Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) is a farmer-run, non-profit organization representing approximately 1,100 Ontario chicken farmers.  If you are looking for information on the chicken industry in Ontario you’ve come to
the right place.  This site features information and links of interest to consumers, chicken farmers and the general public.
What's New

Ontario Chicken Farmer Featured in “Faces of Farming” Calendar
Read the news article from The Minto Express (Palmerston, ON) about the official unveiling of the 2007 Faces of Farming calendar and affiliated art exhibition that took place Nov. 7 at the Ontario AgriCentre.  CFO's own Lawrence Drost is one of this year's pinups....read the article

CFO Holds 5th Chicken Day at Queen's Park
The Chicken Farmers of Ontario annual “Chicken Day” at Queen’s
Park, held on Wednesday, October 18th, showed once again that Ontario
MPPs are firmly behind our poultry farmers....find out why

Queen's Park's Favourite Chicken Recipes
CFO asked Premier Dalton McGuinty, the leaders of both opposition parties, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Agriculture critics to share their favourite chicken recipes with us....get the recipes

of interest to producers...

OFFSAP Audit Approaching?
Check out CFO's Top 10 Most Frequent Corrective Action Request Items. Find out those items most often identified as issues in audits and prepare for these beforehand. You'll save yourself the time and aggravation of having to look after these in a follow-up audit....read the list now

Are you informed about Pigeon Paramyxovirus-1? You need to be!
Log in to the Producer only section of the website to get up-to-date information from OMAFRA on new isolations of the Pigeon Paramyxovirus-1. This information is especially important to poultry producers who also have contact with pigeon operations...click here to log in to the Producer only section

Important Reminder!
Do you live in the 519 area? Avoid alarm system failure! Reprogram now!
To meet the growing demand for new telephone numbers, dialing 10 digits for local calls became mandatory in the 519 region on October 14, 2006...you need to know

Log In to the Producer Only Section of the Website
Here you will find information for Registered CFO producers only....log in now