About Us
Headquartered in the nation's capital, the Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA) represents the interests of 138 corporate members engaged in all aspects of seed research, production and marketing, both domestically and internationally. 

Read more: About Us, Our Mission, Our Core Values, and Seed Industry Fast Facts.

List of Corn Hybrids
Find a current list of all of the hybrids commercially available in Canada....Complete List

Trade Statistics
The latest Seed Trade Statistics are now available. These stats provide numbers on seed imports and exports from July 2005 to June 2006....More Details

Market Choices
An industry-wide initiative to help growers and grain handlers clearly identify non-EU approved corn hybrids....More Details

National Forum on Seed
An industry-wide body that facilitates broad consultation and consensus building on all proposals for seed policy or regulatory change....More Details