

Chilliwack Agricultural Conference "Viability Through Opportunity"
This conference was designed to create an awareness of Chilliwack as a potential location for a self-sustaining Farmer's Market that reflects the area's uniqueness and provides a community gathering place for local cultural expression. This conference also provided valuable information to the farming community regarding issues such as Genetically Modified Organisms, organic farming regulations, estate planning and Agri-Tourism.
Funding Approved: $10,000

Developing and Strengthening Microprocessing in the Food Sector in British Columbia
This workshop was designed to build transferable skills and knowledge in those rural communities interested in developing and strengthening microprocessing in the food sector in British Columbia. It also brought together practising and future microprocessors, organizations developing or operating incubator kitchens or programs for microprocessors, local economic developers, representatives from the marketplace and other food industry experts to develop skills and knowledge in local rural communities.
Funding Approved: $18,901


Needs Assessment, Promotion and Awareness of Value – Added Agriculture Opportunities in the Peace Region
The objective of this partnership project is to identify, catalogue and quantify the competitive advantages and feasibility of developing the value-added agriculture sector (processing and diversification) in the Peace Region.
Funding Approved: $60,000

Partnership with Alberta Children's Services, Your Choice – Your Voice Regional Youth Forums
This partnership project provided an avenue for youth across Alberta to discuss youth issues and come up with concrete action plans in their community.
Funding Approved: $60,000

Economic Development Association of Canada/Economic Developers
Association of Alberta - Annual General Meeting and Conference This conference provided skill enhancement to rural economic development professionals regarding a number of best practices, assisted community economic development organizations achieve their goal and objectives relating to economic sustainability in rural areas, and provided information on new processes outside of the traditional economic development box.
Funding Approved: $20,000

Building Rural Tourism Conference
This conference addressed issues that surround the development of tourism opportunities in rural regions. The focus of the conference was on empowering communities to shape their own solutions for sustainability through the exploration of rural tourism as a diversification option.
Funding Approved: $20,000


Emergency Services in Rural Saskatchewan
This partnership project will identify and confirm the specific emergency telecommunication needs of the rural area served by the Carlton Trail REDA to ensure a reasonable coverage area is reached in a cost effective manner that will enable a variety of small and large scale emergencies to be handled effectively. Enhanced emergency services will benefit all residents within the area, including the farming community, with improvements to service capabilities for incidents such as farm related accidents, stubble and equipment fires, etc.
Funding Approved: $11,950

Women Helping Family Farms Prosper
The objectives of this conference, being held in six rural communities in Saskatchewan, are to build the capacity of rural women and to educate them on the new technology and the issues facing a rapidly changing agricultural industry. It will also fill the information gap by reaching rural women and providing them with the information necessary to overcome the challenges facing rural communities.
Funding Approved: $15,000

Economic Forum and Founding Convention of the Fransaskois Agricultural Producers
This conference was designed to demonstrate the practical application of, and improve the use of new information and telecommunication technologies to fransaskois agricultural producers. It encouraged and facilitated entrepreneurship and the development of new tools to encourage community development within the agriculture sector.
Funding Approved: $10,000

I.T. Works – Information Technology Works to Capture Opportunities in Agriculture, Business and Communities and Access Saskatchewan: Beyond Connectedness
This conference allowed participants to share valuable information regarding how to create success in agriculture, business, and communities by fully utilizing information technology, and learn from and network with IT leaders that will provide models for success.
Funding Approved: $10,000

Partnering with the Media to Strengthen Your Community
This conference engaged community developers in an exploration of the relationship between the media and rural and urban community development processes.
Funding Approved: $3,862


Provencher in the New Millennium
This conference aimed to identify the barriers and opportunities with respect to establishing a secondary processing industry for agricultural products. Speakers focussed on accessing capital and programs, and identifying the challenges faced by the industry in the area.
Funding Approved: $4,818

Manitoba Farm Women's Conference
This conference gave farm women knowledge and skills that they took back to their communities. It empowered farm women to feel that they can have an impact and make a difference, not only on their own farms, but within their communities.
Funding Approved: $4,825

Agri-Food Leaders Conference Transitions 2001
This conference examined major issues and challenges that will impact agri-food industry in the future. Five key issues were focused on: an international perspective of farming beyond 2000; building strategic alliances; agriculture environmental sustainability and food safety; adding value in the new economy where opportunity is found; and, the role and impact of e-commerce on agri-food business
Funding Approved: $10,000

Rural Forum 2001 This conference brought Manitobans (youth, community and business leaders) from agricultural rural communities together to learn through a variety of seminars and workshops on community, business and professional development topics; to network and share ideas; to showcase their communities, organizations and businesses; and, to celebrate community success stories.
Funding Approved: $10,000

Rural Adaptation and Succession Support Program
The objectives of this research project are to establish effective program planning and development that will enable farm families to address income and succession concerns while remaining in their communities. It will also support efforts by agricultural rural communities in sustainable development by diversifying their economy and by developing value-added enterprise.
Funding Approved: $50,000


Building Partnerships Among Rural Organizations – The Ontario Rural Council (TORC)
This Rural Coordination Organization project will support the coordination of TORC's efforts in order to continue their work in expanding the partnerships initiated through existing groups. It will build partnership-based working groups and task forces to respond to, undertake and share the analysis and outcomes of emerging and current rural issues.
Funding Approved: $240,000 over three years

Mentoring for Rural Organizations The purpose of this partnership project is to develop the mentoring skills of board members who agree to mentor young people. These board members will provide the mentees with knowledge of the mandate and operation of the participating organizations. The links are strong between the agriculture sector, youth and rural communities.
Funding Approved: $39,000

Building the Capacity of 4-H in Ontario
This partnership project is a three-pronged approach to build the capacity of the 4-H Ontario organization. It will include Board of Governance and Strategic Planning, Volunteer Development and Communications.
Funding Approved: $27,500

Managing Excellence
A conference to enhance the capacity of all of the 22 member organizations, who form the Ontario Agriculture Human Resource Council (OAHRC), to better respond to human resource issues.
Funding Approved: $20,000

Connections 2000
This conference focussed on professional development, marketing opportunities, and business growth strategies. The topics were designed to address the specific needs of the agricultural rural community, such as on-farm alternative income-generation options and diversifying on- and off-farm employment opportunities.
Funding Approved: $10,000

Rural Ontario 2000: What's in it for You
This forum identified and addressed current rural issues faced by communities within the global context. Sessions addressed the crisis in agricultural rural communities by discussing employment, investment, economic development and youth retention in agricultural rural communities.
Funding Approved: $20,000

Capacity Enhancing Workshops
Through a series of workshops, this project focussed on building the capacity of the organization through the development of the volunteer sector. These workshops developed the skills and capacity of the 4H volunteer sector and, as such, enhanced and built the capacity of the 4H Ontario organization.
Funding Approved: $12,250

Pathways to Rural Sustainability
This conference and follow-through work were developed using "Learning for a Sustainable Future" (LSF). This particular conference was the one rural institute of nine institutes being organized across Ontario under the LSF.
Funding Approved: 20,000


Solidarité rurale du Québec
This Rural Coordination Organization project will support the work of Solidarité rurale du Québec (SRQ) in its efforts to produce descriptive and analytical tools for rural communities facing development problems.
Funding Approved: $240,000 over three years

4th National Conference on Agri-Tourism
This symposium helped participating businesses consolidate their knowledge and broaden their business perspective. Agri-tourism stakeholders came from all regions of Québec, France and the United States, to share various experiences in the development of rural communities.
Funding Approved: $10, 700

1st Canadian Conference on Community Support Agriculture
This symposium provided the opportunity to exchange and discuss Community Supported Agriculture(CSA) projects; to help young farmers who want to develop CSA projects in their communities; facilitate networking between CSA projects in Québec and the rest of Canada; to foster the development and growth of CSA projects as an emerging market in Québec and Canada, specifically by promoting them to decision-making and institutional authorities at various levels; and, to promote public involvement in CSA projects.
Funding Approved: $20,000

Farm Women, Present!
This symposium encouraged farm women to increase their presence and influence at various levels of authority, not only in their area of activity (Union des producteurs agricoles, cooperatives, sectorial issue groups, agri-food discussion groups, etc.) but also in their community (municipalities, school boards, caisses populaires, etc.).
Funding Approved: $20,000

Village Fair
The Foire des villages was organized by Solidarité rurale du Québec (SRQ) on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the rural symposium "États généraux du monde rural". Its primary objective was to reinforce the demographic structure of rural communities in order to have a positive impact on the delivery of services in these communities.
Funding Approved: $17,116

Provincial information and consulting tour of agri-tourism enterprises and stakeholders
The main objective of "la Fédération des Agricotours du Québec" (FAQ) was to consult with the agr-tourism industry via this tour on the big lines of its global development plan and to solicit their support.
Funding Approved: $5,250


Atlantic Micro Credit Conference
This conference raised more awareness of micro-credit's potential as a tool to create employment and to build the capacity for community-based business development in Atlantic Canada. Micro lending is more predominant in resource-based rural communities such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
Funding Approved: $15,000

Piper Project
This conference brought various community stakeholders together to develop partnerships and discuss issues and concerns regarding sustainable development issues facing their rural community. The conference identified acceptable solutions, developed an action plan and created Regional Councils with the ability to implement the action plan.
Funding Approved: $19,300

Rural/Farm Child Care Research Project
The objective of this research project is to review the impact of national, provincial and regional programs and services on child care in rural New Brunswick and its farm population from 1990 to 2000, followed by a detailed comprehensive rural/farm child care survey in New Brunswick. Through the final report and survey results, clear recommendations will be made in regard to further action planning and possible implementation of a pilot model for New Brunswick that could also be adopted regionally in neighbouring Atlantic provinces.
Funding Approved: $10,500


What is Right for Nova Scotia? – A Community-Based Solution
The purpose of this partnership project is to bring together a diverse group of farmer/forest stakeholders to assemble information on harvesting practices within Nova Scotia including the economic, environmental and social benefits and implications of these practices.
Funding Approved: $25,000


Building Capacity in Agricultural Communities
The objectives of this research project are to provide systematic, comparable information regarding the response of producers, organizations, businesses and households to the transitions in agriculture; to answer questions critical to understanding these transitions; to build local capacity to choose and take appropriate action in light of these understandings; and, to establish collaboration opportunities with regional, national and international networks.
Funding Approved: 50,000

12th Annual National Rural Policy Conference
The overall goal and activity of this conference was to focus researchers, community, local government and economic development officials on the topic of the New Rural Economy: Options and Choices by holding a National Conference in a rural milieu.
Funding Approved: $20,000


Total for 2000-2001 :
40 Projects for a total of $1,288,054
Date Modified : 2004-12-04