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What is the Agricultural Products Marketing Council

 Our mandate | History | Members and staff

Our Mandate

The Agricultural Products Marketing Council is a Crown corporation established by the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act. The Act charges Council with the responsibility of facilitating the establishment and supervising the operations of agricultural boards and commissions in Alberta.

"Our Mission, in administering the legislation, is to facilitate the creation, development, and implementation of frameworks that enable producer organizations as well as agriculture-based industry chains to pursue prosperous, sustainable, and market-responsible businesses.

Council is in the business of fostering effective agricultural commodity organizations within the province of Alberta. Its central roles are to facilitate the creation and the amendment of appropriate infrastructures for producer organizations wishing to use the legislation. Council must also, in a resolute and just manner, oversee the ongoing operations of the existing boards and commissions.

There are currently 20 producer commodity groups which operate boards or commissions under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act. A complete listing of these organizations, including a brief summary of their primary function or purpose, and a link to their website, may be found under Boards and Commissions.


    The Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council was established in 1965 through enactment of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act. The legislation charges the Marketing Council with responsibility for facilitating establishment of agricultural boards and commissions, and for supervising their operations.

    In 1972, the Minister of Agriculture expanded the number of members of the Council to eight and reviewed its terms of reference to be consistent with the Government of Alberta's and the Department's policies for the marketing of agricultural products. The new Council placed more emphasis on supporting Alberta's marketing boards and commissions in their marketing roles.

    The Act was amended again in 1987, to better reflect the challenges of working in an increasingly complex agricultural industry and to better serve the growing and developing commodity organizations that operate under this legislation.

    Members and Staff

    Council members:
    There are currently seven members of Council. Most are farmers or ranchers who represent a range of farm commodities and have their businesses located throughout the province. The members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for three year terms, to a maximum of two consecutive terms.

    • Don Macyk (Chairman). Appointed to Council in 2004. Is in partnership with family members in a farming business and provides management consultancy and associate services to a number of private and public sector clients in western Canada. Has held a number of senior roles in government in the past 20 years in the areas of international marketing and development, research and commercialization, policy, rural development.
    • Michelle Follensbee. Appointed to Council in 2004, as representative for Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Current head of Pork, Poultry and Dairy Branch, Livestock Development Division. Also represents the department on the Alberta Poultry Research Centre Advisory Committee.
    • Reg Ference. Appointed to Council in 2002. A chicken producer near Black Diamond. Past Board member for the Alberta Chicken Producers, as well as a national director for the Chicken Farmers of Canada.
    • Ken Jersch. Appointed to Council in 2002. Operates a mixed-farm (including cow-calf, feeder cattle and farrow-to-finish hog enterprises) near Westlock. Past director for the Alberta Cattle Commission, and a current associate of the Rural Crime Watch Association.
    • Klaas Slomp. Appointed to Council in 2002. Partner in a diversified farming operation that encompasses dairying, cattle feeding and ranching. Past director of the Alberta Milk Producers Association and the Lethbridge Milk Producers Association, as well as a United Grain Growers delegate.
    • Doris Ludlage. Appointed to Council in 2006. A hatching egg and pork producer near Elk Point. Past director for Alberta Hatching Egg Producers.
    • Kenton Ziegler. Appointed to Council in 2006. A grain producer near Beiseker from a family that has farmed in Alberta for 100 years. Past director and chair for the Alberta Canola Producers Commission.
    Appeal Tribunal members:
    • Marvin Moore. Appointed to the Appeal Tribunal in 2001. Raises bison on a ranch near Debolt. Served for almost 30 years in provincial politics, including Minister of Agriculture. Currently a director of The Peace Country Classic Agrishow and trustee of the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Science and Engineering Research.
    • Frank Spanbauer. Appointed to the Appeal Tribunal in 2003. Served on the Agricultural Products Marketing Council from 1989 to 1995. Farmed in the Barnwell district and now living in Lethbridge. Was actively involved with the Alberta Pulse Growers, Alberta Soft Wheat Producers and the Taber Seed Cleaning Plant. Was instrumental in the development of the GRIP and NISA programs and the Alberta Farm Credit Stability Program.
    • George Schoepp. Appointed to the Appeal Tribunal in 2003. Is the owner/operator of Tri-S Farms Ltd. in Stony Plain. Served on the Marketing of Agricultural Products Council from 1996 to 2002. Has been involved in national, provincial and community organizations including the Alberta Cattle Commission, Canadian Cattlemen's Association, Canada Farm Employment Centre and Alberta Wheat Pool. Was a member of the Alberta Government Regulatory Review Committee and the Appeals Board - Special Programs (Crow Benefit).
    • Harry Schudlo. Appointed to the Appeal Tribunal in 2003. Has been farming for the past 25 years near Sexsmith. Is currently a member of the Alberta Grain Commission and the Agriculture Hall of Fame Selection Committee. Served as a member and vice-chairman of the Agricultural Products Marketing Council from 1989 to 1995. Has been involved with the Northern Alberta Rapeseed Processors, Sexsmith Seed Cleaning Plant, Alberta Canola Growers Advisory Board and United Farmers of Alberta Advisory Board. Also served as a councillor for the town of Sexsmith, deputy reeve for the County of Grande Prairie and trustee for the Peace Wapiti School Board.
    • Jackson Gardner, General Manager
    • Mike Pearson, Manager, Corporate Affairs
    • Len Fullen, Manager, Projects and Policy
    • Freda Molenkamp, Manager, Projects and Policy
    • Maryann Urbanowski, Regulatory Administrative Officer
    • Sherry Wallbank, Office Administrator
      For more information about the content of this document, contact Len Fullen.
    This document is maintained by Maryann Urbanowski.
    This information published to the web on February 12, 2003.
    Last Reviewed/Revised on November 10, 2006.

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